Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1533: Move the mountains and the sea with your fingers, the vicissitudes of life...

This kind of momentum also caused an uproar in the audience.

"What the **** is going on? What plan? I don't understand at all!" Nalan Changlong asked his mother with a dazed expression.

The second lady stared at Xue An, who was standing high in the sky, and said coldly: "Who knows! It is estimated that this guy is playing mystery!"

As if to respond to her words, Xue An looked down at the temple ruins that had been re-submerged by the sea, and said lightly: "It's a shame to be submerged in this way, come out!"

His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the audience.

Everyone is silent, but the sea is as before, without any abnormalities.

"Sure enough..." Nalan Changlong's face was mocking, just about to say something, the next scene made him swallow the rest of the words again.

But seeing the sea rapidly receding, the sea bottom swelled up frantically, and in an instant, the temple ruins that were originally deep in the sea appeared in front of everyone.

But this is not enough. Large expanses of the sea floor continue to rise, connecting with the island under everyone's feet.

But in the blink of an eye, the turbulent sea just disappeared and was replaced by a vast land.

Everyone was stupefied by the scene before them.

With just a few fingers, the mountains and the sea are moved, turning the sea into mulberry fields.

This kind of supernatural power is beyond people's imagination.

But this is not over yet, Xue An raised his head to look at the crimson moon hidden behind the clouds, and said lightly: "It's too slow! Let's speed it up!"

As he said, Xue An raised his hand and pointed, and the clouds all over the sky instantly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the day of flames that had just fallen into the western sky rose again to the sky, and the crimson moon, one east and one west, complemented each other, illuminating the whole world.

This spectacle shocked the whole world.

In Bluestone City, Zhuang Linyan, who was originally working at the desk in the house, was shocked. He noticed the strangeness between the world and the earth, and immediately rushed out of the room, looking up at the wonder of the sun and the moon in the sky with a horrified face.

"How is it possible! How could the sun and moon left over from ancient times go wrong?" Zhuang Linyan muttered to herself.

Liu Jingyi also felt unusual. She stood beside Zhuang Linyan, watching with a horrified face, and whispered: "Could it be that this world is about to collapse?"

Not only them, everyone in the entire Bluestone City, the entire continent, and even the entire world looked up at this scene blankly.

Many timid people are even on the verge of collapse, believing that people's sins must have angered the alchemy gods, leading to the end of the world.

At this moment.

Xue An spoke slowly, and his voice spread all over the world in an instant, resounding throughout the world.

"Starting today, I am the lord of this world, and start the civilization restart plan! Everyone must obey the instructions and make no mistakes!"

After hearing this familiar voice, Zhuang Linyan and Liu Jingyi shook together, and then looked at each other, and both saw the consternation in each other's eyes.

Then Liu Jingyi swallowed hard, and tremblingly said, "Is it him?"

Zhuang Linyan nodded solemnly, "Yes, it should be an adult!"

Liu Jingyi was silent, and only laughed at herself after a while.

"Unexpectedly, he is far more powerful than we thought!"

"Yes!" Zhuang Linyan sighed, her eyes gleaming with complicated light, "but it's not a rare opportunity!"

On the island, everyone stared blankly at Xue An, standing on the sky, hunting in white clothes, just like the gods.

No one dared to speak.

It wasn't until a long time later that someone almost groaned, "God, did I really have a dream?"

No one answered this person's question, because everyone at this moment has no time to manage so much.

There is only one thought in their minds.

What is going on with this so-called civilization restart plan?

It seems to be aware of everyone's questions.

Xue An looked down at the people headed by Nalan Zhongqin, and said calmly, "Can you forget what you learned in the ruins?"

Nalan Zhongqin took the lead and said: "Master, disciples dare not forget!"

Behind her, everyone also said one after another: "Yes, disciples dare not forget!"

"Very good!" Xue An nodded, "Then you will be responsible for the specific matters of restarting civilization, are you confident?"

"Definitely fulfill the mission!" everyone shouted in unison.

Xue An smiled and nodded, "Not bad!"

After speaking, he turned around and flew into the tall tower, while speaking in a calm tone.

"I have lived in this tower of truth during this period of time. If anything happens to me, please report it to me at any time!"

When Xue An's figure disappeared in the Tower of Truth, people gradually woke up from the shock, and then there was an uproar.

Countless people rejoiced and wept for joy.

Because in these long years before, there were countless amazing people who wanted to restart the alchemy civilization, but they all failed.

But this time, under the leadership of this mysterious Mr. Xue, everything will be different.

But in this cheerful atmosphere, Nalan Changlong in the crowd looked dull.

It wasn't until a long time later that he turned his stiff neck and stammered to his mother.

"Mother... Mother, next... what shall we do?"

The voice trembled, full of horror.

The second lady's complexion is also ugly, because she knows that all the plans have failed.

Not only did Nalan Viola have nothing to do, on the contrary, he gained even greater benefits from the ruins.

In contrast, he has been defeated.

But she still took a deep breath and whispered: "Don't say anything, before they notice us, hurry up!"

With that, she turned around first and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, the chief steward of the auction alliance and others stopped their way, and said without a smile: "Second Madam, what are you going to do?"

The second lady turned and smiled strongly: "I...I didn't see Zhong Qin coming back, do you want to go home to report!"

"Humph!" The manager snorted coldly.

Nalan Changlong stepped forward and screamed inwardly: "What do you want to do? Give me a break. We are members of the Nalan family!"

At this moment, I heard a cold female voice say indifferently: "Oh? Do you still know that you are from the Nalan family?"

Following the voice, Nalan viola models came.

The chief steward and others stepped aside.

"You..." Nalan Changlong turned pale.

But Nalan Zhongqin is obviously not interested in talking nonsense with them, the mother and son, just took a deep look at them, and then said indifferently: "Catch them all! I don't want to watch them until the adults' affairs are finished. To them!"


And when the curtain on the islands came to an end, the whole world boiled with Xue An's words.

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