When Xue An led Wei Haocang out of the ghost car, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Wei Yingying, in particular, was slightly taken aback.

Naturally, Wei Haocang didn't need to introduce him. He was known as the most humiliating existence in the Wei family's thousand-year court.

But who is the boy in white who is standing by?

Didn't Wei Haocang let anyone contact him except his sister?

But looking like this, the white-clothed boy was holding Wei Haocang, and there was nothing unusual in the whole process.

Even Wei Haocang's face was full of silly smiles.

What is going on all this?

Wei Yingying was puzzled and couldn't help turning his head to look at Wei Qing with a smile.

"Sister, who is this again?"

"Uh, he is..." Wei Qingxiao was thinking about how to explain.

Xue An said indifferently: "My name is Xue An and I am the teacher of Master Wei!"

"Teacher?" Wei Yingying was shocked by this title, and many people present couldn't help whispering.

"Why did the eldest lady go out and bring a teacher back?"

"Yeah! Our young master Wei is still sane, and he doesn't know how to cultivate at all. What kind of teacher do you need?"

"Hehe, I see, there must be something strange in this!"

"Tsk tusk, even if you really want to find a teacher for the young master, you can't find such a young man! A weakly crowned boy looks good, but what can he do?"

Of course, these people kept their voices down as much as possible when they were discussing, but even so, a lot of them drifted into Wei Qingxiao's ears, making her complexion harder to look.

In the past, although Wei Qingxiao also knew that no one in the Wei family took his younger brother seriously, at least on the surface it would be sufficient.

Never before had he dared to talk about Wei Haocang like this in front of his own face.

This can only prove one point.

That is, his deterrence has been severely weakened, even to the point where it is not enough to be awesome.

This is not too important, but what is more important is that this incident reveals an extremely terrifying fact.

If you can't even be awesome, what will Wei Haocang do?

These thoughts flashed through Wei Qingxiao's heart, making her complexion gradually pale.

Xue An didn't seem to hear the ridicule from the crowd, but just smiled at Wei Yingying.

"Yeah! Surprised?"

For some reason, when she saw Xue An smiling at herself, Wei Yingying subconsciously felt that her scalp was a little tight, and a dangerous sign appeared in her heart, which also made her swallow again when she reached her lips.

"I'm not surprised, but my sister. Your criteria for choosing a teacher for Young Master Haocang is really peculiar. Are you choosing a husband and son for yourself? Hahahaha I'm sorry, I'm so straight, sister, don't be angry Yeah!"

Wei Yingying smiled narrowly.

Wei Qing smiled with a gloomy face, and his eyes were ice-like, as if he hadn't heard Wei Yingying's provocation at all.

Seeing this scene, Wei Yingying was full of pride.

But the next second, she paid the price for her words.

Seeing Wei Qingxiao rushing to Wei Yingying with a thunderous force, then she slapped her hand.


The sound of this slap was crisp, resounding through the entire square in front of the door.

Wei Yingying was even fanned far away, finally standing still, but at this moment, she no longer had the energy to calm down.

She saw her cheeks swelled to Lao Gao, blood flowing down the corners of her mouth, and her charming face was also distorted by extreme anger.


"What are you? I'm Wei's parents and daughter. Don't you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I can kill you now?" Wei Qing said coldly with a smile, eyes full of killing intent.

Wei Yingying trembled all over and lowered her head in horror.

Because she knew that if Wei Qingxiao dared to speak, she would dare to do it.

And as Wei's parents and daughter, she is indeed qualified to kill herself without any punishment.

Of course, the premise is that she must have this strength.

The rules among the giants of the ghost family are so cruel, if you are strong enough, of course you can overcome the big with small.

But if the strength is not enough, it can only be slaughtered by the strong.

Wei Yingying was very aware of her weight, and it was far worse than Wei Qingxiao, so she could only take the slap in silence.

at the same time.

The crowd who had been whispering also became quiet.

Many people's complexion became very pale, because it was only then that they suddenly remembered that Wei Qingxiao was also Wei's parents and daughters. Even if they encountered a huge crisis now, it was not their existence that could be discussed.

"Let's go!" Wei Qing smiled and glanced around the audience, seeing the eyes passing, everyone bowed their heads, and then said coldly.

"Okay!" Xue An smiled slightly, and then led Wei Haocang into the Wei family mansion.

Wei Yingying stood in the same place, looking at Wei Qingxiao's fading back, eyes full of resentment and hatred.

Don't be mad, wait two days for Brother Yuhua to come back, when you and that fool are buried.

As Wei Qingxiao, the place where he lives is naturally extremely luxurious, and the courtyard is extremely spacious.

But after walking into the courtyard, Wei Qing smiled suddenly.

Because of the once bustling courtyard, it has become very lonely and deserted at this moment.

Most of the exotic flowers and grasses in the yard have also withered, and there is a thin layer of soil on the ground, which has obviously not been cleaned for a long time.

Wei Qing stood in the courtyard with a smile, and stomped his foot abruptly.

The small courtyard shook, and those flowers and trees shattered instantly.

And such a noise naturally alarmed the people in the room.

"Who? Who dares to come here to make a mess?" Following the voice, only a group of servants walked out of the house, hearing only a mess of footsteps.

Each of these servants was gorgeously dressed and drunk-eyed, and they were actually drinking in the house.

But after seeing Wei Qing smiling, most of these servants' drunkenness was awakened instantly.

"Big...Miss?" a leading servant tremblingly called.

"What's going on?" Wei Qing asked with a cold voice, pointing to the withered courtyard of the room with a smile.

"This...this..." The servant was sweating profusely, and he obviously didn't know how to explain it.

At the same time, he was still crying secretly in his heart. Didn't it mean that Miss Wei might not be back?

How to explain this?

While thinking hard and meditating.

Wei Qing smiled and nodded, "Okay, needless to say! Go ahead!"

These servants bowed and saluted as if they were amnesty.

"Thank you, Miss!"

"Thank you, Miss!"

While shouting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these people walked out in a hurry.

Seeing that they crossed this threshold and left the courtyard, the faces of these servants all showed joy.

It seems that Miss Wei is not too good!

Actually spared myself on this kind of thing!

But the next second, the smiles on their faces froze.

Because black air pillars like tentacles suddenly appeared behind them, carrying them all into the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, my lady is forgiving!"

These servants screamed frantically, but Wei Qing smiled without turning his head, only a cold light flashed in his eyes.

These black air pillars resembled the giant claws of the demon god, and they suddenly grasped.


After a loud noise, the stench of blood poured down, and these servants had been gripped into flesh by the giant claws.

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