Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1579: Dragon True Language

In fact, for these dragons living in the dark sea, it is not difficult to find out the news in the dark cities.

Not to mention those forces that secretly took refuge in the dragon clan, many of the dragons simply turned into human forms, penetrated into the dark city, and acted as agents.

Therefore, within half a day, a detailed intelligence message spread into the palace.

After Mo Litu finished watching, there was another roar.

"Xia Family! I didn't expect that you ants would dare to attack my daughter secretly, and I will crush your corpses!"

Speaking of this, Mo Li Tu has been dazzled by extreme anger.

Because judging from the information returned, it was obvious that his daughter was already horrible.

If it was said to have died in the hands of a certain mighty power, Molitu could barely accept it.

But now his daughter died in the hands of the Xia family, and it is very likely that he died in a despicable sneak attack. This is like a catalyst, making the anger in Mo Li Tu's chest burn.

The entire sea of ​​darkness trembled under Mo Li Tu's anger.

Mo Litu's body hovered in the air, then suddenly opened his mouth and said a true dragon clan.

This true language is born with blood, full of infinite majesty.

Once the cast is carried out, the upper person in the blood will have complete control over the lower person.

So when the Dragon King Molitu uttered this truth, the abyssal dragons all over the Dark Sea immediately turned around and rushed towards the palace together.

at the same time.

Before the huge dragon head of Mo Li Tu, an illusory figure appeared.

The figure seemed to exist, but it could be vaguely seen to be a man with a majestic face.

He raised his hand and wrote a slip in the air, and then shouted grimly.

"Come here, send this letter to Wuwangya and declare it in public, saying that I will give them three days, and after three days I will hand over the culprit who killed my daughter. I can spare the Xia family and the whole Wuwang. There is a path to life, if not, kill!"

"Follow the king's order!"

A magic dragon led away.

Mo Litu raised his huge dragon eyes, scanned the surroundings, and saw that countless abyssal dragons were constantly coming here, and he couldn't help but sneer.

"How dare to kill my daughter, this time I will be bloodied to Wuwangya, let everyone know what the end of fighting against my dragon clan!"

In recent days, the territory under the jurisdiction of the Xia family has become more and more lively.

Wuwangya, and even other dark city forces, are all coming in, all wanting to find out the inside story of this matter, especially the unknown peerless master, who is valued by all parties.

In this situation, the place where the headquarters of the Xia family was located showed a strange kind of prosperity.

The spies from various forces gathered here, and various methods were emerging in an endless stream, all trying to spy out some useful intelligence.

Xia Zheng had anticipated this early, so he started the arrangement early. Everyone in the Xia family was not allowed to enter and leave at will, let alone disclose any news to outsiders.

Under such strict precautions, the efforts of all parties have almost failed.

Xue An, who lives in Xia's family, was not disturbed either.

Just under the cover of this chaos, the disguised Xia Yi led Mr. Liu and the three of them, crossing the street in a light car and coming to a secret courtyard.

It’s not too far away from the Xia’s mansion, but at the same time it’s hidden in the street. It’s very unobtrusive, and it’s a good place to stay quiet.

This is also one of Xiayi's industries.

Although Xia Yi is a standard dude, he also knows that everything has to be left behind. Zheshu

This courtyard was secretly left behind by him, but he didn't expect it to be used now.

"Master Liu, this is where we live these days, please come in!" Xia Yi said respectfully.

Boss Liu looked at this secluded courtyard and nodded in satisfaction, "Well, that's good! It's a good place to keep quiet, Xiaoxia, I didn't expect you to have this snack machine!"

After a few days of contact, or flicker.

Xia Yi had long believed in the identity and strength of the three men.

Therefore, he was also "promoted" for Xiao Xia, whom Mr. Liu said.

Xia Yi was actually a little excited when he heard an adult calling himself that, and nodded repeatedly and said, "Your honor is too good!"

Boss Liu smiled complacently, and then walked into this courtyard with his hands on his back.

Because of the dust prevention beads, the room is very clean.

Boss Liu sat on the head and said lightly: "Xia Xia, you brought us here for a long time, who are you going to kill?"

A look of resentment appeared in Xia Yi's eyes, he pondered for a moment, and then said softly: "My lord, this man is very cunning. I don't know if he is still here, so I can't tell you who it is for the time being!"

Boss Liu just asked casually like this, of course he wouldn't be so stupid to go to work for Xia Yi.

It's just that the oil and water on Xia Yi's body hasn't been drained yet, so he will follow.

So when he heard Xia Yi's words, Mrs. Liu smiled slightly, "Well, after this time of getting along, I found that you are a good boy. When you find an enemy, I will get rid of him by myself!"

Xia Yi was overjoyed, "Thank you, sir!"

Standing behind Boss Liu, the two pointed-mouthed monkey cheeks and triangular eyes who did not speak the whole time looked at each other, and both saw the admiration in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the boss's flicker skills have not faded, but have become more powerful.

When you look at this foolish hat, you almost find a shrine to confess the boss.

It seems that the boss is right, the two of us are still far behind, and we need to study diligently in many places!

Just as the two sighed secretly in their hearts, there was a sudden chaos outside.

"It's a dragon!"

"My God, how could the magic dragon suddenly appear here?"

These shouts came and went one after another, many of them spread into this courtyard.

Several people were startled, and immediately got up and went to the door, looking up.


I saw a dragon with a body length of thousands of feet and did not know when it came to the sky. At this moment, it was swaying its body, overlooking the crowd.


Boss Liu secretly took a breath.

The shadow that this thing left on him is too Even after so long, after seeing it again, he still feels a little weak in his calves.

Unlike him, Xia Yi's eyes lit up after seeing this magic dragon, and the whole person became excited.

Because he had a faint hunch, the purpose of this magic dragon's coming here is obviously not simple.


Seeing that the city below was completely boiling and the streets were crowded with people, the magic dragon who was ordered to report to him raised his head and looked up at himself. He couldn't help but blow his nose in satisfaction, and then said vigorously.

"Where is the Xia family?"


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