Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1451: Who said... I'm going to fight you?

As soon as the voice fell, Xue An laughed, "Wei Li, you shouldn't believe these words yourself! You just want to paralyze me in this way, so you can delay time to improve your cultivation!"

Xue An's words changed Wei Li's face, just about to say something.

Xue An waved his hand and said with a sense of excitement: "Okay, I'm not interested in listening to what you say, you want to delay time to improve your cultivation, okay! Then I will give you this opportunity!"

Wei Li was taken aback, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong!

"what did you say?"

Xue An said lightly: "I said I will give you time to recover!"

As soon as this sentence came out, not only Wei Li was a little confused, but An Yan and others were a little silly.

"Husband, you..." An Yan just wanted to say something.

Wei Li was already looking up to the sky and laughed, "Okay! As expected of the gods and ghosts who once smashed the ghost world, it is really courageous! Well, when I resume this cloned cultivation base, we will have another dignified match!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Okay!"

His actions made many people feel ridiculous, especially those giants in the ghost world, who looked at each other, and then whispered to each other.

"This Xue An might be too big!"

"Yeah! Don't take advantage of it now, but give the ancestors of the Wei family time to recover. Is this brain flooded!"

These discussions sounded like tides, and many of them came to Xue An's ears.

But Xue An didn't pay attention to this at all, instead smiled meaningfully, and then said to An Yan who was puzzled.

"Yan'er don't worry, I have my own measures!"

Hearing Xue An's words, An Yan closed her mouth wisely and stopped asking.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that her husband after experiencing a seal storm seemed to be a little different.

This feeling is extremely subtle and unspeakable, only An Yan, who is closest to Xue An, can detect it.

If the previous Xue An was like an immortal coming to the world, with awe-inspiring momentum.

Then Xue An now has a touch of indifferent and distant on his body.

But it is this feeling that gives people a sense of horror to see through everything.

It's like a **** who has broken through all the mysteries of the world standing on the top of the heavens and looking down at sentient beings, vast and unpredictable.

Besides An Yan, there was another person who had been staring at Xue An since he returned, without even blinking his eyes.

At this moment, Xue An, who felt this gaze, couldn't help turning his head, and smiled slightly at Meng Yao who was standing in the distance.

"Xiao Yao, long time no see!"

A simple little Yao could hear Meng Yao's ears like a thunder.

Although she told herself repeatedly before, after seeing adults, don't cry!

But at this time, she still collapsed, tears bursting into her eyes.

But just under the rain of tears, she smiled and nodded.

"grown ups!"

Seeing this scene, many people's faces became a little weird!

Jin Jue, Luo Jian and others turned around quite knowingly and began to admire the surrounding scenery.

Hu Ying snorted from her nostrils, her face turned dark, but she also took the two little girls to other places.

But there are none left.

For example, Zang Xueling, at this moment, she looked at Meng Yao in surprise, then at Xue An, but finally turned her gaze on An Yan.

Unexpectedly, An Yan was not as furious as she had imagined. Instead, she said to Xue An with a gentle face: "Husband, you guys talk first, I'll go over there!"

She actually turned around and left.

Zang Xueling's eyes gradually widened, can he still play like this?

Xue An felt something and couldn't help turning his head to look at her, and said lightly: "What are you thinking about?"

"Ah, no no! Talk to you!" Zang Xueling hurriedly left.

Xue An stood in the void, looking at Meng Yao who had already cried into tears, and smiled slightly, "I haven't seen it for so many years, the little girl who loves to cry at the beginning has also become a strong master of the palace!"

Meng Yao did not speak!

She thought she would have a lot to say after seeing Xue An, but when it came to this time, she found that she couldn't say anything.

"Okay, don't cry! People who don't know thought I really did something shameful!" Xue An said helplessly.

Meng Yao finally stopped her grief, looked at Xue An idiotically, and then said softly: "My lord, is the girl just the Anyan you mentioned?"

Xue An nodded, "Yes!"

"So beautiful!" Meng Yao smiled, but her eyes became very sad.

But soon, she returned to normal, and then generously stretched out her hand, "My lord, congratulations, I finally found her lover!"

Xue An looked at her with a faint smile, but did not hold her hand, but raised her hand and pinched her nose, "Okay, don't make it so formal! In my eyes, you will always be the one who did not grow up. Little girl!"

Meng Yao smiled like a flower and nodded, "Hmm!"

But the moment Xue An turned and left, Meng Yao lowered his head and muttered in a voice that only he could hear.

"My lord, you are in my eyes, and you will always be the big brother who rescued me from fire and water!"

In the distance, Rong Yang watched this scene quietly, his eyes filled with sadness.

At this moment, Jin Jue didn't know when he appeared beside him, and said softly: "Is the donor trapped by love?"

Rong Yang turned his head to see Jin Jue, then he was taken aback, and finally said sadly, "So what?"

Jin Jue smiled like a MLM leader, "Donor, I happen to have many ways to get rid of emotional difficulties in Buddhism. Are you interested in learning about it!"

Rong Yang wanted to refuse, but somehow he almost nodded.

Jin Jue smiled happily, and immediately began to concentrate on teaching.

And just when Jin Jue tried to teach the Dharma, he wanted to introduce the powerhouse master level into the hall of Dharma.

In the midair, Wei Li's momentum around his body became more and more vast.

The mighty power and even the disturbing situation has changed.

These wealthy ghost tribes retreated one after another, looking at all this with horror.

And An Yan and others were worried when they saw this.

Xue An raised his head and looked at the sky that was already covered by brilliance, and said lightly: "It should be almost done!"

"Huh? What's the end?" An Yan asked in a daze.

At this moment, Wei Li's sneer came from the storm.

"Shenhuoguizun, now use your means!"

Each word of this sentence is like a heavy hammer, hitting the void, causing the space to be shaken out of cracks.

It can be seen that its power is so strong that it already has the real power of the fairy king.

But in the face of this turbulent power, Xue An was unhappy, with a calm expression on his face.

"Who said... I'm going to fight you?"

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