The agreed celebration day has finally arrived.

On this day, as soon as the Mingyue hung on the treetops, the Chongxu family began to lively.

The countless guests made the Chongxu family feel like a crowd, and among them there are many powerful people from all major forces.

To put it bluntly, everyone is very curious.

Curious about what happened in the Chongxu family, and even let Yijie Zuo's son-in-law come back.

Seeing the excitement, Liu Cai couldn't help but get excited, and then said with a smile to Chi Xiao.

"What am I talking about? Obviously, the adults from all walks of life will not miss this excitement! Just the powerhouses present now are enough to make people astounding. Even if the Lord of the World does not come, the Chongxu family should not even think about it. What waves are coming!"

Chi Xiao's complexion was a little pale, but as Liu Cai said, with so many powerhouses present, his heart was a little more at ease.


Under the guidance of the servants, all guests were led to the atrium square.

A variety of delicacies, delicacies, and fine wines were already prepared here, so soon people completely relaxed, thinking that this was just an ordinary celebration, and began to get together in groups to talk and laugh.

"It's really strange, why didn't I see a Chongxu family elder today? It was just a servant who led us here! Could it be said that the Chongxu family is already so arrogant? Want to give us a good look?" Someone looked at him. Said dissatisfied.

"Who knows! But I don't think it is to deliberately give us a predicament, maybe something in the Chongxu family is busy!" someone persuaded.

But more people are still discussing this black evil with weird smiles.

"Hey, have you heard? This Hei Sha is at best just a soil bun who has just emerged from the abyss. The reason why he can become a spiritual envoy is because of the face of the Chongxu family!"

"It's more than that! You think the Chongxu family is so kind, wanting to promote a guy with no foundation? Don't be stupid, they just want to plunder the blood of this black evil!"

"Tsk tsk, then, maybe this celebration is also a conspiracy against the evil spirit?"

"I think it's really possible!"

The noise of these discussions made the audience boil over.

Chi Xiao heard a sneer in his heart.

Also aimed at Heisha's conspiracy, you won't say that when you see Heisha!

At this moment, I saw a tumult at the entrance of the square, and then saw Chong Xuxuan, the head of the Chongxu family, walk in.

Because of the strength of the Chongxu family, people began to say hello when they saw him.

"Patriarch Chongxu!"

"Hi Patriarch!"

Chong Xuxuan nodded frequently with a smile, and seemed very happy to see that.


He walked to the upright position, and then chatted and laughed with several patrons of equal status.

The atmosphere is more relaxed.

People even forgot what the purpose of this celebration was.

It wasn't until a sound of footsteps came that the noisy crowd gradually calmed down.


The dull footsteps seemed to step on people's hearts, which made people tremble.

Then I saw Xue Ankuan stepping in.

of course!

In the eyes of everyone, what came in was still the famous waste Heishi.

Many people can't help but show sarcasm.

But before they could say anything, Chong Xulan, who walked in with Xue An, silenced everyone.

Because at this moment, Chong Xulan, dressed in plain clothes, low eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, followed Xue An with respectful attitude like a little daughter-in-law who just passed the door.

This picture is really incredible.

Many people couldn't help opening their eyes wide, and then they believed that the rumors were true.

This once inconspicuous son-in-law is really rebellious.

Among the crowd, Chi Xiao palely bowed his head, not even daring to look at Xue An.

Because he still remembers the fear of being dominated by Xue An.

At this moment, he even regretted coming to this celebration.

Liu Cai on the side was very interested, and even a little excited said: "Interesting, I actually surrendered this Chongxulan, it's a bit capable!"

But the next scene was even more shocking!

Seeing Xue An coming in, Chong Xuxuan hurriedly greeted him, his face even full of flattering smiles.

This picture made many people immediately stunned there.

This... how is this possible?

That's the dignified Patriarch who actually flattered a son-in-law so much?

Is it because my eyes are wrong, or the world is crazy?

Xue An smiled slightly, then wandered to the right position and sat down on his own.

At this time, the complexions of many powerhouses became very ugly.

Especially the group of people who talked to Chong Xuxuan just now, their faces turned green.

In their capacity, only Chong Xuxuan was worthy to sit with them.

But now this daring guy dared to sit down, really looking for death!

Many people are waiting for the attack.

Xue An suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at the audience.

It was such a look that immediately caused those who wanted to speak out to swallow the words again.

Because they suddenly felt a kind of panic from the heart, as if they were being stared at by some ancient beast, it was chilling.

The audience instantly became very quiet.

That is to say, during this stunned effort, there was a sudden commotion outside, and then I saw that Yicheng Longyuan suddenly broke through the void and appeared above everyone's heads.

"The world master arrives, idlers retreat!"

In the cold shout, the crowd hurriedly gave up a clearing.

Long Yin fell on the ground, the car curtain suddenly opened, and then a mass of nothingness appeared in it.

And beside Long Nian, there are dozens of guards with bright and powerful armor.

There was a tumult from the crowd, and then people began to bow their heads, and some even knelt directly on the ground.

In this mess, Xue An sat calmly, unmoved at all.

Chong Xuxuan's face showed a faint look, but Xuan even summoned the courage to greet him.

"I have seen the world master!"

There seemed to be a pair of eyes spying on everyone in the nothingness, and after hearing Chong Xuxuan's greetings, there was a burst of inexplicable laughter in the nothingness.

"Patriarch Chongxu received his son-in-law this time, which is really gratifying!"

"Thank you, Lord Lord, for your praise! Please also come to your seat!" Chong Xuxuan greeted him diligently.

"Forget it, I am not here this time for your so-called son-in-law!" As he said, the voice in the void suddenly became cold.

"Everyone listens!"

With an order, all parties bowed their heads.

Then I heard the voice saying: "The high-ranking adults have a call, order me to summon the strong from all walks of life, and go to the high-ranking to discuss important no mistake!

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent, and then it boiled.

Many people looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

Because the higher ranks have a call, it shows that the status of the second rank will rise, how can this not make them excited.

And this group of emptiness didn't look at Xue An from beginning to end, and then went on and said, "It shouldn't be too late. Since you are all here, I will be recruited by the province, and now I will go to the higher ranks with me! "

"Yes!" The powerhouses bowed their heads and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, Xue An, who was drinking tea with his head down, gently placed the teacup on the table and said lightly: "Wait!"

The sound seemed like thunder, and the audience was quiet.

Then Xue An slowly raised his head and smiled at this group of nothingness, "I think you still don't want to go! Stay with me!"

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