Before noon, one of the servants broke into the study with sweating profusely, and yelled softly in Liu Zhang's ear, bowing his head while sleeping.

"Patriarch, wake up! There is something important to report to you!"

Before he could call it a second time, Liu Zhang had already opened his eyes, his eyes filled with biting chill.

"what happened?"

He knew that even he was alarmed, that this incident was obviously not trivial.

Sure enough, the housekeeper lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "The news that we just received, the hotel of our Liu family in the outer city was burned down!"

"Huh? Who did it?" Liu Zhang asked in a deep voice while adjusting his clothes.

"According to reliable sources, it should be Zhuang Linyan!"

"Zhuang Linyan? How could that woman be so courageous? Let Cao Gang come over to see me now!" Liu Zhang was a little surprised and shouted in a deep voice.

The housekeeper gave a wry smile, "Patriarch, Cao Gang can't come!"


"Just last night, Zhuang Linyan's people suddenly attacked the blood wolf gang headquarters [Ikan Novel Network], and before that, Cao Gang and many bigwigs in the outer city had already died in the hotel. In! Now the entire outer city is actually Zhuang Linyan's site!"

"What?" Liu Zhang was shocked. "When is this news?"

"We also just got the information, and what happened... just last night!" the butler replied.

Liu Zhang's expression changed suddenly, and Huo Ran got up and paced back and forth in the study.

The housekeeper did not dare to say anything, and stood quietly by the side.

After a long time, Liu Zhang gave a harsh sneer.

"Zhuang Linyan...hehe, I didn't expect that I would really underestimate you! If you knew this, I should have killed you together!"

The butler watched, nose, nose, mouth, and heart, but he didn't hear it.

Because in this kind of family, if you know too many secrets, it means your life is almost over.

"Your brother did not obey the order and insisted on unifying the bluestone outer city, but he didn't know that a stable and unified outer city was not in the interests of the inner city, so he died! He died miserably!"

"Now you are starting to repeat the same mistakes again, and you have eliminated all the other people! But do you really think this will dominate the outer city? You are too naive!"

Liu Zhang muttered to himself as he paced.

Suddenly, he slapped the table and said angrily: "It's really looking for death!"

The housekeeper trembled with fright, then leaned down and said in a murderous voice: "Patriarch, are we going to use our hands to wipe out this Zhuang Linyan now?"

Liu Zhang waved his hand when he heard the words, "Don't worry! Now is not the time to do it!"

"It seems that the auction will be held soon, and in this auction, there will be a high-level alchemy artifact. For this reason, there have been many alchemists in the entire Bluestone City, but this thing is not trivial. Once you get it, you can greatly improve your own strength, so this thing must belong to me!"

"So at this critical juncture, it's not suitable for another extravaganza!"

"What should I do then?" the housekeeper asked with some confusion.

Liu Zhang's eyes showed resoluteness, "Let this Zhuang Linyan be proud for a while, leave her alone for the time being, we will talk about everything after the auction!"


The butler left.

Liu Zhang paced back and forth, the brilliance in his eyes flickered, and finally a grinning smile appeared.

"Zhuang Linyan, you secretly asked for an invitation from my daughter, why? Are you planning to participate in this year's auction?"

"If that's the case, then this auction will be your burial place! Because you never expected that the father of your best friend was actually the one who killed your brother! I really look forward to hearing this news. What does it look like! Hahahaha!"

Liu Zhang let out a very cheerful smile.

Under his order, the Liu family unexpectedly remained silent when facing the shocking changes in the outer city.

Under his leadership, all the major families in the inner city unanimously kept silent.

Because these people have heard the news that there will be a treasure at the auction, in order to get this item, no one wants to make extravagance.

So when the whole outer city was full of turmoil, the inner city was peaceful, and no family expressed its opinion.

This strange peace also makes many people with sharp minds smell some unusual smells.

So soon, the hustle and bustle of the outer city gradually fell silent, and replaced by a very strange silence.

Just like the silence before the storm, a terrifying storm is gestating.

At this time, Zhuang Linyan also disappeared from public sight.

Just when the entire Bluestone City fell into a strange dead silence.

In a mine thousands of miles away.

Severus got out of the aircraft with great spirits.

At this moment, he was no longer embarrassed when he knelt down and begged for mercy when he was in Bluestone City.

Replaced by the same evil spirits and arrogance.

As the boss's capable man, the frightening night watchman.

Naturally no one dared to look at him more.

So he went through the layers of defenses smoothly, and finally came to the small building where the boss of the mining area lived.

In front of this small building, a gang of monsters and ghosts gathered.

These guys are all villains that the boss has searched from everywhere, and almost everyone's hands are covered with blood.

But now, they have become powerful minions of the boss.

When they saw Severus walk in, they all smiled and said hello.

"Master Night Watch! You are back!"

Severus nodded. "Is the boss in there?"

"Yes, sir, the boss is inside, but I advise you to go in later! Because the boss just bought a little girl and just brought it in!"

The villain laughed very disgustingly. If it were this time, Severus would have waited outside obediently.

But today I don’t know what’s going on. Severus felt irritable for a while, and said with a sullen face very impatiently: "What kind of nonsense, I have an urgent matter to see the boss!"

Speaking of, regardless of the obstacles of these people, he broke into this small building.

As these people said, at this moment, the mine owner is preparing to attack the girl who just bought it.

But at this moment, Severus broke in directly.

This made the fat and white boss very dissatisfied, so his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Severus, what do you want to do? Didn't you see that I was busy?"

The irritability in Severus's heart grew more and more, and all this reached its peak after hearing the boss's reprimand.

"Hehe, my boss, I am sorry to inform you that your entertainment is going to stop!"

"What do you mean? Severus, are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about?" the boss roared angrily.

But at this moment, the suitcase that Severus was carrying suddenly exploded, and then he saw countless mechanical insects swarming out of it, coming straight to the boss with extremely terrifying power.

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