Frano was standing in front of the casino door, whispering to his companions.

"I really hate to stand guard in front of the door! Because it's so stupid! Could anyone else dare to come here to make trouble?"

His companion was naturally a guard, and after hearing what Frano said, the guard shrugged.

"Well, since the above sent us to stand guard, let's stand! It's better than the guys in Paladon. I heard that they have not rested for two days and two nights, and they are taking control of the city!"

Flano was gloating when he heard the words, "This is simply the best news I've heard recently. I can't help but want to laugh when I think that Palladon is so unlucky!"

The guard chuckled and did not speak.

But Flano obviously refused to let it go. He looked around and saw that everything was calm as usual, so he approached with a mysterious face and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, you said that Lord God King suddenly ordered martial law throughout the city this time, and asked us to pay close attention to the people who have recently entered the city, especially the human youths. What do you want to do? Could it be...Is there something big going on? ?"

Seeing the curiosity on Frano's face, the guard's expression became serious.

"Frano, there are some things you should ask, and don't ask if you shouldn't. How can we guess what God King wants to do?"

Flano was said to be scornful, "Isn't I curious!"

"It's best to swallow your curiosity into your stomach, otherwise no one can save you if something happens!"

"Okay, okay! Can't I get it! It's boring!"

Frano grumbled and turned back to his post, but he was still very curious.

Because just the day before yesterday, Lord God King suddenly issued two decrees, one is to close the entire city and prohibit people from entering or leaving.

The second is to carry out a large-scale search of the whole city, focusing on the human youth who is weak at the young age.

As soon as these two orders came out, the whole city was a little furious.

Many guards turned the whole city upside down, but they didn't find the person mentioned by Lord God King.

But the atmosphere has not eased, instead, it has become more tense.

Even these casinos dedicated to the enjoyment of the gods have increased their protection levels.

Frano was sent to stand guard in front of the casino under this situation.

For him who has been lazy, this kind of work can be described as extremely boring.

That’s why he complained

But after being scolded by his companions, he could only put these dissatisfaction in his heart.

Just when Flano was secretly slandering himself.

From the darkness in the distance of the street, two people walked out slowly.

When someone saw someone, Flano and the other guard were shocked.

Because just before these two figures appeared, they clearly felt that the whole street was empty.

But almost in the blink of an eye, these two men appeared out of thin air.

Such a strange scene naturally made the two of them feel very tight.

"Who?" Flano shouted sharply.

No one responded, the two figures were still walking unhurriedly in the darkness.

Flano and his companion looked at each other, and they both saw the solemn color in each other's eyes, and then the guard nodded slightly at Flano.

Flano understood that this was for himself to go in and deliver the letter, so he turned and left.

But at this moment, the two figures walked out of the darkness and came into the light.

Walking in front is a teenager in white, and behind him is a black-clothed double ponytail loli.

Such a combination, even in such a quiet and solemn night, still gives people a pleasing feeling.

But the two of Flano didn't feel the slightest pleasing feeling at all. On the contrary, their eyes were all opened to the fullest, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Because this young man is the one that Lord God King personally ordered to find!

This is a big deal!

When the two of Flano were frightened, Xue An slowly stopped, his eyes swept over the two of them, and then smiled slightly.

"Excuse me, is this the Guangming Grand Casino?"

The two of them were stiff and could hardly speak.

However, Flano saw the opportunity faster, took the lead in regaining consciousness, and then nodded frantically.

"Yes, it is!"

"Thank you!" Xue An nodded and smiled, then stepped into the casino.

Both Frano were struggling.

They are sent here to stand guard, and it can be said that everyone who enters the casino needs their consent.

And now this boy in white is naturally not allowed to be put in.

But if they want to stop, Flano dare not.

Because although the white-clothed boy in front of him looked mediocre, his eyes were deep and chilling.

When they were uncertain, Xue Anye had already walked in front of them.

Flano's companion gritted his teeth secretly, and if Xue An were allowed to enter in this way, then the two of them would not end well.

So he took a step forward and tried to stop Xue An.

But at this moment, Xue An raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly.

It was just such an understatement that caused the guard to stagger back several steps like a lightning strike, then fell to his knees with a thump, and could no longer get up.


Seeing such a scene, Flano took a breath, and the last trace of luck in his heart disappeared.

That's it! Now the two of them are dead!

Just as Frano lamented in his heart.

But seeing Xue An continuing to walk in without looking back, he ignored them at all.

Until he had reached the door, Xue Anfang said lightly: "If I were you, I should have run as far as possible now. After all... the city tonight will be very restless!"

After all, Xue An pushed the door and walked in, and Luo Lanting followed him and disappeared in the corridor behind the door.

The two of Flano stared blankly, and after a while, Flano shuddered.

Then he looked at his companion.

It happened that the guard also looked at Frano, the two looked at each other, and then said one word in unison.


After saying a word, the two immediately stood up, not even daring to look back, and flew away directly.

Bright Grand Casino!

The name is full of irony After all, light is always a more positive word, and casinos are often accompanied by darkness.

When the two are combined, it naturally gives people a funny and almost magical feeling.

But the name is so appropriate.

Because those who can enter and exit this casino are all gods in the Kingdom of Light!

That's right!

It is the bright gods under the command of the King of Light!

Does it sound ridiculous?

Gods can also gamble.

But this is true.

In fact, when the King of Light moved the entire kingdom of God to Paradise Lost, these gods quickly degenerated and corrupted at an astonishing speed.

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