"Hey, what do you want to do? Don't come here!"

Seeing Xue An who walked towards him quickly, Shang Peng was terrified, and his screams were like killing a pig.

Here I want to say that although Shang Peng's head was stomped on by Hu Ying, after only such a short period of time, he actually recovered.

Even the broken bones on his body have healed seven or eight.

Such vitality is very rare even at his level of strength.

"It's really interesting, your natural ability is actually a strong vitality?" Xue An stopped in front of Shang Peng and said with a smile.

Shang Peng's soul was almost frightened. In his eyes, even though Xue An was smiling, he was even more terrifying than the devil.

"You die for me!" Shang Peng jumped up from the ground and attacked Xue An desperately.

Because he knew that if he wanted to survive, he must first kill the boy in white.

So even though he was worried, he still gave it up.

But in the face of Xue An, who is about to be full of anger, even if he is ten times more powerful than now, it will not help.


After a muffled noise, Xue An grabbed Shang Peng's booming fist and smiled coldly, "The game starts, I hope you will like the next activities!"

After all, Xue An twisted his wrist.


Shang Peng's arm bones were twisted out.

Before Shang Peng screamed, Xue An stepped forward, grabbing his head with both hands, and then twisting his arms violently.

Click, click.

After a sour bone rubbing sound, there was a muffled noise similar to opening a can.

Xue An unexpectedly screwed off Shang Peng's head.

Even so, the headless body still did not fall to the ground, and even tried to attack Xue An with teeth and claws.

Xue An's face was expressionless, and both hands snapped outwards, just like breaking a watermelon, directly breaking Shang Peng's head from it, and his brain was scattered all over the ground, and Shang Peng's spirit appeared again.

But this time Xue An obviously won't give him a chance to resurrect again. Xue An took a step forward, raised his hand, and directly pinched Shang Peng's soul into his hand, and then pressed it into the palm of his other hand. .

Shang Peng screamed, and then disappeared into Xue An's palm.

So far, this Shang Peng has fallen.

From the beginning of the meeting to the present, in just one hour, the three giants have all died.

The result of this is that the blood of everyone present is almost cold.

At the same time, Xue An raised his head and glanced at the audience. Everyone bowed their heads wherever he passed.

The whole audience could hear people's teeth shaking because of fear.

No one dared to look at Xue An directly, and everyone wanted to know what the murderous teenager planned to do next.

Will people like myself end up like these three hapless guys?

In the dead silence, Xue An took a slow and deep breath, the original violent killing intent instantly disappeared, and the chill on his face also faded.

Immediately after his eyes flashed, the flames covered his whole body, burning all the blood stains into nothingness.

It wasn't until all this was done that a faint smile appeared on Xue An's face.

The atmosphere of the audience was also very loose.

This adult seemed to not intend to kill himself.

In any case, this is good news.

at the same time.

Luo Lan Ting and the people of the next rank also followed.

At this moment, they admire and respect Xue An even more.

Not only because Xue An had transformed them by reversing the five-element reincarnation formation, but also because the strength Xue An just demonstrated was simply incredible.

No matter where you are, you are respected by the strong, and if you can follow such a boss, your future will be limitless.

Especially the Chong Xulan, at this moment, her eyes can't wait to grow on Xue An, and her heart is pounding.

If I could follow such an adult, who would dare to look down on me in the future?

Chong Xulan trembled with excitement when he thought of that bright prospect.

Therefore, she tidyed her hair and her hair and scratched her head to the best of her ability, just trying to show her charm in front of Xue An as much as possible.

Unfortunately, all her efforts were in vain.

Because at the moment, Xue An didn't look at her at all, but turned to look at the crowd, and finally fixed his gaze on the trance-like quinoa, and then smiled slightly.

"Miss Mai, do you still think I am arrogant?"

In the voice, all eyes converged on the quinoa.

Under the attention of the audience, the blush of wheat quinoa was about to bleed, and he lowered his head and muttered: "Yes... I'm sorry, my lord, I have no eyes!"

The head of the Mai family, who is also the father of wheat quinoa, has a bright appearance.

what happened?

This adult seems to know Quinoa!

So he hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile on his face: "This adult, the little girl is young and ignorant, so offensive, I am really sorry, you..."

Before he could finish the rest of the story, Luo Lanting didn't know when he walked behind Xue An and said coldly: "Patriarch Mai, long time no see!"

Hearing this voice, Mai Chang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. How did this voice sound so familiar?

So he looked up.

At this moment, Luo Lanting removed his disguise and said sarcastically, "Why? Don't you recognize it?"

"Luo...Luo? You are Luoluo!" Before Mai Chang could speak, Mai Lin already shouted excitedly.

Luo Lanting showed her true colors when she first entered the venue, and this is why Mai Quinoa can recognize her.

But in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, she used occult technique to cover her true face.

So Mai Chang and Mai Lin didn't know that Luo Lanting was by Xue An.

As soon as the disguise was removed, the two were naturally shocked.

"Haha! I didn't expect you to even recognize me! I thought you were all wolf-hearted guys!" Luo Lanting gave Mai Lin a deep look and said with disgust.

Mai Lin's face suddenly became very pale~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his mouth opened, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Mai Chang also trembled all over, but Jiang was still old and spicy after all, so he gave a strong smile, "It turns out that it's Luoluo, it's great that you are still alive, you don't know how worried we are about you..."

"Oh? Let's talk about it, how worried about me? Is it the kind of worry that our siblings were chased and killed, but were turned away when we knocked on your door?" Luo Lanting was full of hatred. Said.

Hearing these words, Mai Chen was shocked, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Mai Lin in panic, "Brother, this...what is going on?"

There was a deep shame on Mai Lin's face, but he did not answer his sister's words.

Cheno looked at his father again, and tremblingly said: "Father, what is going on? You answer me!"

Mai Chang was embarrassed, sweat on his forehead, "This...this..."

Luo Lanting looked at his former best friend and said coldly: "Don't you want to know what happened back then? Okay! Then I'll tell you now!"

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