
There were shouts from the crowd.

"I want the second woman from the left in the front row!"

"I want the one in red next to me!"

"Me too! I bid three spirit crystals!"

For a time, shouts filled the hall, making it extremely lively.

"My lord, which one do you think is more pleasing to the eye? I'll go and tell you now, otherwise, once the time is over, all the good ones will be selected!" The shop Xiaoer urged again.

Xue An leaned back on the chair and took a deep look at the girls who were crying and dancing with humiliation faces, and said lightly: "Don't be so troublesome, I need all of these...I want it!"

"What?" Xiaoer Dian thought he had heard it wrong.

"I said, I want all of these!" Xue An repeated it slowly.

Xiao Er was dumbfounded, and looked at Xue An with a little astonishment, "But my lord..."

"What? Is there a problem?" Xue An glanced at him.

"There is no problem. The point is that there is no such precedent!"

Ever since Zhanxianglou set up this show, no one has been so "arrogant".

The Xiaoer of this famous shop was naturally surprised.

"What do you want to precede? Anyway, I have money. Is this... enough?"

With that said, Xue An waved his hand and there were dozens of superb spirit crystals.

There was a look of greed in the eyes of the shop's little Er. Although there was something wrong in his heart, the allure of these spirit crystals was too great, so he only hesitated a little, then took a step forward and said loudly.

"The shopkeeper, this adult will buy all the women present!"

The audience was silent.

Including this middle-aged man, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Want to buy all of them?

Who is this person? How can there be such a big tone?

Holding these questions, countless lights converged on Xue An instantly.

Soon, these scrutinizing eyes became disdainful.

"Hehe, who should I have such a big tone! It turned out to be an individual!" A foreigner sneered.

"Why? I am a little unwilling to see my own ethnic group suffering? Want to spend money to buy it all?" Someone even said sarcastically.

Xue An ignored these people, but looked at the middle-aged man in the field.

The middle-aged man was also a little surprised, but when he saw the slight nod from the shop Xiaoer, his heart moved, and then he changed into a smile.

"My lord, do you really want to buy all these people?"

Xue An leaned on the chair and looked at the middle-aged man with a calm expression, "Why? No?"

"It's okay, but it's okay, but the point is that these women were caught by our Zhanxianglou with a lot of effort, and they are very valuable..."

Before he finished his words, Xue An waved his hand casually, and hundreds of brilliance fell into the arena, astonishingly the best spirit crystals.

You should know that the bright spirit crystals that Xue An has searched from the King of Light are more than a hundred million, so naturally he doesn't care about such a little thing.

"Is this enough?" Xue An asked calmly.

There was dead silence in the audience, followed by an uproar.

Many foreign experts stared at these top-grade spirit crystals in the field, almost staring out their eyes.

The middle-aged man was also taken aback, but he was the treasurer of Zhanxianglou anyhow, so he quickly returned to normal, giving Xue An a meaningful look.

"Enough! Of course it is enough!"

"Since it's enough, these people are mine!" Xue An said lightly.

"of course!"

"Well, let them all come over!"

These women were all in despair, thinking that they would definitely die this time.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the situation turned around, and a young man bought all his own people very aggressively.

And it seems that this young man is still a human race.

This can't help all the girls see a glimmer of hope.

Even if you die in the hands of your own tribe, it is better than being the food in the belly of a foreign race!

"This...Of course I am fine!" The middle-aged man said intentionally.

But before these women came to Xue An's side, there was a strong alien who couldn't wait to jump out of the hall.

"I have a question!"

The man who was speaking was a man covered with scales, his eyes were evil and ghostly, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, which was daunting.

Seeing him jumping out, the middle-aged man's mouth showed an imperceptible sneer, then he stepped back half a step, spread his hands, and signaled that these things had nothing to do with him.

"Oh? What's the problem with you?" Xue An turned to look at the man.

The man sneered, "Everyone has seen these women, so why do they all belong to you?"

Xue An shrugged, "Here, you can see it too, but I paid for it!"

"Money? Haha, this is exactly what I want to say, a human teenager, how can you have so many superb spirit crystals? Say, did you stole this from where? Don't recruit it from reality, otherwise... kill nothing amnesty!"

When he said this, the man's eyes were full of greed and evil spirits.

Obviously, it is because Xue An's momentum is mediocre and intends to squeeze money out of this way.

Xue An laughed, "You said I stole these spirit crystals?"

"Of course! Otherwise, how come you have so many spirit crystals? If you hand them over, I might spare you not to die!"

Before the words fell, Xue An's eyes suddenly showed a cold light.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a blade of sword light slashing past like a glimpse of a fright.


All this happened extremely fast.

Almost at the moment when everyone hadn't reacted, the sword light came out from behind the man, bringing out drops of blood.

The man stared at Xue An blankly, and it was a long time before he saw a blood line appearing from the man's eyebrows, and it quickly extended downward.

Suddenly, I heard a crisp sound.

Then the man was cut in half from it.

The blood mingled with broken organs fell down, stunned everyone in the audience.

Xue Anhao fiddled with his fingers in his spare time and smiled faintly, "Sorry, what I hate the most is being threatened!"

The audience was quiet for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

Some strong men who had friendship with the dead men roared.

"Where is the dare to be so arrogant!"

"kill him!"

In the sound of the killing, the middle-aged man took a step back without moving a look, and looked at Xue An with sarcasm, thinking that he was probably not good enough now.

Because what he just did was too arrogant, and he actually violently killed people. Wouldn't this arouse public anger?

But just before these clamours have subsided.

Seeing Xue An's fingers waving one after another like playing a piano, and then seeing the sword light flying straight out.

Puff puff!

In the midst of a muffled sound, these men who had just uttered madness were cut in half instantly.

Blood splattered into the sky.

Xue An sat on the chair, looked around, his words were as cold as ice, "Now... any of you have opinions?"

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