When a huge amount of cultivation came out of the chief elder's body, Jin Guang even made his eyebrows red!

Immediately afterwards, his figure began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One hour, two hours.......

When the time came to the fifth hour, I saw that the chief elder's body was already shaking, and his face was as thin as a skeleton.

"Great Elder, come down, and come on for me!" an elder cried out sadly.

But the chief elder showed a relief smile on his face, shook his head, and then tried to open his dim gaze, looked at the black clouds that gathered in the sky, and whispered: "I'm not a disciple, this It's the only thing I can do!"

After that, he slowly closed his eyes, and a bright golden light shot straight into the sky from the top of his head.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked.

An elder looked up, and whispered with a dull expression: "Elder, this is... to explode!"

The voice just fell.

I saw the body of the chief elder suddenly disintegrating, releasing a huge amount of golden light from it, condensing into a huge talisman on the sky, and then hitting the black cloud in the distant sky.


With a loud noise, a huge amount of black clouds were directly evaporated to nothing by this talisman seal.

And there was a demon howl from it.

"Asshole, aren't you people of Taoism all lunatics? Why do you explode at every turn?"

Following this violent roar, everyone at Jinding Pavilion bowed and shouted in a choked voice, "Send the Great Elder!"

Immediately afterwards, there was an elder who took over the position of chief elder without hesitation.

The standoff continues!

The black cloud condensed again, and then the figure of the demon appeared from it. He looked at the scene in the Golden Ding Pavilion and sneered a few times gloomily.

"Tsk tusk, it's really admirable courage, actually relying on human lives to maintain the mountain protection formation! Well, then I will see how many lives you can fill!"

The words are full of arrogance and pride.

No one paid any attention to his provocation.

All the people in the Golden Ding Pavilion were silent.

The monster laughed a little bit of a joke, and just wanted to continue to say a few provocative words, just at this moment, but seeing the sky from far away, several sword lights suddenly appeared.

This sword light came extremely fast, but it had already cut through the layers of black mist before rushing to the front.

The demon shook his whole body and exclaimed, "Sword repair?"

With that, he turned around and wanted to run.

But at this moment, I only heard a cold drink from the front sword light.

"Monster, where to run!"

With this shout, I saw a bright sword light slashing past, and instantly penetrated the body of this demon.

The demon gave a terrible cry and was split into two.

But then the two halves of the ghosts wanted to escape from left to right.

Nian Xuexin screamed, "Sword Ruoxueyi!"


Countless fragments of sword glow scattered like snowflakes, directly covering this demon.

"Mingxin Palace, aren't you gang of sword lunatics trapped by Mietian Lock? How could they run out?" The demon howled unwillingly.

"Huh! By the side, you want to trap grandma and me too?" Nian Xuexin raised her eyebrows and shook her palm lightly.

Just listen to a loud noise.

The demon was killed.

Nian Xuexin was very excited, because this was the first time she had slayed a demon, so she was naturally very happy.

"Big brother, do you think my sword was powerful just now?"

Tian Yuanqing nodded pettingly, "Awesome!" But he didn't mention the sword intent that he had just secretly restrained the demon ghost.

Nian Xuexin happily began to slay these demon spirits.

At this time, everyone at Jinding Pavilion also saw the scene just now.

When they saw the people from Mingxin Palace, they couldn't help but cheer.

When the chief elder died, the second elder flew up, and said to Tian Yuanqing across a large formation.

"The second elder of Jinding Pavilion, I have seen fellow Taoists in Mingxin Immortal Palace!"

Tian Yuanqing smiled and gave a salute, but his eyes swept across the entire Golden Ding Pavilion. Although the Golden Ding Pavilion was slightly dilapidated, the disciples of the disciples were calm, and it was rare that they were not perished in this catastrophe. Take a high look.

"I have seen the second elder, I am Tian Yuanqing, the major disciple of Mingxin Palace. I was ordered by my master to go out to explore the situation of the catastrophe, but along the way, the other great caves and heavens have all been destroyed. Fortunately, the noble faction is still there. !"

The second elder nodded, and said solemnly: "But I don't know if Daoist Tian can go to Xiangsiyuan? What is the situation of those Daoists who participated in the Taoist Grand Contest?"

Tian Yuanqing shook his head, "Because Acacia Garden is the farthest away, we have not yet gone! But now that the cave sky here has recovered, we have to go and find out!"

Hearing these words, the second elder turned around and looked at the crowd with searching eyes.

The many elders in Jinding Pavilion understood each other, and then nodded one after another.

"This calamity is no trivial matter. Instead of sitting here and waiting for death, it is better to follow the fellow Taoists of Mingxin Immortal Palace to Acacia Garden to find out, so as to save my head and others!"

These elders reached a consensus in an instant.

After hearing what everyone said, Tian Yuanqing was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded solemnly.

He knew very well that even though he and the senior brothers and sisters were both good at strength, it was completely unknown what enemy was in front of him.

Although the strength of the elders of the Golden Ding Pavilion is not too high, the number of people is always more powerful!

Especially in this crisis, we should cooperate sincerely.

"Okay, then we will set off immediately!" Tian Yuanqing replied in a deep voice.

For a time, the brilliance of the Jinding Pavilion was everywhere.

Because Jinguangdongtian was considered to be temporarily safe, only some people were left to look after the house, and the rest all flew up and followed Tian Yuanqing and the others to Xiangsi Garden.

Because the journey is far away and the Taoism of Jinding Pavilion is not good at driving, Tian Yuanqing also attached a sword intent to everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to help them on the way.

Acacia Garden.

Baihan, who had already aged a lot, vomited blood again.

This is the demon ghost trying to break through the mountain protection formation, but under her control, it once again stubbornly survived.

During this time, Bai Han has become the backbone of the entire Acacia Garden.

If it hadn't been for her efforts to maintain, it might have been broken by the demon.

But this also made Baihan pay a great price.

For example, she now looks like a middle-aged woman in her 40s or 50s.

This is the reason for forcibly overdrawing too many cultivation bases, causing damage to the fundamental vitality.

But at this moment, Bai Han has not cared so much. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, spit out a **** saliva, and laughed at herself.

"I didn't expect that one day I could vomit blood and get used to it!"

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