Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1617: Women just want to shame

Luo Lanting went down to clean up.

After Xingluo Dao was destroyed, the current extremely evil flower has become the leading force in this bottom city.

This also means all kinds of chaotic affairs.

If Luo Lan Ting wants to leave, he must first explain these things clearly.

When she left, Xue An stood quietly in front of the window for a while.

Then I saw a little brilliance projected from the center of his eyebrows, forming a phantom in front of him.

It is An Yan.

This is also a secret technique that An Yan learned only recently.

In this way, she can easily come out of the Fubao Xiaolou, while the body remains in the Fubao Xiaolou, which is enough to ensure safety.

Seeing An Yan first spin around Xue An naughty a few times.

In this state, she looked like a light and shadow of no quality, so she could easily rub against Xue An's body.

Xue An smiled when he saw it and stretched out his hand to hug An Yan, but he was completely empty.

It turned out that at that moment, An Yan suddenly dispersed, and then regrouped behind Xue An.

Then An Yan giggled, "Stupid husband, you can't catch me now! Hehe!"

The words seemed like a little girl who succeeded in stealing the cake, full of pride.

Xue An, who rushed to the air, didn't say anything, just rubbed his chin slowly, and then sighed slightly.

"Yan'er, you are really getting naughty now!"

"Hehe, how about being naughty! You have the ability to catch me!" An Yan became increasingly "arrogant".

"Are you stimulating me?" Xue Anhao said in a leisurely manner.

"Hehe, dumb husband, I am not what I used to be! You can't catch me at all! If you catch..."

"Huh? How?"

"Then...then punish whatever you want!"

Xue An's eyes lit up, "This is what you said! If you get caught by me, be careful of your ass!"

Although it was in a phantom state, when Xue An finished speaking, he could still see An Yan's face gradually blushing.

"Bah, badass! Smelly hooligan!"

"Hehe! I would like to lose the bet, I'm here!"

Xue An smiled very evilly, and eagerly stretched out his "devil's claws".

An Yan suddenly became nervous, "Hey, say yes first, you can't use those weird tricks! And you have to use this house as the boundary, even if I win out of this room!"

"Okay, I don't need it!"

"There is still no way to seal the space with divine consciousness!"

Xue An frowned slightly, "This..."

"Why? Afraid? Hehe, it seems that your husband will be afraid too! In this case, you can simply give up!" An Yan smiled more and more happily.

"Give up?" Xue An chuckled, "Silly Yan'er, you are too underestimating your husband, isn't it just divine mind? No need, no need!"

"Huh?" An Yan didn't expect Xue An to promise so readily, she couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when she was caught off guard.

"Anything else to add?" Xue An asked.

"Hmm..." An Yan hesitated a little, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and said quickly: "And you can't touch me with your hands and feet!"

"Hey, this condition is a bit too much! How can I catch you without meeting you!" Xue An said silently.

"Hee hee, I don't care, don't you say that you are great! If you don't grab me with your hands and feet, then you will be the best!" An Yan thought she had caught Xue An's painful foot, and couldn't help but said with pride.

Unexpectedly, Xue An laughed, "Okay! Then I promise you!"

An Yan didn't expect that Xue An would actually agree, and she was taken aback.

Seeing Xue An's figure flashed, he disappeared in the same place instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already come to An Yan.

An Yan was so scared that Hua Rong turned pale, and screamed, "I haven't said the beginning yet! This doesn't count!"

Xue An shrugged and looked at An Yan with a smile, "Okay! Whatever you want!"


In fact, when the word was opened, An Yan's figure had already flown out.

Anyan in this state, neither the reaction nor the speed can be calculated by common sense.

It was just a flash, An Yan had already flown to the door, and was about to fly out soon.

But at this moment, a group of black shadows suddenly appeared in front of her, and An Yan slammed into it firmly.

Before An Yan could react, Xue Anye leaned down and bit on An Yan's lips "viciously".

Although it was said to be a phantom state, because An Yan's form contained spiritual power, the kiss still made her eyes widen instantly and she was stupid.

After a long time, Xue An slowly let go of his mouth. Seeing An Yan's still bewildered face, he couldn't help but chuckled in her ear.

"How is it? I won you without my hands, feet, or spiritual mind! I would like to accept the bet. How do you punish you?"

An Yan's eyes began to glow with water, then he stuck out his tongue, and said slyly, "Huh! I don't want to bet!"

"Hey, you are shameless!"

"How about shame? A woman can shame. You can bite me if you have the ability!"

"This is what you said!" Xue An said with a smile.

An Yan suddenly felt bad, and just wanted to dodge, but it was still a step too late.


Finally, Xue An released his mouth.

Although there is no physical limitation, An Yan still takes a long inhalation, and then bitterly said: "You big villain, you know you bully me all day long!"

Xue An smiled triumphantly, and then swept An Yan over, "How is it, what happened to bullying you?"

An Yan twisted slightly, and she comfortably nestled in Xue An's arms.

Only after a while, An Yan whispered softly: "Husband!"


"Why do you have to let this girl follow? Isn't that too dangerous?"

An Yan is talking about Luolan Pavilion.

Xue An smiled upon hearing this, "Because this incident is inherently inseparable from her, and I always have a hunch that she will be a very important person in this matter!"

"Husband, who is the old acquaintance you mentioned?"

"He! He is a funny guy who reads!"

"Oh!" An Yan was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "In such a dark and messy place, it would be very hard for Mengxue to be here alone!"

Xue An also remained silent for a moment, and then whispered softly: "Yes! But this is the road she chose, and the road to the Dark King is destined to be lonely, so she can only bear it alone!"

An Yan couldn't help feeling a little sad when he heard the words, and lightly leaned her head on Xue An's chest.

"Husband, Mengxue is really not easy! You have to help her more!"

"Hmm! I will!"

Just as the two were enjoying this warm atmosphere.

The space in front of him suddenly showed two vague lights and shadows, and then the sound of thinking and thinking came out of them.

Of course, the fatter one is Nian Nian.

And the one that is higher is to think about it.

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