Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1393: In my eyes, there are no big shots!

   Luo Jingting's body showed many cracks, which was filled with ghostly air, and there were signs of spontaneous collapse.

   But at this moment, the Buddha seal between her eyebrows suddenly appeared a little light, and then, like an adhesive, she reattached her body that had begun to collapse.

   And Jin Jue also sighed softly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Idiot, I'm not awake yet!"

   This call was like a lion roar, which blew in Luo Jingting's ears, causing her to be shaken all over, and finally she gradually regained consciousness.

   Then she burst into tears, crying while crying, "Why... why do you still have the Luo family so cruel!"

   Xue An said lightly: "You are wrong! This is not something a Luo family can do!"

Speaking of this, Xue An raised his eyes and looked at Luo Li, "If I guessed right, someone behind your Luo family should be supporting you! Let me guess if it’s some big figure in the depths of the ghost world. ?"

   "Who are you? Why do you know so much?" Luo Li said quietly.

   "Me?" Xue An smiled, "My name is Xue An!"

Luo Li has never heard the name Xue An, but at this moment she has gradually recovered from the initial shock, and then took a deep breath and said slowly: "Since you know that this matter has a deep ghost The big man here is intervening, why do you want to be nosy? Are you not afraid that you will end up with a dead body?"

   "Are you threatening me?" Xue An smiled slightly.

   "It's not a threat, but just telling some facts!" Luo Li said solemnly.

   "Because the person standing behind me is an existence you can't imagine. If you don't want to cause trouble, I advise you to stop now, otherwise..."


   "Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

   The audience became quiet again, and only Luo Jingting's sobbing sound remained.

   Looking at Xue An, who was silent, a look of relief appeared in the eyes of many ghost races.

   Even though they didn't know about this whole thing, they were both foreign ghost races, and naturally they couldn't get rid of the relationship.

   If Xue An really wiped out the Luo family, and then rescued the former master of the plane.

   Those waiting in front of them will be the catastrophe.

   So if he retreats now, it will be the best ending.

   "I'm really curious, how big is the big man you are talking about!" Xue An suddenly chuckled and said slowly.

   "It's an existence you can't imagine! A powerhouse of the ghost emperor level!" Luo Li said proudly.

  Ghost Emperor!

The title    makes many people feel terrified.

   For them, the ghost emperor is already an existence that can only be looked up.

   As for the higher hall master level, there are already a handful of existences in this ghost world, and they are simply not accessible at their level.

   Xue An chuckled slightly, "Ghost Emperor..."

   "That's right! The surname is Xue, you leave here now, I can act as if nothing happened! How?"

   Luo Li is very sober now, that is, try to scare away the boy in white as much as possible, and after the incident is reported later, let the big man above deal with Xue An!

   But although her wishful thinking is good, Xue An doesn't take it at all.

   I saw Xue An slowly saying: "Then what if I don't leave?"

   "You..." Luo Li raised her eyebrows and was about to speak.

   Xue An waved his hand, "Okay, don't move out your so-called big man to scare people! Because in my eyes, there is no big man in the ghost world now!"

   These words were extremely arrogant, many people's complexions sank, and they looked at Xue An with bad eyes.

   Luo Li sneered even more, "The surname is Xue, your strength is good, but if you speak such big words, don't you fear that the wind will flash your tongue?"

   Xue An laughed, "Sorry, I just made a mistake!"


   Luo Li's complexion just eased.

   Xue An went on to say: "I will revise it, now in the ghost world, I should be the only real big person!"

When    said this, the audience was in an uproar.

  Baixi and Zongcheng looked at each other, and they all saw the gloat in each other's eyes.

   Luo Li even sneered, and just thought of ridicule.

   But at this moment, all the voices disappeared instantly, including Luo Li, everyone's expressions became dull, staring at Xue An in a daze.

   Because at this moment, in front of Xue An, a white flame is floating in the air, swaying slightly.

   Although it was just a small flame, the temperature of the audience rose linearly.

   But Luo Li's heart is as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

   Because they were all at the same moment, they remembered a scary legend.

   A legend that once had the same fame as the deceased Master Mingjun.

   Xue An stood with his hands behind, and said lightly: "Now... can you be convinced?"

   "God...shenhuoguizun?" Luo Li finally woke up from the infinite shock, and said in a trembled voice.

   Xue An nodded and smiled faintly, "It seems that my reputation has not completely dissipated, and you still remember me. This is really gratifying to me!"

   No one dared to speak.

  Many ghost races have shaken up.

   is not only because this small flame suppressed them in all directions, but more importantly, the appearance of Xue An made them all frightened. 78 Chinese debut

   Luo Li thumped and sat down on the ground, his teeth trembling.

   Because she thought of what Xue An said just now.


  In front of Except for the disappeared Mingjun, who else in the ghost world would dare to call himself a big man?

   But the question is such an existence, why did you come here?

   These thoughts collided fiercely in Luo Li's mind, and her complexion was also green and white, and her expression changed.

   Xue An’s gaze glided over her, and finally stayed on Jin Jue Seng who had been chanting the scriptures with his eyes closed, and said leisurely: “Oh, don’t read it. Do you know where you went wrong now?”

   Jin Jueseng stopped Song Nian, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Xue An quietly.

   "What do you think I am doing? I asked if you knew you were wrong?" Xue An asked with a smile, but his eyes were cold.

Under    questioning, Jin Jueseng slowly shook his head, "Little monk thought he did nothing wrong!"


   Many people secretly took a breath.

   How courageous this monk is!

   actually dared to disobey the meaning of Shenhuo Guizun in person, is he going to die?

   Xue An couldn't help but startled slightly, and then asked with interest: "Yes!"

   "Yes! Little monk is right!"

   "You were used by the Luo family to teach Luo Jingting the Dharma, but you were ultimately used to deal with the invaded plane masters. This... is that right?" Xue An's smile gradually diminished and asked coldly.

   Jin Jueseng was silent for a moment, and then whispered softly: "For the donor, this may indeed be wrong! But for the little monk, there is no right or wrong!"

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