
Wei Yuhua's words seemed like a blockbuster, which caused an uproar in the audience.

"What? A shocking secret hidden in the secret realm of the ghost world?" Someone said with horror.

"No wonder all the elders in the family have been dispatched this time. It turns out that they went to the secret realm to find a secret!" Someone in the Wei family said excitedly.

"If you want to say this, the three young masters really don't have to fight for this so-called family property. After all, if you can get a shocking secret store, it will be enough to pave the way for a strong side, and even the king can expect it in the future!" Someone shook his head and sighed.

Hearing this, many people's eyes changed when they saw Wei Yuhua.

Because that was the secret realm of the forbidden zone for the strong since the war that year!

The Shocking Secret Treasure that appeared there is probably related to the fallen Mingjun.

For thousands of years, there have been countless great powers in the ghost world, but if you talk about the strongest, you must belong to the fallen Master Ming.

So if it is really the secret store he left behind, the value is simply inestimable.

It is even possible that Wei Yuhua has the qualification to sprint Mingjun.

Although it is only a qualification for promotion, this opportunity is already crazy enough.

Because if divided according to the general strength among the heavens, the ghost emperor is equivalent to the cultivation base of the half-step immortal king, and the hall master level should correspond to the immortal king level, but because the threshold is too high, plus the past few thousand years Since then, the overall cultivation base of the Ghost Race has been slowly declining.

So now the standard has been lowered, as long as one foot can step into the threshold of the immortal king, he can be called a strong man at the hall master level.

Although this is only the strength of the fake fairy king, the fake fairy king is also the fairy king!

But the Mingjun level is different, the Mingjun level is a real master of the immortal king, without any moisture.

When you reach this state, you can even break away from the ghost world, open up a world on your own, and become a Buddha and your ancestor.

Because relative to the vast heavens, the number of immortal kings is too small and too scarce.

The root cause of all this is that since the promotion to the Immortal King, one must pass a checkpoint.

This level has nothing to do with cultivation base and talent, only one word of fate.

If the opportunity comes, you will naturally be promoted to the Immortal King smoothly, if not, then you will be in vain even if you try hard.

Because of this, there are a large number of Da Luo in the heavens today, but the fairy king is obviously scarce.

And if the Shocking Secret Vault in the secret realm is really related to the fallen Mingjun, then the chance is too great.

Because the Mingjun who fell at the beginning is probably not an ordinary fairy king, but the peak of the fairy king, even half of the cultivation base of the fairy emperor.

Otherwise, it is impossible to build the iron net mountain by oneself and block the ghost world from the heavens.

At this point, many people's faces changed.

Because this incident is likely to be the biggest change in the ghost world since the fall of Mingjun, and it will even subvert all the previous interests and form a new round of reshuffle.

The strong will fall, the newcomers will rise, the family will change, and the rich will change, all at this moment.

No one can resist this temptation. Compared with this, the so-called Wei family struggle is really not worth mentioning.

Just when the audience was completely boiling, Wei Qing laughed with a solemn expression like iron, his eyes were full of haze, and then he spoke slowly.

"No wonder you can break through the realm in such a short period of time, this should be the reason for the secret hiding!"

Wei Yuhua looked up to the sky and laughed, full of arrogance and pride in the laughter.

"Yes, I did get a part of the heritage of that secret store, and not only that..."

With the voice, Wei Yuhua's eyes were instantly filled with the mysterious red color, and an extremely evil aura rose from his body, condensed into a ghost-headed human idol above his head.

There are no facial features on the face of this idol, only a huge and strange eye.

When they came into contact with the gaze of these eyes, a wave of complete despair and grief surged like a tide.

Bang bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people with shallow cultivation level blew themselves up because of this extreme despair.

The rest of the people were horrified and then retreated, exclaiming, "Don't look into his eyes!"

Wei Qing smiled pale, staring at Wei Yuhua, gritted his teeth and said: "The desperate eye, you actually awakened the power of blood?"

Wei Yuhua smiled even more proudly.

"Yeah! I didn't expect it! When I was on behalf of the sky hunter and passed through the secret realm, I stumbled upon the place where the shocking secret was hidden. Although I only entered the periphery, I still got a strong inheritance, not only the cultivation base. Dajin, and awakened the power of the sleeping blood!"

Speaking of this, Wei Yuhua looked at Wei Qing with a smile, his face full of mockery.

"That's why I am the real protagonist. I want to be a king! Wei Qing laughs, just rely on you, what do you use to fight me?"

Wei Qing's eyes gradually dimmed with laughter, like a candle with a dead lamp, slowly extinguishing.


What should I fight with him?

The strong master, the blood awakens!

Collecting these two great weapons, Wei Yuhua is already the well-deserved first person in the Wei family.

It is conceivable that those elders who only have interests in their eyes will definitely choose him without hesitation.

I was defeated, and there was no suspense of defeat.

Even if Wei Haocang is suddenly cured now, it is impossible to shake Wei Yuhua's position.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Wei Yuhua's face grew stronger, and then she turned her head and said to everyone in the Wei family.

"This time I am here to take everyone to the secret realm together to open that shocking secret place! Are you willing to go?"

There was a violent commotion in the audience, and then the audience screamed.

"I do!"

"Three young masters, I am willing to serve you as my master. I only ask you to take care of me when opening the secret store!"

"Three young masters, I am willing too!"

The shouts came and went one after another, Wei Yuhua looked at it with a smile, a glimmer of pride flashed deep in his eyes, and then nodded.

"Okay, don't worry, I will take you there!"

Having said that, Wei Yuhua looked at Wei Qingxiao again and said coldly: "Wei Qingxiao, I don't make it difficult for you, as long as you kneel down and worship me as your master, I can give you and your brother a way out!"

This sentence sounds high-sounding, but in essence it is extremely cruel.

Because Wei Yuhua's so-called worship of him is actually to make Wei Qingxiao his forbidden and plaything.

From then on, she will perish forever, without any chance of turning over.

The audience fell silent.

Everyone looked at Wei Qing who was standing there with weird eyes.

There was sympathy, disdain, and gloating among these eyes.

Especially Wei The pride on her face is almost overflowing.

Wei Qing smiled but his face was blank.

This is the first time in her life that she feels lost.

If she was the only one, then when facing Wei Yuhua's threat, she would definitely choose to blew herself up without hesitation.

But now it's not just herself, but also her brother!

Wei Qing laughed and understood that if he died now, then waiting for his stupid brother would be endless torture.

That would be a punishment countless times more terrifying than death.

So for the sake of her brother, she can't die either.

Could it be...I really want to kneel down and become a slave and become a plaything from now on? Wei Qing's heart was dripping with blood.

But at this moment, a slender and well-knotted hand gently touched Wei Qing's shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you finished?"

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