"No!" Luo Lanting was pale and trembling.

Don't look at the acquaintance of Xue An for only half a day, but for this mysterious teenager, Luo Lanting is full of respect.

After all, he saved himself and helped him to rectify the people inside and outside!

So when she saw Xue An trapped in the sea of ​​stars, she was naturally anxious.

But she was anxious, but many people were secretly happy.

For example, Min Huafeng.

He couldn't help letting out a breath.

To be honest, he was constantly scared on the way here.

If this young man who didn't know where to jump out can really wipe out Xingluo Dao, then the fate of these people can naturally be imagined.

So when he saw Xue An being overwhelmed by Xinghui, he almost laughed out loud.

Are you not a cow*?

Look at how good you are now*!

He was not ashamed, and kept saying that he would uproot Xingluo Dao. I think you pulled yourself up first!

At this time, Star Kill also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead as no one was aware.

He has been worried about whether this young man in white will really do anything amazing.


everything is over.

No one can survive the strangulation of the Sea of ​​Stars.

But when he turned around and was about to leave, a light laugh suddenly came from the sea of ​​stars.

"Very interesting trick, but that's it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Sea of ​​Stars that had wrapped Xue An suddenly became dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​stars began to expand rapidly.

In the end, it exploded like a balloon.

Among the stars scattered everywhere in the sky, and then falling like a shooting star, Xue An in a spotless white robe walked out slowly, and then everyone smiled at Xingluodao.

"Are there any tricks like this? I want to try them all! Because it's fun!"

Quite fun……!

This description left many people speechless.

After such a long time, this is the first time someone has heard of Xing Luo Dao's ultimate move with fun.

The "arrogance" contained in this has almost reached the point of giving up others.

At least in Star Kill's view, this is the case.

I saw him yelling furiously: "Zhuzi is arrogant, kill him!"

The order was like a landslide.

In an instant, among the crowd of Xingluodao, dozens of figures rose into the sky, and then went straight to Xue An.

At the forefront is the great guardian who mocked Xue An a lot before.

I saw him grinning and said, "Starlight casts a sword!"


Following the voice, the sky full of stars condensed into a huge sword with a length of ten miles in an instant, and then slashed straight towards Xue An.

The word "practical cut" is no longer accurate.

In front of such a huge sword weapon, Zhan and Boom are the same.

This is also the famous skill of this great protector.

But in the face of this sword, Xue An just sneered.

"That's it? Really boring!"

As he said, before the sword energy came to his body, Xue An suddenly stomped his foot, "Today I will show you what is a real starlight cast sword!"

As he said, Xue An raised his hand, palm up, and gave a soft drink, "The sky is full of stars, for my use!"

In the past, Xue An needed to say a loan if he wanted to use the power of heaven and earth.

But it is no longer needed.

As long as he simply utters these four words for my use, he can control an unimaginable world power.

Like this moment.

When Xue An's voice just fell, there were countless huge beams of light suddenly appeared on the sky where the faint morning light had emerged.

These beams of light were filled with incomparably abundant starlight power, and then gathered together in Xue An's hands.

In a snap of his fingers, a huge sword with thousands of miles long took shape.

Compared with this peerless sword, the sword condensed by this great guardian is as weak and pitiful as a toothpick.

And this scene also shocked everyone in the sky and the ground.

Star Kill was startled first, then suddenly understood something, and immediately shouted wildly: "Run!"

But it was too late.

When these people wake up like a dream, turn around and want to escape here.

Xue An said indifferently: "I said let you use some interesting moves, but you just didn't listen. In that case, I will send you on the road first!"


There is no extra sound.

This peerless sword weapon slashed quickly like a breeze between heaven and earth.


Within the reach of Jianguang.

All the objects are cut into two pieces.

All these objects naturally include people.

But seeing that these people who were still aggressive just now, and were going to ask Master Xue Anxing to question their crimes, at this moment, they were like wood-carved clay sculptures, standing blankly in the void.

I don't know who started it first.

Just listened to a beep, a sound of cracking tiles coming from these people.

Immediately afterwards, countless fine cracks appeared on the surface of these people's bodies.


With a muffled noise.

The bodies of these people were like fireworks, completely exploding.

The pieces are mixed with mist of blood floating in the world.

Everyone was shocked by this scene full of extreme violent beauty.

Xue An shrugged, "Here! You can't blame me for this, blame these guys for bad life!"

Star Killer looked at him blankly, and then he almost vomited blood by Xue An's words.

"Dare to kill my elite, Xingluodao is not at odds with you!" Xingsha shouted in a spiteful tone.

Xue An just smiled, "You don't have to be at odds with me, because I'm here to solve this problem! Didn't you ask me what I want to do? I'll tell you now!"

"I want to uproot you Xingluo Dao, don't know what your opinion is? Are you so happy?"

Xing Shao was trembling with anger all over by Xue An. If he hadn't had a high level of cultivation, he might have suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died on the spot.

"Happy? Hehehehe, you want to uproot my Xingluo Dao by the roots, so please touch your own heads first!"

When the words fell, Star Killer's body scattered between the heavens and the earth, disappearing.

Lu Yinxi also used this trick before.

But when Star Killing was launched ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ obviously took a step forward.

He is not there, but he is everywhere.

This is the horror of the Xingluo Dao Secret Art.

There is no way to detect them after turning into starlight.

But others can't, doesn't mean Xue An can't.

Xue An slowly closed his eyes and said coldly: "Want to control the world to fight with me? Okay, then I will play with you!"

After all, Xue An's body instantly evaporated, and then disappeared into the void.

Everyone opened their mouths slightly, many people still don't know what happened.

There were bursts of noise in the void.

Vaguely, two figures can be seen frantically confronting each other, but then they disappear again.

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