Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1485: May the darkness be with you

When the endless rain of bullets poured down, straight to the boy sitting on the coffee table.

The young man suddenly raised his eyes, and then all the bullets stopped in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, these bullets reversed their direction, turned and ran towards the shooter.

The speed is so fast that the darkness is cut out of phantoms.

No screams.

Because before these people had time to react, the bullet had passed through the body, and then turned into powder.

Immediately afterwards, these people thumped and fell to the ground, becoming dead bodies.

Only Copet sitting on the sofa was unscathed.

But he was obviously frightened by this scene, so when he saw this young man walking in front of him, he gave up resistance without hesitation and started begging frantically for mercy.

But the young man ignored it, and instead asked something casually!

Of course, because of the rules, Severus could only see the picture, but could not reproduce the sound at the time.

Immediately afterwards, the young man waved his hand gently.

Copet's head fell in response, and the boy put his head on the table and put his mechanical arm aside.

After finishing all this, the young man suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at the side.

With this look, Severus felt that the timeline collapsed instantly, the event factor disappeared, and the illusion before him disappeared.

But it was enough, at least he saw the image of the man who killed Copet!

Therefore, a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. As soon as he raised his hand, the image of Xue An appeared in the air.

"The person you want to protect, is that him?"

After seeing this virtual image, Haida, whose face bones had been crushed, instantly shrank to the size of a pinpoint.

She didn't understand what was going on, but she still closed her mouth tightly and said nothing.

"Very good! I guess I was right!" Severus whistled softly, then turned his head and smiled at Moritz.

"Moritz, now you are taking this virtual image to investigate, who has been in contact with this young man that night, and at the same time investigating where he has gone now!"


Moritz is indeed not smart enough, this can be seen from his performance this day.

If you investigate a little, you can easily know that Copet’s motorcycle is gone.

But he just did nothing.

But he is also a very efficient person.

Once the instructions are given above, he will complete the task in the shortest possible time.

So in just one hour, all of Xue An's whereabouts that night were investigated.

At the same time, even the black car driver and Aretha, related people have been arrested back.

Aretha still doesn't know what happened, but she is obviously not as strong as Haida, so Severus only used some means, and she cried and said everything she knew.

Unfortunately, no one would believe what she said.

"Beautiful lady, you want to tell me that a young man who lives by picking up trash was bullied by Copet and others yesterday, but the next day he suddenly showed his power and twisted out poor Copet's head. Is it?" Severus said lightly.

Aretha, who had three nails removed, cried and said, "This is indeed the case! I didn't tell a lie!"

Severus raised his eyebrows slightly, then turned his head to look at the driver of the black car.

"Do you believe?"

The driver of the black car was so scared that he was almost incontinent. He trembled when he heard the words, "Big...sir, I don't know! But the Andrew gave me a gear at the end, and then left on his motorcycle!"

"Gone! Where did you go?" Severus said lightly.

"I don't know, but he asked me the direction to Bluestone City when he was leaving!" The black car driver said in fear.

As soon as the voice fell, Haida suddenly let out a stern howl, apparently desperate.

Severus smiled satisfied.

"Sir, your honesty won my respect! This news is also very useful to me!"

The driver of the black car took a deep breath, and then smiled flatly: "Then can I leave..."

His words are not finished, and he will never finish.

Because at this moment, Severus suddenly pulled out a small pistol, and one shot exploded his head.

The huge gunfire echoed in the corridor.

The black car driver's head was splashed across the corridor.

Moritz bears the brunt of it, his face was splashed all over, but he didn't dare to wipe it, so he stood there shaking.

Severus seemed to be very satisfied with his shot. He gently blew the muzzle of the green smoke and said lightly: "In order to express my gratitude, I decided to let you sleep under my gun. May the darkness and You are here!"

After that, he turned to look at Aretha.

Aretha was frightened and screamed.

Severus smiled, "Beautiful lady, please don't shout so loudly, your voice will be dumb! And you can rest assured, I won't kill you two now, because you all have to wait until you see this Mr. Andrew , Is qualified to die! Now...Please let us go!"

Severus said cheerfully.

at the same time.

Xue An, who was watching the night outside in front of the window on the second floor, felt a little bit, turned his head to look at the distant sky, and then frowned slightly.

"Spy on the timeline? No, it should be some kind of secret technique tracing back through event factors! It's interesting!"

After speaking softly, Xue An leaned on the chair and said lightly: "Since it's here, come in!"

After speaking, Zhuang Linyan, who had changed his clothes, walked in.

Different from the glamour in the At this moment, Zhuang Linyan is wearing home clothes, which is more feminine, and in her hand, she also holds an invitation card.

"My lord, this is the invitation for the auction. Then you can participate with this invitation!"

Xue An nodded noncommitantly, "Got the invitation so soon? It seems you have been prepared!"

Zhuang Linyan showed a wry smile, "Where is there any preparation, but one of my friends happens to be the daughter of an adult in the inner city, through her, I can get the invitation so smoothly!"

Speaking of this, Zhuang Linyan glanced at Xue An with some doubts, "My lord, although you shouldn't ask, the things that are auctioned at this auction are extremely precious and valuable. If you want to auction, you must go through Strict verification, I don’t know you..."

She did have some doubts, because today she went to the inner city specially for this matter, and the friend who invited her at the time asked her these questions curiously.

Unexpectedly, Xue An just smiled when he heard the words, "I just went to the auction to find something I wanted. As for the value...this is not in my consideration!"

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