The expressions on both of them are wonderful.

Ren Tianyun's eyes were full of murderous intent, but the whole person became very calm, just standing quietly.

But Tan Feiwen was full of anger.

Soon, she took a deep breath, raised her head and said coldly at Xue An.

"Your Excellency is so reckless, do you really think I have no ghost clan?"

Xue An smiled, but there was a bit of chill in his smile.

"Whoever wants to behave? These four words should be the most suitable for you ghost race!"

A deep murderous intent flashed in Tan Feiwen's eyes, but she nodded immediately.

"Very good! Since your Excellency thinks so, then we have nothing to say, there will be a period later!"

After that, she turned around and left.

Ren Tianyun also took a deep look at Xue An, sneered, and turned around to leave.

For their direct descendants who came from an ancient wealthy family, they would not only receive training in cultivation, but also receive education in all aspects.

One of the most important points is to stay calm no matter what.

So whether it is Ren Tianyun or Tan Feiwen, even though they are full of anger at Xue An's actions.

But because Xue An's reality is too strange, and the origin is unknown, and the strength is unknown.

All the two of them were ready to evade their edge temporarily. After leaving here, with the strength of the Ren family and the Tan family, they can naturally check the origin of this guy and deal with them.

Therefore, the two of them chose to leave in unison.

And seeing this scene, many people could not help but secretly relieved.

In any case, as long as the matter can be put through temporarily.

Many people secretly make up their minds, and when things pass, they will leave this destiny plane immediately.

After all, the plane of fate at this time is already the same as a volcano about to erupt.

As for the dead destiny ghost...

When he was alive, he was a ghost, but when he died, he was nothing.

But when Ren Tianyun and Tan Feiwen were about to leave, Xue An said indifferently: "Do you think you can still go now?"


There was a silent uproar in the audience.

Everyone is stupid.

Did you take the initiative to provoke the Ren family and the Tan family?

Could this boy in white clothes have a broken brain?

Song Jingyue was also silly, and then tears appeared in her eyes anxiously, she tugged at her master's sleeve, and said anxiously: "Master, he..."

Wen Lingcui didn't feel the strangeness of her apprentice at all. In fact, at this moment, the Taoist master of the bones was stunned and full of shock.

"This young man should be very strong, but he seems to have forgotten that the opponent is a rich man from the depths of the ghost world!" Wen Lingcui whispered softly.


After hearing these words from Xue An, Ren Tianyun and Tan Feiwen turned around and looked at Xue An with surprise. They didn't seem to expect Xue An to say that.

It was not until a moment later that Ren Tianyun smiled grimly, "It's really interesting! There are such arrogant people under the world, do you think you are very powerful?"

Although Tan Feiwen didn't say a word, the killing intent flashing in her eyes had already explained her inner thoughts.

Xue An smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm great, but I'm great!"

"Hahahaha!" Ren Tianyun laughed loudly as if he heard some joke.

But before laughing a few times, Ren Tianyun suddenly reduced her smile, and then said in a sharp tone: "Very good! I wanted to let you go temporarily, but if you are looking for death, then don't blame others! I will let you know today. I know how good the Ren family is."

As soon as the voice fell, Ren Tianyun's figure had disappeared in place, and when she reappeared, she had come to Xue An's front, and then raised her hand with a blow.

Not to mention anything else, this speed alone is enough to be called astonishing.

But in the face of this powerful blow, Xue An seemed to have not reacted, still standing there quietly, even the smile on the corner of his mouth did not change.

There was a low exclamation in the audience, and many people secretly shook their heads, thinking that Xue An would undoubtedly lose.

But as soon as this thought came up, Xue An's palm was suddenly lifted in a short period of time, and he caught Ren Tianyun's fist, which had already rushed to the front, and then squeezed it suddenly.


With repeated screams, Ren Tianyun flew upside down in an instant. Looking at his arm, it was twisted into a twist shape, and black air was constantly escaping away.

This scene stunned everyone, and then Xue An said indifferently: "Is this the power of your Ren family?"

The tone was indifferent, but full of sarcasm.

Ren Tianyun was already very angry,

From birth to now, only he is above others, and he has never suffered such a big loss.

Coupled with Xue An's mockery, it was even more difficult for Ren Tianyun to accept, so he smiled grimly.

"Very well, since you want to die that way, then I will fulfill you!"

"Blood inflammation...burning the sky!"

With this roar, Ren Tianyun's eyes instantly turned into a dark red color like hell, and a little blood appeared around his body.

One is divided into two, two is divided into four.......

In an instant, this blood awn occupied the entire sky with an exponential growth rate.

Ren Tianyun Jiejie laughed strangely, "You are proud of me to let me use this trick!"

With that said, he took a step forward.


The sky is full of blood and flames.

Amidst the heavy flames, the mighty power made everyone tremble, almost unable to stand.

Wen Lingcui almost groaned and shouted: "This is the strength of the giants in the ghost world! This boy is dead!"

Song Jingyue stared blankly at Xue An, who was enveloped by blood inflammation, her heart clenched.

Because of the death of the destiny ghost, A Qing and others have already got rid of the shackles, so at this moment, A Qing suddenly shouted.


Hearing her shout, Xue An looked down at her and then smiled slightly.

"Run? Why should I run?"

Ren Tianyun laughed loudly, "I like your way of stiff mouth when you die, die for me!"


The boundless blood inflammation rushed forward, and Xue An's figure appeared so small against the background of this blow.

Many people have closed their eyes and cannot bear to look again.

But at this moment, Xue An raised his hand and slowly pointed out a finger.


After the instruction was given, the void trembled suddenly, and then an invisible ripple spread instantly.

These rushing blood inflammations were like small flames in the wind under the ripples, and they went out without even struggling.

It was almost instantaneous, and the **** inflammation that had occupied the entire world vanished.

Ren Tianyun's pride solidified on her face, staring at all this dumbfounded.

And Xue An smiled slightly, "I also like your lack of strength but dare to shout, so please go to death!"

After Xue An stepped out, came directly to Ren Tianyun, and then threw a punch.

Ren Tianyun wanted to dodge, but was horrified to find that she couldn't even move, she could only watch the punch rushing forward.

But at this moment, a swaying black light suddenly appeared, instantly entangled Ren Tianyun, and then dragged him aside, able to avoid Xue An's punch.

But despite this, the black light almost shattered wherever the fist wind passed.


Tan Feiwen opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, her eyes full of shock.

Just because the fist hits and hurts himself, how strong should this guy be?

At the same time, Xue An stopped his fist, looked down at Tan Feiwen, and smiled coldly.

"Very well, since you are here, let's die together!"

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