Meng Yao turned her head and glanced at the fire crystal, a pair of nice Danfeng eyes gradually narrowed, "What did you say? What about the messenger?"

"I said let him wait a while, so he hasn't left yet!"

"Good job!" Meng Yao nodded, then turned her head to continue looking at the stream outside the flower hall, and said lightly.

"Return the gift and say that I have accepted it, but I cannot accept the gift!"

Donghan looked at Meng Yao's exceptionally lonely back silhouetted by the gradually dimming sky, and a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

"Hall Master, or..."


"Yes!" Donghan sighed softly in his heart, then bowed and exited the small courtyard.

When he came to the front, the messenger was naturally still waiting.

"Girl Dong, what did the Lord Meng say?"

"My house master asked you to go back and tell the master Rong. She is very grateful for this, and she will get a reply later! But please take this fire crystal back!"

"Huh?" The ghost tribe was startled.

"My house owner said, she accepted it, but I can't accept the gift!" Dong Han said solemnly.

"Well then!" This ghost clan is not a fool either, he naturally heard a strange atmosphere from what he said, so he didn't dare to speak any more, picked up Huo Jing and turned away.

Wait for the messenger to go.

Donghan hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around and returned to the back courtyard.


It was late at night in the small courtyard, but the flowers and trees planted in the flower hall exuded a faint fluorescence, illuminating the surroundings like a moonlit night.

And Meng Yao is sitting at the table at the moment, drinking wine silently.

Seeing this scene, Donghan's heart was tight, he couldn't help but stepped forward, and said distressedly: "Hall, don't drink anymore!"

Meng Yao raised her head and smiled at Donghan idiotically, raised her hand and pointed to the other side, "Come, sit down and have a drink with me!"


"sit down!"

Helpless, Donghan had to sit on the opposite chair obediently.

But she didn't dare to drink, because she knew exactly how powerful Meng Yao was now being poured into her mouth like water.

It can be said that the master of the temple has the following cultivation level, and only half a cup of such wine can make you unknown.

And the reason why this wine is so powerful is because of Meng Yao's unique brewing skills.

But Donghan also knows that the reason why this wine has become more mellow in the past 100 years is entirely because Meng Yao is brewing with all his efforts.

With the deepest passion, the alcohol will naturally become stronger.

And this kind of wine was also given a name by Meng Yao.


As for the cause of all this, as Meng Yao's personal guard, and also the winter cold of a half-confidante, it was naturally clear.

That's why she hesitated when she heard that Meng Yao did not hesitate to return Rongyang's gift today.

Not because she had other thoughts, but because she was distressed, the Lord of the Palace.

At this time, Meng Yao had already drunk another jar of wine and was about to open another jar.

Donghan reached out and held Meng Yao's hand, "Hall Master, you can't drink anymore!"

"Why... why?" Meng Yao's cheeks were red like peach blossoms, and his eyes were drunk, but his eyes were full of pain and sadness deep in the bones.

Seeing this scene, Donghan shook his whole body slightly, and finally shook his head with a wry smile, "Hall Master, haven't you let go of it for so many years?"

This sentence seemed like a bolt from the blue sky, which made Meng Yao's body stiff, and the drunkenness on her face disappeared instantly, and then tears came out of her eyes.

"Let it go? How can it be so easy to let it go!"

Although crying, Meng Yao's voice returned to the coldness before.

"But... but that adult has disappeared for so long, do you have to wait so long?" Dong Hanman said unwillingly.

Meng Yao nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I just want to wait forever!"

"But there have been rumors that this adult, like the fallen Mingjun, is already dead!" Donghan's voice was very small.

But Meng Yao's face sank instantly.

"Donghan, I see you as a friend, so I won't blame you, but I hope I won't have a second time! Understand?"

At the moment Meng Yao spoke, a powerful force came upon her, making Donghan's complexion pale instantly, but even so, Donghan still said with self-support.

"Hall Master, even if you are angry today, I have to say, that great man is still undecided, do you want to spend all your life on this matter? Is it really worth it?"

"It's worth it? I didn't think about it!" Meng Yao's face showed a reminiscence, "I only know that if he does not come back a day, I will wait for one day, if he does not come back for a year, I will wait for a year!"

"What if it's a lifetime?" Donghan asked boldly.

Meng Yao glanced at Donghan, then calmly said: "Then wait for a lifetime!"

After all, Meng Yao let go of the power of oppressing the winter cold and continued to drink.

Donghan looked dumbfounded, as if unable to understand the meaning of Meng Yao's words.

At this time, Meng Yao said indifferently, "You did the fire crystal that you offered today on purpose! Because if someone else gave it, you wouldn't even let me see it, so you just refused it!"

Donghan took a deep breath, and then nodded, "Hall Master, I'm sorry, but I just think that Palace Master Rong..."

"Don't say it!" Meng Yao interrupted Donghan's words directly, "If anyone else gives gifts in the future, just refuse it! As for the friendship of the Lord Rong who helped this time, I will compensate him later. I know you are kind, but you don't have to worry about my business!"

There was a hint of chill in these words.

Donghan sighed in his heart and nodded, knowing that the Lord's heart was determined to be difficult to change.


Meng Yao drank very fast. After such a while, she had already drank a few more jars, but this time, she drank more and more sober.

Finally, after drinking the last glass of wine, she stared at her reflection on the suddenly burst into tears.

"Hall Master!" Donghan was taken aback.

Meng Yao waved her hand, "It's okay!" Then she smiled brightly.

"Do you know why this wine is called Drunken Qianchen?"

"do not know!"

"Because I want to brew a kind of wine, after drinking it, I will forget everything about the previous dust, and then start a new life innocently, so I will call it drunk!"

Donghan listened quietly.

At this time, Meng Yao cried and laughed, "But I didn't realize until now that forgetting turned out to be such a difficult thing!"

"Because the more you want to forget, the more you will never forget!"

In the end, Meng Yao was still drunk, drunk in a mess, and fell asleep on the table in the flower hall.

Donghan shook his head and sighed slightly, walked forward and gently picked up Meng Yao, and then placed her on the couch.

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