Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1487: Is it him that you said?

A heavy rain swept across the entire bluestone wilderness, and the torrential rain fell like a Tianhe River from early morning to evening.

But thanks to the underground drainage facilities that were built in the heyday of civilization, there was not much water in the entire Bluestone City in the face of such heavy rain.

And some of these drainage facilities have even gone through tens of thousands of years, but they are still functioning normally, which shows how terrifying the alchemical civilization in its heyday was.

But the endless wilderness outside Bluestone City is not so good.

Severus walked hard in the rain, and the meticulous hair that was once combed was now a bit messy because of the difficult journey.

Of course the aircraft cannot be used in such weather.

Although a mechanical walker is used extravagantly, in this weather, no matter how good the walker is, it will not bring any good feelings.

This also invisibly made Severus's speed slow, especially when there were a few people **** in the trailer behind him.

Severus stopped, looked up at the rainy sky, and said quietly, "What a **** of weather!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at the trailer covered by the rain cloth, with a wicked smile on his face.

"But two beautiful ladies, you don't have to worry! Because it is so difficult to go regardless of the pipeline, I will let you see a **** feast as expected!"

In the trailer, Haida and Aretha, who were tightly bound with their limbs, all looked horrified.

But their mouths were blocked tightly, and there was no sound at all. They could only whimper and struggle a few times, but it didn't help.

"Hey, it's been a long time since I felt this kind of excitement, I really look forward to seeing this boyhood!"

Severus laughed nervously, but his eyes were filled with deep cold, then he turned around and continued to walk down firmly.

In this wilderness covered by heavy rain, he was like a ghost crawling out of hell, rushing towards the direction of Bluestone City step by step.

Xue An likes rainy days, especially sitting in a dry and warm house, watching the storm outside through the glass windows. This feeling will make you feel calm.

Xue An just sat on the sofa in front of the second floor window and watched quietly.

Until dusk, the rain gradually decreased.

A ray of sunlight penetrating through a gap in the thick clouds shone on the street, giving people a particularly desolate feeling.

In this case, a convoy suddenly penetrated the rain curtain and appeared on the street, and in the center was a modified extended sedan.

The convoy drove slowly to the door of the small building, and then stopped.

When the door of the car in the middle was opened, some of his men had long ago put up a huge umbrella. Zhuang Linyan was wearing an exquisite black evening dress with a pair of high heels under his feet, and then he got out of the car.

I have to admit that when she dressed up specially, the charm of that kind of mature woman was enough to surprise everyone.

Zhuang Linyan's beautiful eyes flowed, his eyes stopped for a moment in front of the window on the second floor, and then he took a deep breath and stepped into the small building.

Xue An showed a faint smile, then stood up, turned and went downstairs.

"My lord, are you ready? We are going to set off now!" Zhuang Linyan asked solemnly.

"Ready?" Xue An smiled and shook his head, "No need, let's go!"

"But you... just go like this?" Zhuang Linyan was a little surprised.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly and said lightly.

"Uh... well, let's go!"

Zhuang Linyan was still a little uneasy in her heart until she got into the car.

She always felt that Xue An didn't seem to take this banquet seriously.

Although Xue An's strength was enough to convince her, this time it was the Blood Wolf Gang who had been entrenched in the outer city of Bluestone for decades!

In particular, Cao Gang, the current leader of the Blood Wolf Gang, is an extremely cunning and powerful existence.

If such an opponent underestimates the enemy, the consequences are unpredictable.

But she didn't dare to say it directly, because she knew that strong men like Xue An must have their own arrogance, and if they were reminded directly, they would probably be evil.

Therefore, she pondered for a long time before she said solemnly: "My lord, after that, your goal is only Cao Gang. I have arrangements for the rest, so you don't need to bother!"

Hearing the words, Xue An retracted his gaze from the scenery outside the car window, looked up at Zhuang Linyan, and then said with a smile, "You have no confidence in me?"

Zhuang Linyan shook her head quickly, "No, I didn't mean that, I just..."

Xue An waved his hand, "Okay, I understand, you mean I only need to kill that Cao Gang then, right?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Linyan nodded in response.

"Yeah! That's okay!" After that, Xue An continued to look at the raindrops splashing out of the car window because the car was passing by.

The place of this luncheon was set up in a hotel in the middle of the outer city of Qingshi.

This is the central point of all forces, and because this hotel has the background of a big figure in the inner city, no forces dare to make trouble here, so it is very suitable for holding this kind of banquet that all forces must attend.

When Zhuang Linyan's motorcade slowly drove into this hotel, there were already many vehicles parked in front of the hotel.

Without exception, it is the car of the big guys from all over the city.

After Zhuang Linyan got out of the car, she raised her eyes and glanced, and she couldn't help but feel surprised.

Because just a cursory glance can tell that almost all the big guys from the outer city are here.

It can also be seen from this battle how powerful the blood wolf gang is now.

This couldn't help making Zhuang Linyan's heart sink gradually.

Xue An just smiled faintly, "Let's go!"

After that, he took the lead and walked forward.

Zhuang Linyan was startled, and then hurriedly followed.

When I walked into the hall, there was already a lot of people here.

The big guys from all sides gathered together and were talking and laughing.

But when Zhuang Linyan and his party walked in, the noisy hall instantly quieted down.

Many people looked at Zhuang Linyan with weird eyes.

Zhuang Linyan's heart became more and more disturbed, but at this point, she could only bite the bullet and continue to hold on.

But at this time, many people's eyes were attracted by Xue An, who was walking in the front.

Who is this boy?

How could he walk in front of Zhuang Linyan?

These questions lingered in everyone's minds.

However, those who can appear here are all human spirits, so soon the hall returned to normal.

But this time, many people unconsciously kept a distance from Zhuang Linyan and and then stood far away and whispered.

"Is this Zhuang Linyan crazy? Actually dare to come? Didn't she know that Cao Gang was specifically dealing with her this time?"

"Huh, overwhelming!"

"Hehe, a woman is a woman! Who can you blame for your own death?"

"But who is this boy? Why have you never seen it?"

"It looks pretty good, maybe this is Zhuang Linyan's concubine!"

All kinds of speculations and arguments made the whole hall become lively.

Zhuang Linyan's face became paler, and her body was trembling unconsciously.

At this moment, there was a tumult at the entrance of the hall, and then Cao Gang walked in with a red face.

Zhuang Linyan trembled, and then infinite hatred appeared in his eyes.

Xue An smiled upon seeing this, and said lightly: "Is that the person you are talking about?"

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