Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1514: Pull the tower away, 1 way east!


Under the stunned gaze of everyone, this alchemy tower was pulled out of the ground by Xue An.

In the dusty place, there was only a bottomless pit left where the alchemy tower was.

The high tower, like a giant beam supporting the sky, lay across the sky.

The power of the gods!

All those who have witnessed this scene have only these four words left in their minds.

Only these four words can describe this scene from the past.

At this moment, Xue An, who was standing high in the sky, looked down at the masses of beings at his feet, with a slight smile on his face.

"sorry for disturbance!"

Having said that, Xue An raised his hand and carried one end of the tower on his shoulders, raised his eyes to look at the direction, and then he pressed his feet, his whole figure flashed, and he carried the huge tower to the sky. Eastern Horizon.

The whole process did not exceed a breathing scene, and the back court became empty, except for the big pit on the ground, there was no trace of the high tower.

Many people have a dazed expression on their faces, and some even think that they are dreaming, until they pinch themselves to be sure that everything just happened is true.

Then the whole Yujin City set off a great uproar.

"Gosh, that **** Duan Fuxian is dead! Hahahahaha, God has eyes!"

"Who is the adult in the golden armor? Why is it so powerful?"

"The direction he flew away seems to be the headquarters of the Tower of Truth!"

These excited discussions came and went one after another.

At this moment, the people who were rescued by Xue An from the tower all knelt to the ground in the direction of Xue An's departure, their faces full of excitement.

Because they knew that if Xue An were not there, their final fate would very likely be a fine collection of Duan Fuxian.

So they are naturally grateful to Xue An.

at the same time.

Xue An carried this special "weapon" with great length and flew to the headquarters of the Tower of Truth at an extremely fast speed.

Wherever it passed, the dark clouds receded, and the sun and the moon gave in.

And this scene naturally attracted the attention of many people on the ground. They looked up and watched in amazement as a half-length tower whizzed through the sky.

Many people thought that they were not awake at that moment, but were dreaming!

And everyone who passed by was shocked by this scene when they doubted their lives.

In the eastern sea, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Yujin City, there is an island with a height of thousands of feet.

The whole island is made of metal, and the shape is extremely exaggerated, full of steampunk style.

Here is where the famous Tower of Truth is located.


In the high tower in the center of the island, the speakers of the Truth Tower all looked at each other.

The room was terribly quiet.

Those who can appear here are the elites of the entire truth tower.

Everyone present here is without exception the cultivation base of the Great Alchemist, and any one of them is enough to deter one party.

But at this moment, these speakers were silent, instead focusing on the three people in the middle of the room.

The three are two men and one woman, all wearing red robes, with a metal bird standing on one foot embroidered with gold silk on the robes.

And this... is the sign of the Creator's realm in the Tower of Truth.

That's right.

These three are the only three creators in the Tower of Truth, and at the same time the three Grand Speakers of the Tower of Truth.

The older man is named Tao Chengde, who is the strongest creator, and he is also the master of Duan Fuxian.

The younger man is named An Guocong, who is also good at strength, and only Tao Chengde is the leader.

As for that woman, she was the only female alchemist in the entire tower of truth, named He Yinuo.


Tao Chengde held the communicator that had been shattered by the loud sound, his face was extremely ugly.

Upon seeing this, An Guocong whispered: "Brother, what did that guy do in the end? Why is there such a loud noise?"

Tao Chengde looked gloomy and shook his head, "I don't know, but what is certain is that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Ang Guocong's eyes showed a cruel look, and he grinned and said, "What can I do if I'm not an ordinary person? I dare to fight against our Truth Tower. I really want to die! Or I will take someone over to see what's going on?"

Tao Chengde's eyes were also full of endless killing intent.

Xue An's reprimand of the Tower of Truth and the abnormal noise behind made him feel a huge threat.

So in order to get rid of it quickly, sending someone to the past is obviously the fastest way.

But he was just about to nod in agreement.

He Yinuo suddenly raised his eyes and looked out the window, a haze that was not easily noticeable flashed across his eyebrows, and then coldly said: "No need to go, I can feel that this person is coming to us!"

"What?" Tao Chengde's expression changed.

Although he was incompatible with He Yinuo, he also knew that He Yinuo's most powerful ability was her almost terrifying perception ability, so he didn't dare to be careless and asked in a deep voice.

"how many people?"

He Yinuo shook his head, "From what I currently perceive, he is the only one!"

"What? Is this guy a lunatic?"

"Yes, he dared to come to our truth tower alone, did he come to die?"

These sneers and sarcasm instantly resounded throughout the room.

Even Ang Guocong couldn't help but sneered: "So arrogant? Do you really think it would be great to eliminate a master alchemist? Jokes, it's fine if he doesn't come. After he comes, I will teach him to be a man!"

Just when these people were ranting about it, He Yinuo dignifiedly took out a silver ball and pressed it violently.

The silver sphere quickly deformed, transformed into a palm-sized aircraft, then turned into streamer, rushed out of the window, and disappeared into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Ang Guocong sneered, "Hey Nuo, you didn't hesitate to use your Mithril UAV for a kid who didn't know where, don't you think it's a fuss?"

He Yinuo ignored An Guocong's mockery at all, but waited quietly with his eyes closed.

Finally, after a moment, her body shook slightly, and then raised her hand to unfold a small scroll.

The brilliance floating above the scroll soon a picture emerged.

At the beginning, the picture was still rough and shaky, but soon the picture became clear.

When they saw the scene in the picture, all the people who had just spoken out and had a face of disdain were shocked, and then collectively dumbfounded.

In that picture, a man in golden armor was hurrying on his way carrying a half-tall tower full of length.

As if he felt prying, the man slowly raised his head, the armor on his face separated instantly, revealing a calm face, then he smiled at the screen and his lips moved slightly.

"Don't worry, be prepared, I will be there soon!"

The cold voice spread through the screen to the ears of everyone present.

Then I heard a sound from Peng, the screen burst open, and the scroll shattered.

He Yinuo snorted slightly.

But the whole audience was shrouded in a dead silence filled with bone-chilling cold.

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