Severus knocked his head repeatedly, "Yes, sir, I know I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, please let me go! I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xue An interrupted him directly.

"Do you know? Even though it's so far away, I can still smell the dirty smell on your body, your soul is like these dead people, like the black mud in the gutter, smelly! And you... But still dare to beg me to let you go?"

Hearing Xue An's words, Severus's face paled, and a look of despair appeared in his eyes, "But...but..."

"Who is the dead Copete?" Xue An asked suddenly.

"Uh... he is... a subordinate of the boss!" Severus replied hard.

"Subordinate? So, you and him belong to the same boss?" Xue An said with interest.

"Yes... it's like this!" Although Xue An asked this suddenly, Severus was willing to do anything as long as he didn't kill him.

Only those who often do to the death of others can better understand the fear of death.

Severus certainly didn't want to die, so he was so obedient.

"Very good! It seems that your boss is very dissatisfied with Copet's death, so he sent you to deal with me. If this is the case, then I naturally have to greet him, after all... you are not indecent!"

Severus did not understand the meaning of Xue An's words, but this did not prevent him from wondering about it.

What does he want to do?

Greeting my boss, joke, he is not here at all, how do you greet?

When he was full of doubts, Xue An, who was originally standing in the air, suddenly flashed, and his whole body instantly appeared in front of him, then looked at Severus condescendingly, and said lightly.

"Do you really want to survive?"

Severus's muscles tightened instantly, and his hair stood up one by one. He couldn't understand Xue An's strength now, so he could only shake and say, "Of course!"

"Well, I can give you a chance!"

Severus was overjoyed and just wanted to say something.

"But it depends on whether you can grasp it!"

Severus nodded his head, "My lord, just let me do anything as long as I can spare my life!"

Xue An showed a smile, "It doesn't need to be so complicated, you just have to go back and meet your boss obediently! Others...I make my own arrangements."

Speaking of this, Xue An's eyes rested on the black suitcase Severus was carrying with him.

"A funny toy, isn't it?"

Severus trembled all over, and despite the dismay in his eyes, he did not hesitate to lift up the suitcase and handed it to Xue An in a flattering manner.

"If your lord likes it, then I will give it to you!"

Xue An didn't pick up the suitcase, just stretched out his hand and gently rubbed it on the smooth leather surface, and then smiled faintly.

"No, let this surprise be left to your boss!"

After that, Xue An took a deep look at Severus, and the brilliance appeared in his eyes.

A trace of divine thought that was not noticed at all intruded into Severus's eyebrows silently.

Severus had no idea about it.

"Get off!" Xue An said lightly.

Severus was ecstatic in his heart, and immediately stood up and saluted Xue An.

"Thank you, sir!"

After speaking, carrying a suitcase, he hurriedly left like a bereaved dog.

Haida and Aretha looked awkward, and obviously didn't understand what Xue An's actions meant.

Although I don't know why the former Andrew was so powerful all of a sudden, even the suppressed Severus fell to his knees, not daring to raise his head.

But at least you shouldn't let him go!

But despite the doubts in their hearts, the two dared not say a word.

Because in their eyes, this teenager has changed too much.

Especially the aura that he exudes, it is almost dare not look directly.

At the same time, Xue An glanced at the two of them, then turned around, and smiled at Zhuang Linyan who was also on the ground.

"The two of them are my former friends. Take care of them. If they are willing to go back, they will be sent back. If they don't, they will stay with you!"

"Yes!" Zhuang Linyan answered immediately.

After doing all this, Xue An stretched a long stretch and looked at the sky covered by dark clouds, but the gap between the clouds was stained with a layer of gold by the crimson moon, like the sky with golden snakes dancing wildly. : "It's late, it's time to go back to sleep!"

After all, Xue An yawned and left.

Zhuang Linyan was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted: "My lord, I will send you a car to take you back!"

"No, it's not far! You'll be home after a few steps!"

In the darkness, Xue An's voice was getting farther and farther away. By the time of the last word, it was already inaudible, and he had obviously left a very long distance.

Zhuang Linyan and Aretha were left in the field.

The eyes of the two sides faced each other. After a long time, Zhuang Linyan nodded at them.

"Two, there are still many things here. For your safety, I will send someone to send you to a safe place first!"

Aretha has nothing to do, Haida also nodded in agreement.

Soon, someone led the two of them away.

When their figures disappeared into the darkness, the expression on Zhuang Linyan's face gradually became somber. She took a deep breath and slowly said, "Come here!"


"Immediately summon the people and start cleaning the entire outer city of Bluestone! Be sure to control the entire outer city before dawn!"

Upon hearing Zhuang Linyan's words, all of these subordinates showed joy, and immediately nodded in response: "Understood!"

Soon, following Zhuang Linyan's order, all of his subordinates came out and began to sweep the entire bluestone outer city with a violent posture.

The first one to be destroyed was naturally the Blood Wolf Gang headquarters.

In fact, because Cao Gang had taken away most of the elite of the Blood Wolf Gang, the Blood Wolf Gang headquarters at this moment had nothing but an empty shelf.

When Zhuang Linyan led people to commit suicide these guards were frightened and completely wiped out without resisting a few times.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuang Linyan's people began to attack everywhere.

And because almost all the big guys in the outer city died in this hotel, and the dragons were headless for a while, they were easily defeated by Zhuang Linyan's people, and they didn't even encounter any decent resistance.

This long and **** night finally passed.

When the first ray of sunlight shined on the earth in the early morning, the whole bluestone outer city had already changed.

And this breaking news also made many people who just woke up bewildered.

How is this going?

Why did the entire bluestone outer city change after just a night's sleep?

Everybody died, the hotel in the city was razed to the ground by the fire, and even the Blood Wolf Gang was destroyed by Zhuang Linyan?

These news shocked one by one, and also made the entire bluestone outer city completely boiling.

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