Under this much-anticipated situation, Xue An looked down at Duan Fuxian who was kneeling on the ground, and said blankly: "Let you go?"

"Yes, as long as the adults are willing to let me go, I am willing to pay any price!" Duan Fu first raised his head and said very seriously.

"Okay, let's just talk and listen, what price you can pay!" Xue An said lightly.

Duan Fuxian heard this in his heart.

Anyway, as long as you can talk!

Only bargaining is the real buyer. What Duan Fuxian fears most is the kind of guy who directly kills people without asking questions.

So he pondered for a while, and then smiled and said, "My lord, don't worry, since I said that I will pay a price, it will definitely satisfy you!"

As he spoke, Duan Fu first turned his head and waved at the alchemy tower.

With the sound of mechanical change, dozens of war beasts swarmed out from the bottom of the tower, and they all arrived behind Duan Fuxian.

Duan Fuxian showed a flattering smile, "My lord, this is all my painstaking efforts for hundreds of years. Every beast has extremely powerful power, which can shock one party, and as long as the adults are willing , I can immediately transfer the control of these beasts to you!"

Xue An looked condescendingly at these beasts of various shapes, and suddenly said: "Are these beasts made by you after practicing with those women's skins?"

Duan Fu was stunned when he heard Xue An's question.

"Uh...sir, what do you mean? Isn't it just a few ordinary people? And it is their honor to sacrifice for my great alchemy dream!"

Duan Fuxian had a natural expression on his face.

He did think so.

For him, who has lived for hundreds of years and successfully promoted to the Great Alchemist, he no longer regards himself as a mortal.

Even in his opinion, he is no longer a human being, but a superior dominator, and these ordinary people are nothing more than livestock that he raises.

The only difference is that these livestock can talk.

Other than that, there is no difference.

And after Xue An listened to his words for granted, the extremely cold killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"That's good! Since it is their honor to sacrifice for your dream, it just so happens that I also have a dream now, dare you to ask if you are willing to sacrifice?"

Duan Fuxian trembled all over, his face instantly turned pale as paper, "My lord, you..."

"Huh?" With this questioning, there was a golden light across the sky, and Xue An appeared in front of Duan Fuxian in an instant, and then stared at him with piercing eyes.

"Why? Not willing?"

"Ah, no, no, my lord, I'm just..." Duan Fu was sweating profusely in horror, and his eyes were full of horror.

But Xue An didn't listen to his explanation at all, raised his hand, and ran his fingers across his well-maintained face without the slightest wrinkle.

"Yes, although you have lived for so long, your skin is not aging at all. It is suitable for the canvas for seal carving runes!" Xue An said playfully.

But after hearing what Xue An said, Duan Fuxian only felt that the hairs all over his body stood up in an instant, and goose bumps appeared on his skin wherever his cold fingers passed.

"No, you can't do this to me, I'm a master alchemist!"

In the screams, Duan Fuxian secretly activated the control of these beasts.

This was also a plan he had planned early in the morning. If Xue An accepted his apology, then the world would be peaceful.

But if he refuses, that Duan Fu Xian will urge these beasts to fight to the death.

But what made Duan Fuxian never expected was that when he activated the war order, there was no sound behind him.

This can't help making him startled for a while, secretly turned his head to look, and then became stupid.

But seeing these war beasts who are usually flaunting their might, they all crawled on the ground at this moment, their gears trembled, as if they had encountered something extremely terrifying, they didn't even dare to lift their heads.

At the same time, Xue An chuckled softly, "It's about this time, are you still expecting these war beasts to save you?"

Duan Fuxian was shocked, his mouth widened, just about to say something.

At this time, Xue An's eyes flashed with brilliance, and a white flame suddenly appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, from the flames stretched out a string of fire lines.

The lines of fire crisscross, like thin brushes, depicting a complex and mysterious talisman in the air.

Despite being separated by a certain distance, Duan Fuxian still felt a scorching heat wave on his face. The temperature was so high that he burned his beard and eyebrows.

It seems to anticipate what will happen next.

Duan Fuxian was shocked, and in horror, he wanted to turn around and flee here.

Xue An sneered coldly, until Duan Fuxian had escaped a hundred meters away, and then faintly said: "How does it feel like fear? Does this make your skin tighter?"

Duan Fuxian didn't dare to pause at all, and even used his life's strength, only hoping to escape from here as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, everything is in vain.

Seeing Xue An waved his hand, this talisman made of firewire flew directly at an extremely fast speed and enveloped Duan Fuxian's head.


But in the face of this unmelting flame, his resistance was so weak.

There was almost no lag in this character seal, it melted all the barriers in an instant, and then it was engraved on the top of Duan Fuxian's head.

With a bang, the flames rose into the air, covering Duan Fuxian completely.


But this flame is like a tarsal maggot, no matter what method he uses, he can't reduce it by a minute, but it burns more and more.

The smell of barbecue began to fill the air, and there was a beeping sound in the flames, the sound of the skin being scorched by the heat and then bursting open.

It was in this case that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a series of dense runes began to slowly emerge.

Everyone who witnessed this scene was stupid.

This tragic situation is simply unheard of!

But at the same time, many people shed great tears.

Especially those people who had been poisoned by Duan Fuxian tragically, their faces were extremely cheerful.

Because they knew that no matter what kind of punishment was used on Duan Fuxian's body, it would not be excessive.

at last.

Duan Fuxian's struggle began to weaken, and when the flames gradually extinguished, his whole person fell to the ground like a dead wooden stake.

But the body is still engraved with dense runes.

Seeing this scene, the audience was silent.

No one dared to make the slightest noise. They all looked at Xue An, who was standing in the air wearing armor, with extremely awe.

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