Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1417: Since you want to survive, give me a...

They really don't understand, what is the origin of this young man, why is he so powerful?

at the same time.

Xue An smiled at Wei Haocang, "Brother Haocang, do you want to set off the fireworks one by one? Or do you want them to explode together?"

This question really seemed like a whisper of the devil, which caused an uproar in the entire audience who had been silent and full of fear.

"Who the **** are you? Let me go!"

"Yes! This matter has nothing to do with us! Let go of me!"

"My lord, spare your life!"

The begging for mercy mixed with the angry verbal abuse, making the whole banquet hall messy.

Xue An didn't have any expressions, but just watched in his spare time, and his expression was like watching some wonderful performance.


The sudden loud shout made the audience quiet down instantly.

Then I saw Luo Qifeng stepping forward, looking at Xue An with a solemn expression, clasping his fists and arching his hands, and said in a deep voice.

"Friend! Your strength is indeed strong, but there is no hatred between us! If it is just because of some trivial things, it is not worth doing so, after all, you are a peerless powerhouse, so why do you say this? Right?"

"A trivial matter?" Xue An smiled slightly, his eyes swept over Luo Xuan's ghost who was trembling behind Luo Qifeng, and said lightly.

"Since you also know that I am a peerless powerhouse, then this woman has just spoken harshly to me. You must give me an explanation about this matter!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Xuan trembled all over, and then screamed in surprise.

"You have already wiped out my human body, what do you want? I tell you, my Luo family..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Qifeng had already pulled him in front of him.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Luo Xuan was still a little unsure.

Luo Qifeng sighed lightly, "Xuan'er, blame you for offending someone who shouldn't offend today!"

Luo Xuan trembled all over, and suddenly understood something, she couldn't help shouting in horror.

"Do not……."

But before the words fell, Luo Qifeng grabbed her ghost body with both hands and slammed hard.

"Ahhhhhhh! Luo Qifeng, you bastard!" With a stern cry.

Luo Xuan's body was torn in half from the middle.

The ghostly spirit gushed out from it, sprayed all over the floor like blood flowing out of Bo Bo.

Then Luo Xuan's ghost fragments became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant, they were already weak and imperceptible.


After a crisp sound.

This Miss Luo family, who was known for her arrogance and domineering, died in the hands of her most admired brother.

The purpose is just to apologize to the young man in white.

Many people can't help but become slightly discolored by these ruthless and decisive methods.

But Luo Qifeng, who had done all this, said to Xue An in relief: "Friend, are you satisfied with this statement?"

Xue quietly looked at the ghost fragments scattered on the ground, and finally nodded.

"not bad!"

Luo Qifeng let out a sigh of relief, then smiled and said, "If this is the case, then please ask your friends to raise your hand and let me wait!"

Able to bend and stretch, make a tough shot!

Luo Qifeng's current performance fell in the eyes of many people, and only these eight words were evaluated.

Luo Gaoyang nodded secretly.

In his view, this is the quality that a qualified Patriarch should have.

As for the death of a daughter...Compared with my own life, it is nothing to mention!

But when Luo Qifeng was full of confidence, he never expected Xue An to suddenly laugh.

"I'm really satisfied with the statement you gave, but when did I say that I was satisfied to let you go?"

"You..." These words made Luo Qifeng's expression change violently, and then calmed down again, saying gloomily.

"Friend, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, how can you let us go?"

"It's very simple!" Speaking of this, Xue An raised his hand and pointed at Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi in the distance.

"No matter who you are, I only ask for the consent of the two of them, and I can let him go!"


Xue An's decision almost blasted the banquet hall.

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi were also dumbfounded.

Sir, what does this mean?

Among the audience, only Wei Qing smiled thoughtfully and probably understood some of what Xue An wanted to do, but the more so, the more shocked she was and she couldn't help taking a deep look at Xue An.

Who is this boy?

Why is not only strong enough to guard against the sky, but also so skillful in manipulating people's hearts?

At this moment, the chaotic banquet hall like a vegetable market gradually calmed down.

Everyone looked at Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi with piercing eyes.

Because all their hopes for life are pinned on both of them.

It can be said who Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi want to live. Who can survive.

"Cough cough! Old Qi, I didn't do the right thing for my eldest brother, so please bear with me. After all, we are blood brothers, right?" Luo Qifeng said to Luo Jian first.

Luo Jian was already awake from the shock just now. When he saw that his eyes were always higher than the top, and Luo Qifeng, who rarely even looked at him with his straight eyes, spoke at him low and low.

He suddenly understood a lot, and couldn't help but gratefully look at Xue An in the distance.

Xue An smiled noncommitantly, nodded slightly, and motioned for him to be free.

Luo Jian took a deep breath, and then sneered: "Luo Qifeng, did you remember that I was a younger brother? What? All kinds of bullying and targeting in the past, just want to disintegrate with a few apologies?"

Luo Qifeng's face turned pale.

He naturally knew the resentment in Luo Jian's heart, because what he had done to Luo Jian was not so glorious.

So he looked at Luo Gaoyang with a look of help.

Luo Gaoyang couldn't stand idly by for his own safety. He coughed slightly, trying to make his voice amiable, and said with a smile.

"Jian'er, all't be too obsessed with the past. Anyway, are we all a family?"

"A family?" Luo Jian's face showed an extremely strong hatred, "Why did you treat me as a family?"

"Jian'er, do you have trouble for your father..." Luo Gaoyang said apologetically.

"Hehe..." Luo Jian interrupted him directly and said coldly: "Luo Gaoyang, how did my mother die? Do I still need to talk about this?"

This sentence made Luo Gaoyang's complexion extremely ugly in an instant, and his eyelids throbbed wildly.


"How did I know?" Luo Jian burst into tears for some unknown time. "Do you think I was young, so I didn't know anything? You were wrong. My mother told me everything before she died. !"

"That cheap maid! She really did it!" Luo Gaoyang was extremely angry.

"Hehe! Sure enough, she is the cheap maid in your eyes to death! But do you know what she said to me? She said let me live well, don't be harmed by you, if possible, don't hate you!"

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