Xue An just used the soul search technique to directly search Yu Lang's memory.

   Surprisingly, Xue An did not find any clues about An Yan in Yu Lang's memory.

   The only thing that can be connected is that two years ago, Yu Yang had followed Yu Ming to attend a Fairy Gate Conference.

   Other than that, this Yu Yang has never been outside Lingnan.

Yu Lang was taken aback, and then said: "This Fairy Gate Conference, as the name suggests, is a gathering of various hermit sects, usually once every two years. It is all attended by young masters of various martial arts and aristocratic families, and at this Fairy Gate Conference , Will compete for the ranking on the jade list."

   Yubang, hermit sect...

   These names moved Xue An's heart.

   "When will the next Fairy Gate Conference be held?"

   "There are more than two months left! And this year's Fairy Gate Conference will be held in Lingnan!"

   Xue An's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded, "Got it!"

   The matter was over, everyone dispersed.

   And when these people left, the expressions on their faces were very complicated.

   Although they and the Yu family may have conflicts and dissatisfaction in one way or another, after all, Yu Yuanyi has sheltered Lingnan for so many years with one person and one sword.

   Today, the sword fairy fell, still people can't help but feel full of emotion.

  The opposite is that Xue An, with an extremely domineering attitude, overwhelmed everyone, and came to Lingnan.

   Everyone knows that the sky in Lingnan has changed!

   There are still many people secretly aiming at Xue An before leaving, wondering if they can go and get a close now.

   But there is one person who is shaking all over with fright now, even dare not even look up.

   Yes, it is Yang Xudong.

  He is full of regret and fear now.

   If he knew Xue An was so powerful, he wouldn't dare to provoke him to death.

   Now he can only pray silently in his heart, praying that Xue An has forgotten himself.

   Xue An naturally remembered him, but he just didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of bug-like existence.

   He picked up his two daughters, turned and left.

  As soon as he left, all the people in the Yu family took a breath.

   Yu Lang picked up the broken wooden sword sadly. This was the only thing Yu Yuanyi left behind.

   Everyone was silent.

   The dull atmosphere weighed on everyone's heart.

   Yu Ran sighed quietly, wondering what it was like.

   This man attracted her with mystery at first, but in the end he conquered his family with great strength.

   At this time, Yu Ming said grimly: "I will avenge my ancestor in the future..."


   Yu Ming who slapped the fan was stunned.

   "Father, why are you hitting me?"

   Yu Lang looked at him with a stern face, "Beating you is to make you sober, and the ancestors desperately died to win the opportunity, and you can't let you ruin it for nothing."

   Yu Ming is still a little unconvinced.

   Yu Lang sighed, "If it wasn't for the ancestor who trapped this man with words at the end, do you think he would let our Yu family go?"

   Yu Ming said nothing.

"And even if he let it go, I don’t know how many people look at our Yu family in secret, just because the ancestor was there and no one dared to move. Now when the ancestor goes, they will show their fangs, you think, Just relying on you and me, can you afford this huge Yu family?"

   Yu Ming's face turned pale.

   Yu Lang lowered his eyes and said in pain: "I hate him more than anyone else, but I know better that if the Yu family wants to continue to exist, they can only surrender to him!"

   Yu Lang deserves to be the owner of the house. Although he was a little angry at the beginning, he quickly saw the situation.

   Then Yu Lang raised his head and looked at his daughter Yu Ran.

   Yu Ran was a little flustered by his father.

   "Ran, how did you meet this Mr. Xue?"

   I recounted the story roughly.

   Yu Lang was silent for a while after listening, and then said: "I understand, in the future, you don't have to worry about your home, stay with Mr. Xue more!"

   I was taken aback.

  Father... what does this mean?

   Yu Ming gritted his teeth and bowed his head in silence.

   "Will he...will stay long in Lingnan?" Yu Ran asked timidly.

   "Not for the time being, at least, he will wait for the Fairy Gate Conference to be held before leaving." Yu Lang said softly.

   Will the person you are looking for appear at the Fairy Gate Conference? Yu Lang thought in his heart.

   After a busy day, Tan Xiaoyu took out his phone and opened the martial arts forum.

   This is already her daily habit.

   And now she is also very famous in the martial arts forum.

   Many people know that she is not only a girl, but also the successor of Zhenbei Wuguan.

   These two identities have gained a lot of fans for her.

   But in the past two days, Tan Xiaoyu has always been a little restless.

   It has been four or five days since Xue An left Beijiang.

   And today is the seven-day period.

  Will the sword slashing the Yu family he said happen?

   Tan Xiaoyu was full of worry.

   After all, this time is different from the previous solo fights. This time, one person is alone against a martial arts family.

   After opening the forum, Tan Xiaoyu was stunned.

   Because the headline is a post.

   "The sword fairy Yu Yuan died when he broke his sword. Mr. Xue came to Lingnan. How high was his cultivation? 》

   This amazing title is still bolded in bold, which is very conspicuous.

   Tan Xiaoyu took a deep breath, shaking hands and tapping away.

This post was posted by a friend who lives in Lingnan, and this humanistic writing is not bad. Xue An attended the birthday dinner, and then defeated Yu Lang, the head of the Yu family, and defeated Yu Ming with a single sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ups and downs of Yu Yuanyi's fist killing Yu Yuanyi is extremely exciting.

   Tan Xiaoyu saw her heart surging, and after reading it, she was shocked when she saw the following posts.

   "I won't grab the sofa on the second floor today, because Mr. Xue is too awesome."

   "Mom, the host should write a novel, otherwise he would be too talented! Mr. Xue is really awesome!"

   "I said earlier that this Mr. Xue is not an ordinary person, you still don't believe it!"

   "Fart on the third floor, your posting record clearly shows that you are not optimistic about this action."

   "Who knows Mr. Xue's contact information, I want to go to a teacher and wait online!"

   "Same request, I would like to pay one million tuition fees!"

   "A local tyrant appeared upstairs!"

   "Assassin, a millionaire wants to worship Mr. Xue as a teacher? That can kill the existence of a half-step longevity, and one million is probably not enough for someone to look at you."

   This post reached the top of the most searched version in just over an hour.

   Tan Xiaoyu also left a message with excitement.

   "Like Mr. Xue!"

   After a while, someone replied to her.

   "I wipe, see what I caught?"

   "Sister Xiao Yu, you finally showed up, you want to kill me!"

   "Shame on upstairs!"

   "Xiao Yu, I heard that you are also from Beijiang, do you know this Mr. Xue?"

   "Yes! I remember sister Xiao Yu once said that she knew this Mr. Xue!"

   "Gosh! Hurry up and hug your thighs!"

   "Pervert, but I want to hug it too!"

   Tan Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, but after thinking about it, he replied.

   "Of course I know Mr. Xue!"

   When writing this passage, Tan Xiaoyu suddenly felt that he was so proud!

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