As a passenger in the first-class cabin, he also used his own power to slaughter the dragon, saving the lives of a ship.

Xue An received the highest courtesy, and the captain, chief mate and others personally sent Xue An off the flying boat, and then left after repeated thanks.

As for the other passengers, they also expressed their gratitude to Xue An.

But then there was a very embarrassing situation.

Xia Qi stood on the square in front of the wharf with a green face, and fire was about to burst out of her eyes.

Because she had notified the family in advance that she was about to return with a super master, and specifically asked for a grand reception.

But now on the wharf square of Wuwangya, let alone the reception, there is no shadow of the Xia family at all.

How can this not make Xia Qi angry.

For these, Xue An was noncommittal, not thinking about it at all.

But he didn't care, but Xia Qi couldn't care less.

She took a deep breath and said apologetically to Xue An: "My lord, it seems that there was a small problem in my communication with the family that caused this situation, but you can rest assured that I will definitely Give you a reasonable explanation!"

Xue An just smiled upon hearing this.

At this time, the same angry butler finally contacted the Xia family, and after waiting for a while, a small flying car was late to arrive.

But there was only an ordinary servant of the Xia family above Fei, and no one else followed.

This couldn't help making Xia Qi's complexion more ugly, but she forced herself to bear it and smiled at Xue An apologetically.

"My lord, I can only wrong you first!"

Xue An nodded, "Okay!"

The group of people got on the fly, then soared into the air and flew to the headquarters of the Xia family.

The previous Xia family was considered to be second to none in Wuwangya, occupying as much territory as a small city.

However, during the confrontation with the Zhang family during this period, the Xia family was suppressed and couldn't raise its head, lost a large area, and even lost its previous headquarters. Now it can only be shrunk in a corner, barely supporting it. Did not fall completely.

But the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Even in this situation, the headquarters of the Xia family is still magnificent and majestic.

But today's situation is different.

Not far from the door, a group of people were gathered together and whispered.

"come yet?"

"It should be soon. From the dock to this place, if you sit on the fly, you will have at most a stick of incense!"

"Brother Yi said, we must be prepared to teach this master who doesn't know where to jump out a lifetime lesson!"

"Don't worry! I will not disappoint Brother Yi!"

At this moment, someone suddenly whispered.

"Come here! Get ready!"

Everyone lifted their heads and looked into the air.


I saw a flying wing flying straight from the sky, and in an instant, the flying wing came to the sky, and then slowly landed.

The group winked at each other, and then greeted them.

Xia Qi was the first to notice the strangeness, especially when she saw these people walking forward, she was taken aback for a while, and then an angry expression appeared on her face.

"Go take a look, what do these guys want to do?" Xia Qi whispered.

"Yes!" The middle-aged butler immediately got off the fly and shouted at these people in a deep voice.

"What are you doing?"

Of course, these people all recognize Xia Qi's personal butler, but as Xia Yi's subordinates, of course they are not afraid.

Therefore, after hearing the butler's question, the leader of these people smiled.

"My housekeeper, didn't we hear that the young lady came back a long distance, so we came here to welcome you!"

Of course the housekeeper would not believe these words, so he sneered: "What are you guys worthy of welcoming the young lady's return? Why don't you get out?"

These words are very heavy, at least the faces of the leading people have changed.

Then I listened to the gloomy words of the previous speaker: "My housekeeper, don't speak so badly! We are here on behalf of Master Biao!"

"Yes, we came here by the order of Brother Yi!"

These people began to clamor.

At this moment, Xia Qi also stepped off Feiyan, coldly shouted: "On behalf of Xia Yi, come to meet me? Ha ha, no need, you go back and tell Xia Yi, if you want to meet me, please let him come by himself! What's the matter with the dog?"

In fact, because of the current difficulties the Xia family is facing, the contradictions within the Xia family have been completely intensified.

Before Xia Qi and Xia Yi were at odds inside, at least they maintained a fragile balance on the surface.

But now even this fragile balance between the two sides is gone, so Xia Qi's words are very rude.

But these people dare not refute.

Because no matter what, Xia Qi is the eldest lady of the Xia family. Of course, her status is not comparable to them.

What's more, their goal this time is not Xia Qi.

At the same time, Xue An also got off the fly.

When he appeared in the sight of everyone, all the people in this group were bright.

Because this face is so strange, they have never seen it before.

I think this should be the guy that Brother Yi said to deal with.

So these people winked at each other and then laughed.

"Miss, our brother Yi is very busy now, so we don't have time to come over to meet you, but he can say that recently bandits and scammers are rampant, especially many people use the name of masters to bluff and deceive, you must be careful! "

"You..." Xia Qi was furious and was about to attack.

But these people obviously ignored her meaning, and instead aimed all the spears at Xue An.

"Boy, what do you do?"

"Yes, you don't look like a good person like this. Say, what do you want to do in our Xia family?"

Without exception, these Xia Yi's subordinates are all people with cultivation skills.

And what I usually do best is fighting in groups.

As for such rants and bluffs, they are even more familiar with them.

And while talking, these people surrounded Xue An with a calm expression.

The situation suddenly became tense.

Xia Qi was going crazy.

No one is greeted. What is this going to do? Do you bully less?

So she will have a seizure.

But at this moment, Xue An smiled at her.

"These guys... do you want to live or die?"

Xia Qi was taken aback and didn't know how to respond to this question.

But these guys were all anxious when they heard this.

"What? Good boy, you dare to talk to me like this!"

"Beat him! Let him know how great it is!"

There is no excuse for this group of people to do something, so after hearing what Xue An said, the group of people rushed to to attack Xue An.

As I said before, these people are usually best at fighting in groups, so they cooperate very well.

Regardless of whether the individual cultivation base is not high, but once united, the strength is enough to force the general quasi-Daluo level powerhouse back.

This is also the reason why Xia Yi let them get ahead.

Xia Qi was a little anxious, "No..."

She wanted to stop this because she was afraid that Xue An would be injured again without preparation.

But the word was just exited, but Xue An, who was surrounded by Tuan Tuan, stomped his foot abruptly.

This foot made the earth shake.

Immediately after Xue An raised his fist, he blasted out, and directly confronted the rushing people.


After a loud bang, looking at these men who were already rushing aggressively, they were like a kite with a broken line. They were directly blasted into the air and then screamed and scattered all over the ground.

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