Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1604: This matter, give me a reasonable explanation...

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Following the voice, I saw a commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall, and then I saw Luo Lanting first step into the arena.

The moment she appeared in front of everyone, the audience was quiet, and then there was an uproar.

Because at the moment, Luo Lan Pavilion is still wearing the evening gown soaked in blood.

Coupled with the scars all over the body, although it has healed a lot, at first glance, it is still terrifying and shocking.

Seeing this scene, everyone present felt tight, and the complexion of many people changed drastically.

Because among the people present, many actually didn't know what happened tonight.

So when they saw the scarred Luolan Pavilion, they immediately realized that this rally tonight is by no means easy.

There may even be major events.

So they all closed their mouths and looked at them solemnly.

As for people who know the inside story like Min Huafeng, the master of Bai Lian Guan, the complexion at this moment is also very ugly.

Because Luo Lan Ting appeared in this image, it was clear that it was to give them their power.

The meaning represented by this is even more terrifying.

In this tense atmosphere, no one noticed Xue An who walked in immediately behind Luolan Pavilion.

Even if someone saw it, they simply thought he was a new master Luo Lanting recruited.


The commotion in the banquet hall gradually subsided.

After Luo Lanting stood upright, he looked around the audience blankly.

There is no sound in the banquet hall, and people's breathing can be heard quietly.

Under this depressive atmosphere, and after a full cup of tea, Luo Lanting slowly retracted his gaze and said softly.

"I am disappointed!"

These simple words shocked many people as if they were struck by lightning.

Luo Lanting continued to speak in an extremely calm tone.

"I also know that in this city, or in this world, betrayal is a common occurrence, but I always thought that the Evil Flower and everyone here would be a little different!"

"Because I have been trying my best to change everything! But I failed!"

Luo Lanting's tone didn't have any waves, but it fell in everyone's ears, but it was full of extreme fatigue and disappointment.

This made many people bow their heads silently.

"As you can see, just tonight, I suffered a fatal ambush and almost died outside! Now the wound on my body is still bleeding, but it doesn't matter, because I failed! And If you fail, you must pay a price, so I deserve it. I have no complaints!"

Luo Lanting's words echoed over the banquet hall, and everyone's expressions became a little subtle.

Some people lower their heads, their eyes flicker, and they don't know what they are thinking.

Min Huazang is no exception. He has a ghost in his heart. He lowered his head at the moment, thinking about what Luo Lanting said in his heart.

What does she mean by this?

Does it mean you don't intend to pursue it?

Well, that should be it! After all, this incident has spread too far. If she really wants to pursue it, no one can predict the consequences, and it may even be beyond the end of the Evil Flower.

Thinking of this, Min Huafeng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

But before he waited for a smile to appear on his face.

But seeing Luo Lanting leaning on the table with his hands, leaning forward, his icy eyes scanned the audience.

"But there is no doubt that everyone should pay for their actions. Now that I have been punished, should it be your turn next?"

This sentence was like a shock to the world, causing Min Huazang and others to become disillusioned.

Luo Lanting seemed to feel nothing, and continued to say in a soothing tone: "Since I was attacked, there hasn't been any trouble in the whole city, and even you, who should have known the news for the first time, did not do anything! "

"It's as if they were discussed in advance, you all kept silent about this matter!"

"This... don't you need to give me a reasonable explanation?"

After that, the audience was terribly quiet.

Luo Lanting looked around the audience, his face gradually showed a hint of sarcasm, "What? Don't you even want to give me a reasonable explanation? Or is it that I am so worthless?"

Still no one said anything.

"Very well, since you don't want to say it, then I will take the initiative to ask!"

As he said, Luo Lanting's gaze stayed on Min Huafeng, "Min Guanzhu, don't you plan to say a few words?"

Min Huafeng trembled and groaned secretly in his heart.

Why is it so unlucky for me to be called for questioning?

But now he has already asked himself, and it will definitely be impossible to continue to be silent, so he raised his head and laughed forcefully.

"Master Sect Master, I have nothing to say, because I really don't know what happened!"

"Oh? Don't know anything?" Luo Lanting said lightly.

"Yeah! I really don't know anything! In fact, I'm feeling sick recently, so I went to bed early tonight, and I didn't notice anything unusual at all!" Min Huafeng said very sincerely.

"Don't even know it's raining tonight?" Luo Lanting asked coldly.

"This... this is naturally known!" Min Huafeng said hesitantly.

Luo Lanting smiled, "Min Guanzhu, do you know why I asked you in the first place?"

"do not know!"

"Because your Hundred Refinement View is the closest to the place where I was attacked, and just at such a close distance, so many assassins of Star Luo Dao appeared! But you told me that you don’t know anything, you think I’m Would you believe it? Or... Does Min Guanzhu think I'm a fool?"

Min Huafeng was speechless when asked, his eyes fluctuated, and finally his face gradually became gloomy.

"Sect Master Luo, what you said is very reasonable! That's right, how could I not know that those Star Luo Dao killers are fighting such a big battle? But there is one thing I want to declare in advance!"

"My Hundred Refining View and your Evil Flower are just allies, not subordinates!"

Luo Lanting nodded, "I know this!"

"It's good to admit Since it's an ally, even if I really knew the news, but didn't tell you in time, it's not a fault, right?"

Luo Lanting shook his head, "Not counting!"

Min Huafeng's expression became more and more complacent, and then he sneered: "What's more, what kind of power is Xingluo Dao? How can my little Bailianguan be able to provoke it? So even if I knew the news, I was afraid and didn't want to Tell you! Does Sect Master Luo still blame me for this?"

This series of rhetorical questions can't help but make many people who have ghosts in their hearts shine in front of them, and they all clamor.

"Min Guanzhu is right! We are just an ally with Evil Flower. Why is it wrong?"

"Yes! And whether it's the Evil Flower or Xingluodao, they are all existences that we can't afford to provoke. We don't want to provoke them. We should protect ourselves. Is this also wrong?"

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