Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1476: The beast will eventually die, but Xue An will eternal...

As for Koppert's men, they all showed pride and bloodthirsty.

But at this moment, Koppert felt that his indestructible punch was suddenly blocked by a huge force.

Just when he felt infinitely astonished, he saw Xue An with one hand behind his back, while the other hand held his mechanical left hand lightly.

Then he looked at Copet with interest, "It's interesting! Actually, it was purely mechanical power to hit at least the golden fairy peak!"

Koppert instantly regained consciousness, and then a crazy color appeared on his face, and the mechanical heart began to beat frantically like an explosion, and the huge energy released all rushed to the left fist held by Xue An.

Just listen to a crackling sound from this left hand, and an electric light appeared, obviously because of the excessive power, it has reached the critical point of collapse.

But this also caused the power of this left hand to rise again a little bit, and shook frantically, trying to break free of Xue An's grasp.

Unfortunately, everything is in vain.

Although it was only an understatement, Xue An's hand seemed to be made of steel, and Copet couldn't shake it at all.

This couldn't help making Copet's eyes appear astonished and horrified.

He was confident that his attack was enough to defeat an intermediate alchemist, but why didn't he even shake the young man's hair?

At this moment, Xue An raised the corner of his mouth, sketching out a cold smile, "It's a pity, Mr. Koppert, it seems that you don't want to cooperate well! Then I can only..."

As he said, Xue An's hand suddenly shook.


Copet's palm was like a paper tie, which was directly squeezed by Xue Ansheng, sparks splashed, Copete let out a scream that shook the sky.

But it was not over yet, Xue An stomped Copet to the ground with one foot, then kicked his chest and raised his hand violently.


There was a sound of toothy metal rubbing and cracking, followed by a muffled sound.

Copet's arm was pulled down by Xue Ansheng.

Electricity splashed everywhere, and the exposed lines were dripping with grease like blood vessels.

Because of the severe pain, Koppert fluttered on the ground like a dead fish.

Xue An weighed the still trembling mechanical arm in his hand, and a charming smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Koppert, I think we can have a good talk now!"

The audience was silent, and many people could be heard secretly swallowing saliva.

Koppert showed infinite horror.

He had never seen such a violent existence as Xue An.

If he is relying on alchemy to win himself, then Copet can still accept it.

But from the beginning to the end, Koppert didn't notice the slightest mechanical fluctuation from Xue An.

Then there is only one explanation.

This Andrew suppressed his mechanical arm purely by physical force and pulled it out.

But is this really possible?

Koppert has never heard of anyone who can fight against machinery with physical force.

But the fact is right in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

Therefore, at this moment, he looked at Xue An with horror in his eyes.

He even felt that in the thin body of this young man, there must be a mechanical tyrannosaurus-like existence hidden.

Otherwise it won't be so vigorous!

Therefore, he nodded without hesitation, and then tremblingly said: "When...Of course!"

As he said, he turned his head and yelled at his group of subordinates who were still in shock and unable to extricate themselves: "What are you still doing in a daze? Don't hurry up and get back the thing from Lord Andrew!"

These subordinates wake up like a dream, "Yes!"

Then he crawled and opened the safe in the room, took out a small box, and placed it tremblingly on the table.

Xue An glanced, and inside the box was a gear exuding lavender luster, extremely delicate.

"Mr. Koppert, if you had cooperated so early, you wouldn't have suffered these sins, would you?"

With that said, Xue An released the foot that was stepping on Copet, walked to the table and sat on it.

"Yes, yes! It's because I have no eyes and ran into adults!" Copet repeatedly apologized, and then got up from the ground with difficulty.

But at the moment he was about to stand up, he suddenly winked at those men.


With an order, these wicked thugs immediately picked up their guns from under the table and beside the sofa, aimed at Xue An and pulled the trigger.

That's right!

This world also has guns.

Even because the mechanical civilization here is extremely developed, coupled with the blessing of alchemy, the guns here are far more powerful than those on earth.

Like now.

Under the pouring rain of bullets, the tables, chairs and sofas were beaten to dust.

Especially for Copet, he saw that his only right hand was holding a revolver engraved with beautiful alchemy patterns, and he was pulling the trigger with a crazy look.

The bullets driven purely by the power of alchemy were so powerful that they even shook the walls of the room into cracks within the reach of the aftermath.

Such a loud noise naturally alarmed the people outside the room.

In the box on the second floor, many people poked their heads out and looked outside curiously.

They didn't know what was going on, but after confirming that the sound came from the box at the end of the corridor, they all got scared.

Because they all know that the box is Copet's exclusive box.

It's no surprise what the lunatic who had replaced his heart with a cold machine did.

So soon, these people retracted their heads again, as if they had not heard the gunshots just now.

Only the bunny girl who led Xue An up was pale and full of sympathy.

Just say don't go!

What is the result?

Ugh! And there seemed to be screams from inside just now, and now there is such a big noise!

This young man, it is estimated that he has become more and less fortunate!

It was the same with my brother back then!

The bunny girl's eyes were red, and her heart was full of helpless anger and sighs.

But at this moment, the intense gunfire suddenly disappeared.

And not only the gunfire, all the sounds came to an abrupt end!

Instead, there is a dead silence that exudes ominous meaning.

The bunny girl was stunned.

what happened?

What the **** are the lunatics of Copete doing?


The door of the box at the end of the corridor was gently pushed open.

The eyes of the bunny girl gradually and stared blankly at Xue An, who came out from the darkness behind the door with a smile, her brain blank.

what happened?

Why doesn't this boy seem to be hurt at all?

Could it be that he did not clashed with Copet, what happened to the gunshot just now?

The bunny girl was puzzled, and Xue An had already approached her and smiled at her.

"Excuse me, where can I take a bath?"

"Uh..." The bunny girl didn't react at the time, but when she was about to speak, she suddenly trembled and her pupils shrank to the size of a needle.

Because she was shocked to find that there was a little blood splattered on the body of the boy in front of him.

At the same time, she also noticed the red snaking behind the slightly open door.

All this made her tremble.

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