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An Yan gradually returned to normal, and then groaned almost dreamily: "I can't describe that feeling. This woman is like an all-knowing **** and a hideous and terrifying beast. Before her, I just I feel my sanity is being torn apart little by little, and then pulled into the bottomless abyss little by little!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

The reason is torn apart, it looks like a **** but exists like an evil beast?

The combination of these information made Xue An's complexion gradually dignified.

Because he suddenly thought of a possibility.

If this is the case, then all previous doubts can be easily solved.

At this time An Yan buried her head in Xue An's chest, and whispered: "Husband, I really thought I would never wake up again, until later, I felt your divine will!"

"At that time, as soon as your divine mind appeared, those visions were completely shredded, but this woman, like an immortal body, kept appearing all the time. Until the end, I got out of this nightmare!"

Speaking of this, An Yan raised her head and looked at Xue An with tears on her face, "Husband, I am really scared, I am afraid that I will sleep forever and never see you again!"

Xue An smiled softly and patted her head lightly, "Little fool, what are you thinking about! With me, no one can take you away from me!"

"But that woman..." An Yan's eyes showed horror again.

It can be seen the depth of the shadow left on her.

"What's wrong with that woman?" Xue An said lightly.

"She feels like an existence that can never be defeated or even be perceived! So I'm afraid..."

"Afraid I will lose?" Xue An said with a smile.

An Yan did not speak, but silence sometimes means tacit approval.

Xue An smiled when he saw it, "Okay! Stop thinking about it, don't you still believe in the strength of your husband? And the reason why you feel that woman is terrifying is just because she sealed you!"

An Yan nodded, but after a while, she gathered up the courage to raise her head.

"Husband, do you know who she is?"

Xue An nodded, "If my guess is correct, it should be that group of guys! Because only this group exists, can they use such despicable mental means to intimidate and control others!"

When it came to this, Xue An's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

An Yan was still a little frightened, because the power she felt in her dream was so powerful that it made her feel suspicious.

But looking at what Xue An looks like now, he obviously recognizes these existences.

This made An Yan a big sigh of relief.

After all, the unknown is often the most terrifying.

"Okay, Yan'er, your current mind is clearly traumatized. Next, I will use my mind to fill your eyebrows, remember not to be nervous, it will be well soon! Understand?" Xue An said softly.

An Yan nodded, "Hmm!"

Xue An took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly burst into bright brilliance, and a turbulent divine mind directly penetrated An Yan's eyebrows.

The whole process was unimpeded, and it was obvious that An Yan had completely let go of Xue An's mind.

This requires thorough and unreserved trust.

Upon seeing this, Xue An felt pain and anger in his heart, and his killing intent became more intense.

An Yan is the most important existence in his life.

But I didn't expect that someone would dare to hurt her like this, and this couldn't help raising Xue An's heart with an anger that could destroy the world.

But before he found the target, Xue An had to reluctantly suppress the anger in his heart.

As Xue An had expected, An Yan's soul has been seriously injured.

A huge wound appeared on the surface of the gray spirit.

It is because of this that An Yan is so vulnerable and helpless.

Xue An was distressed and couldn't help himself, so he directly used his most precious soul source to help An Yan make up for this scar.

In an instant.

The wound is healed and everything is as before.

But Xue An didn't just withdraw.

Because he knew that to really cure Yan'er, the first thing to do was to erase the memory in the dream.

Thinking of this, Xue An carefully unfolded Anyan's sea of ​​memories.

In that huge memory, Xue An easily found this memory that exuded gray brilliance.

Xue An's heart moved, but he didn't erase it like that, but directly infiltrated his spirit.


With a light tremor.

In front of Xue An, a dark green starry sky appeared.

Under the stars, An Yan was sitting on the ground with a pained face, and above the sky in the distance, there was a woman's figure.

At the moment when he saw this woman, Xue An's spiritual thoughts were shocked, and his sanity faded crazily.

At the same time, the woman slowly raised her eyes and looked towards Xue An.

What kind of eyes are that.

Void and illusion, but full of cold cruelty.

When the sights of the two parties were in contact, a fascinating and inconceivable force descended on Xue An, tearing his spiritual thoughts.

But in this situation, a sneer appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

"Sure enough, you guys who think they are noble and extraordinary evil gods!"

After all, Xue An's eyes suddenly showed an extremely bright brilliance, and the turbulent spirit swept everything around him instantly.

The woman's expression was slightly startled, and then she was completely wiped out under the bombardment of this sea-like spirit.

When the woman's figure disappeared, the picture of this memory burst into pieces.

Then Xue An retreated from Anyan's sea of ​​knowledge.

Looking at An Yan at this moment, she had already fallen asleep on Xue An's chest, and the color of fear on her face gradually faded.

Xue An knew that this was her normal performance, and could not help but let out a sigh, then gently hugged An Yan and put it on the bed.

Staring at An Yan's gradually sweet expression~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue An laughed silently, and then whispered softly.

"I didn't pay attention to you ancient bereaved clan before, but I didn't expect that you dare to attack Yan'er, so don't blame me for being rude!"

In this sleep, An Yan slept for more than three hours.

When she woke up again, she only felt refreshed and in an unprecedented state.

This made her stretch out a long stretch, and then yawned comfortably.

"Sleep really sound!"

Then she noticed Xue An, who was sitting on the bed and looking at her with a smile. She was startled first, and then her cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Old...husband, why are you here?"

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