In the space-time channel, everything at the extreme sight is a bizarre scene, which is caused by the refraction of light back and forth in the chaotic time and space, which Xue An has long been surprised by.

In addition, he is now a Da Luo cultivation base, even if he crosses the void among the heavens, there is no pressure, let alone this time there is the guidance of this alchemy cube, so this time crossing the void is for Xue An It's not too easy.

at last.

The space-time channel has come to an end.

The brilliance in front of him was first Yisheng, and when it gradually dissipated, what appeared in front of [Shuquge] Xue An was an extremely magnificent scene.

This is an endless sea of ​​void, no stars, no celestial bodies, everything is empty, it seems that even the dust does not exist in this space.

But in the middle of this extremely desolate space, there is an extremely huge planet floating in the air.

If... that can be called a planet.

There are many strangely-shaped planets in the heavens. Xue An has seen many of them, and it's not that unusual.

But this planet is very different from the stars in the heavens.

Because what constitutes this planet is not ordinary rocks, but endless gears.

That's right!

This is a planet constructed entirely of gears and various precision parts.

Its huge size has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

Even at a very long distance, it can still occupy more than half of Xue An's field of vision, which shows its hugeness.

On the planet, there are dozens of rings that resemble Saturn's rings.

To put it bluntly, this entire planet is an icy alchemy creation, exuding the ultimate mechanical beauty.

Xue An took a deep breath. Even if he was once a goddess and experienced countless big scenes, it was the first time he saw this kind of sight, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

More importantly, he faintly perceives that this seemingly magnificent and magnificent planet seems... there is an unspeakable strangeness!

Just like the nobles whose ancestors were once prominent but have now fallen, it gives people a sense of struggle to maintain dignity.

At this moment, the alchemy cube that had guided Xue An all the way trembled suddenly, and then it merged into Xue An's palm and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, an unparalleled suction suddenly appeared, dragging Xue An and flying to the planet.

Xue An did not struggle, because he could feel that as he flew to this alchemy planet, the timeline of this void sea was also changing accordingly.

"It's interesting!" A smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth. He simply closed his eyes and completely let go of his control over the body. Then the whole person turned into an arc and fell directly into the planet at a speed like lightning. Somewhere.

When Xue An opened his eyes again, what was greeted was a dirty and muddy street.

Said it is a street, it is actually a small road.

On the roadside are several shacks built of scrap copper and rotten iron, crooked, and seem to collapse at any time.

There were large swaths of oil on the road, and the air was filled with a strange smell of engine oil and rust.

In short, this is an unpleasant world.

Xue An didn't feel much about it. He lowered his head and looked at the shabby shirt that was stained with various oils.

Even the cuff had a big opening, revealing a slightly slender arm.

I can't see the palm, because the palm is wrapped in a relatively clean dress, but the blood seeping through the dress can also be guessed that this hand is obviously injured.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, his spiritual thought surged, his cultivation base trembled, and then nodded.


Both the cultivation base and the spiritual consciousness are there.

And through the projection of the puddle on the ground, Xue An could see a thin boy.

This boy looks completely the same except that his clothes are completely different from his own.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth.

He knew that this should be the ghost of Alchemy Cube.

After modifying the timeline, he has obviously become a member of this world.

It stands to reason that if you modify the timeline of this void, then you will completely become another person, and even your strength will no longer exist.

But now his strength has basically been retained.

Xue An knew that this should be because his strength had already exceeded the upper limit that the Alchemy Cube could modify. Otherwise, this world would not be so kind to reserve his strength.

And because of this, the Alchemy Rubik's Cube only modified some insignificant clothes, and even his appearance was not changed at all.

"This is a bit interesting!" Xue An whispered to himself.

To put it bluntly, this world is like a drama in progress, and Xue An is like a stranger who suddenly broke into the backstage of the performance.

But because Xue An's strength was too strong, this world could not change or expel it, so he could only do some superficial effort to acquiesce in Xue An's existence.

"I don't know what kind of identity this alchemy cube has modified for me! And how many people's memories can be affected by the change of the timeline? Or is it directly tampering with people's memories? If that is the case, this alchemy cube is again What does it have to do with the will of heaven in this world?"

Xue An muttered to himself, studying his current identity.

But he didn't know. At this moment, his appearance was completely changed in the eyes of others on the street.

"Poor Andrew, it looks like he was beaten stupid!" An old man shook his head and exclaimed.

"Who can this blame? Who made this Andrew so bold, dare to oppose Copet's gang?" Another middle-aged man sneered. UU reading www.

"You can't say that. Koppert's group has become more and more rampant recently. For example, this time, poor Andrew finally found a high-quality alchemy item from the trash mountain. As a result, after this Koppert heard the news, He actually grabbed it and wounded Andrew's hand! You know, injured in such an environment, isn't it forcing Andrew to die?" a woman in her thirties said angrily.

The middle-aged man's face turned pale when he heard it, "Sakina, what are you talking about, hurry up! If this is heard by Copet's people, neither you nor I can live!"

Sakina also realized that she had just lost a word, and hurriedly closed her mouth, but immediately afterwards, she glanced sympathetically at the quietly standing beside the puddle in the distance, whispering to herself like a stupid teenager.

What a poor Andrew!

The gear **** is on top, the guys in Copet are so cruel, they dare to do such a cruel hand to the most beautiful teenager in town.

But it looks good now, even the look in a daze is so good...

Sakina thought obsessively.

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