The light coercion formed by the gathering of so many holy light angels is enough to move any strong person.

But Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, but took a step forward quietly.


It seemed that a war drum had hit everyone's hearts.

The extremely violent power instantly strangled this so-called light coercion.

Even the Holy Light Angel who was a little closer was not immune, and was directly blasted into nothingness.

This scene shocked the angels of the Holy Light.

Then Xue An took another step forward.

At this time, these holy light angels couldn't help but back away.

Xue An saw a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said calmly: "If you stop me, kill me!"

After all, Xue An took another step forward.

At this time, these holy light angels finally couldn't bear it.

Almost at the same time, these holy light angels ran away, like birds and animals.

But Xue An did not intend to let them go.

I saw him gently raise his hand, "Cut!"

The endless sword light was born directly from the light, and then strangled everything around it.

The wings fell and the blood exploded.

In this almost weird scene, Xue Anyou walked steadily, walking to the depths of the temple.

Just when Xue An came to the depths of this temple to kill.

The King of Light, who had turned into his body, also opened his eyes, his face full of dignity.

He has always believed in his instincts.

But his instinct now tells him that if he opposes this young man from this earth, he will end up miserably.

But if you really answered those two questions, your fate would not be much better.

It is under this dilemma that he will resolutely abandon the casino, and even his daughter will be regarded as an abandoned son.

The purpose is to procrastinate for a while.

But the King of Light, all this is just a stopgap measure.

The fallen gods of light couldn't stop Xue An at all.

Soon, he will be here.

So he needs to make a decision in such a short time.

Thinking of this, the face of the King of Light finally showed a decisive look.

Although I really don't want to do that kind of transaction anymore, because the King of Light knows that, just like the D product, it will be addictive and eventually lead to destruction.

But it's a matter of life and death, so I can't care about that much!

Making up his mind, he ran to the secret room where the wheel of fortune was previously stored without hesitation.

Those broken wheels of destiny were still scattered on the ground, but the King of Light ignored them. Instead, he walked to the middle position and drew a ciphertext.


There was a gap in the ground, and in the gap there were steps winding down, as if leading into hell.

The King of Light rushed into it, and after a while he came to a more secret room.

This secret room suddenly looked like a conference room, and a huge conference table occupies most of the space.

But there was only one chair at the conference table.

This is a chair that is luxurious in shape and material. The scarlet leather cushion is filled with seductive luster, which makes people want to sit on it.

The God King of Guangming gritted his teeth secretly, and then sat on the chair.

There is nothing unusual, not even extra noise.

But at this moment, on the opposite side of the conference table, a cloud of dark, evil, and at the same time weird and unspeakable mist suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a strange laugh came from the mist.

The laughter was full of sticky and evil connotations, just like a poisonous snake in the tropical rain forest, making people shudder just by listening.

"Your complexion is terrible! Is there anything I need help from God?" The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but it gave people a sense of extreme temptation.

The King of Light took a deep breath and nodded, "Yes! I need your help on one thing!"

"Hehe, it's really surprising, you haven't come to me for a long time, but it was because of the wheel of fortune last time, why? What tricky things have you encountered? That makes you such a self-proclaimed **** not hesitate to ask for help To an abyssal demon like me?"

If there are other people present, they will be frightened and dumbfounded after hearing the words Abyss Demon.

Because the abyss demon is a very strange existence.

They have power beyond imagination, but take pleasure in temptation and playing with their souls.

Even in the abyss, they are daunting existences.

You must know that the abyss is the largest in volume among the heavens.

How big it is, has always been an unsolved mystery.

Even now, no one can detect the bottom of the abyss.

Among them, the various weird and powerful races are countless.

But the demon is the number one existence among the known races in the abyss.

Even some weak people will be completely crazy just by looking at them.

Unexpectedly, the King of Light had an unspeakable deal with this existence.

The King of Light ignored the cynicism in the devil’s words, but he said solemnly: "A person is chasing me! I am not his opponent, so I want to ask you to kill him!"

"Oh? You are not an opponent? Are you the one who broke the wheel of fortune?"


"Gluck, well, give me his face so I can calculate what price you should pay for it!"

The King of Brightness had been prepared for a long time, and immediately sent a spirit of Xue An's image into the mist.

The mist began to surge.

The King of Light sat quietly on the chair, waiting for the devil's response.

As he did before.

Upon request, the demon figured out the price he had to pay, then bargained with him, and finally settled the deal.

Although these abyss demons are extremely evil existences, it must be said that their abilities are extremely powerful, and they have always believed in words.

As long as you can pay the same price, you can get almost everything you want.

This time is no exception.

And this is the killer of the King of Light.

At least no one can escape the obliteration of these abyss demons.

Even before, the King of Light had asked what it would take to obliterate the existence in the high-level city of Lost Paradise.

At that time, the devil gave an extremely outrageous price, which the King of Light could never afford.

But this at least proves that it can indeed obliterate those advanced existences.

But this time, the King of Light was ready, as long as he could wipe out Xue An, he was willing to give everything.

But at this moment.

The surging mist suddenly began to converge inward, and then I saw a huge rabbit looming in the mist.

This was the first time that the King of Light saw a real object appearing in the mist, so he asked quickly.

"What price do I have to pay?"

Hearing this, the rabbit raised his head and stared at the King of Light with extremely hateful and sulky eyes.

"You can't pay the price!"

"What?" God King Guangming was taken aback and wanted to continue to ask.

The rabbit continued: "Not only you, no one among the heavens can pay this price!"

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