Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1539: Husband, the way you just looked... well...

After a crisp sound, this alchemy vessel merged into Ye Hanchang's sea of ​​consciousness like water.

Then Ye Hanshang stood in place like a statue, and his eyes lost their luster.

Xue An knew that this was because Ye Hanshang's divine sense entered the alchemy vessel to seek answers.

It stands to reason that normally only a single divine mind is enough for this kind of thing, but now Ye Hanshang obviously put all the divine mind into it, and the whole person is in a completely undefended state.

In this state, any strong person might be able to severely injure Ye Hanshang.

Xue An couldn't help but sighed lightly, and then sat aside silently, protecting Ye Hanshang.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, the charcoal fire in the furnace in front of Xue An had been changed three times, and then he heard a very faint whimper from Ye Hanchang's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Hanchang was in tears, crying completely into tears.

Xue An didn't persuade him, but looked at it distressedly. It was only after a while before he stood up and patted Ye Hanshang's shoulder gently.

"Well, now that you have found the answer in your heart, stop crying!"

But this action completely collapsed Ye Hanshang, who was in an extremely vulnerable and sensitive state. He hugged Xue An and started crying loudly.

"Laoxue ...... I ...... I **** bastard! I was actually a misunderstanding Han children with other men, the results ...... result the man was her elder brother ah! Ohh ohh!"

When Ye Hanchang hugged him, and swayed his nose and tears on the clothes on his chest, Xue An became stiff, and a violent force directly appeared on his eyebrows.

Xue An vowed that if others dared to hold himself like this, he would be dead now.

But seeing that Ye Hanshang is his own brother, and now he has just lost love, Xue An reluctantly suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and took a deep breath of composure.

"Okay, I know, but can you let go now..."

But before he could finish his words, Ye Hanchang cried again.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. "

As he cried, the surrounding vegetation instantly withered, and then turned into powder.

Xue An frowned with a headache, and muttered to herself.

Can't be angry, can't be angry!

After all, he is his own brother. Now he has just lost his relationship. Give him a chance. As for this dress...

After a while, I burned it with Red Lotus Karma.

When Xue An was secretly ruthless, he suddenly felt his eyebrows hot, and then Fu Bao Xiaolou flew out of it.

Xue An's heart shook. He immediately understood something and shouted: "Yan'er, it's okay, you don't..."

It's a pity that he said it was a bit late, that is, at this moment, An Yan walked out of the Fubao Xiaolou, and asked with some doubts as he walked.

"Husband, what is going on outside? Who is crying so loudly!"

The last word stopped abruptly.

Because An Yan was already stunned, she stared blankly at Xue An, who was tightly hugged by Ye Hanchang who was crying not far away, with a gloomy face, the expression on his face gradually became stunned, his eyes It also became bigger and bigger.

Xue An took a deep breath, and then coughed twice, "Ahem...Yan'er, things are not what you imagined. Ye Hanshang has just fallen out of love, so he is a little emotional, which is also forgivable. Hahaha... ."

An extremely strange look gradually appeared on An Yan's face, "Husband, actually... you don't need to explain! I understand..."

Xue An was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, and wanted to shout aloud, what do you know?

But he couldn't do that. He could only say with a wry smile: "Yan'er, don't be blinded by the appearance in front of you, what do you think of me..."

But many things today seem to be deliberately going against Xue An, at this moment, a voice full of joy came from a distance.

"My lord, you are finally back..."

The last word "A" turned into a soprano aria directly because of the shock. I saw Zang Xueling who appeared in the field, and looked at Xue An and Ye Hanshang who were "holding together" with a dull face.

The thick black line on Xue An's forehead is about to become a whole, but at this time, he can only bite the bullet and explain.

"Uh... this guy is broken in love, so..."

But Zang Xueling, who had hidden a certain evil spirit, did not listen to these explanations at all. She saw a big smile gradually bloomed on her face, and then glanced at An Yan not far away, a moment in her mind. The brain made up a wonderful drama in which Zheng Gong Niang was angrily catching the male third, and then she cleverly lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"excuse me!"

After that, she turned and ran.

Xue An felt that the consciousness of his whole person was a little unstable with anger.

What is interruption?

This **** fell into the quagmire, how can it be washed away!

But this is not the key. The key is that Xue An noticed the growing smile on Yan'er's face and the excitement in his eyes.

Although I feel that Ye Hanshang is really pitiful now, Xue An feels that if this continues, it will be himself who is the pitiful.

Therefore, he kicked Ye Hanshang, who was still crying, without hesitation, but because of the emergency, the kick was a little heavier, and he directly kicked Ye Hanshang out across the wall.

At this time, Ye Hanshang in midair couldn't help crying louder.

But Xue An didn't care so much anymore. With a wave of his hand, the red lotus industry fire swept through his body, directly burning the suit on his body to nothingness.

Immediately after being covered by the fire, Xue An opened the mustard seed ring and took out a new set of clothes and put on it.

After finishing all this, Xue An took a breath, then sorted out his emotions, took a few steps forward, and smiled at An Yan.

"Yan' To be honest, An Yan wanted to make a mockery of Xue An.

Because she had never seen Xue An, who was omnipotent in her eyes, so flustered.

But when she saw Xue An's pretentious calm look and the uncomfortable feeling that she was born with fleas, she finally couldn't help laughing.

The sound at the beginning was still a bit small, but gradually, her laughter became louder and louder, and by the end the whole person was too happy to straighten up.

The expression on Xue An's face is like this "⊙⊙"!

It wasn't until a long time later that An Yan smiled so much that she was almost exhausted.

Xue Ancai couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Yan'er, what are you laughing at?"

Unexpectedly, his question caused An Yan, who was about to stop, to laugh again. In the end, he held his stomach feebly, lay on Xue An's shoulders, and then stood on his toes and whispered in Xue An's ears.

"Husband, the way you just looked... so cute!"

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