Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 167: Borrow full city flowers and plants 1

   Ming Canghai frowned, he just suddenly felt a strong heart palpitations.

what happened?

   Could it be that Ruifeng had an accident?

   Ming Canghai was in shock, and suddenly felt a strong momentum rising from the foot of the mountain.

   Ming Canghai was stunned, and his whole body was trembling slightly under this frightening weather.

who is it?

   actually has such an amazing momentum?

   At this moment, Xue An returned to the house.

   An Yan couldn't help feeling relieved when she saw that her husband had returned.

   Xue Xiang and Xue Nian even embraced them.

   "Dad, there was a bad guy uncle just now!" Xue Xiang said.

   Xue An smiled and rubbed the heads of the two little girls.

   "Dad knows, Dad will get rid of the bad guys!"


   An Yan stepped forward now in shock.


   Xue An nodded, "Don't be afraid of Yan'er, no one dares to treat you with me! Song Yi!"


   "You are here to guard their mother and daughter! I will go to Ming's house now to save Anqing!"

   Saying that Xue An got up for a while, then left the hotel and went straight to Ming's house.

   Ming Canghai also noticed something was wrong at this time, and immediately summoned all the masters of the Ming family and gathered in the front yard.

   A stream of light flashed, and Xue An appeared above the Ming family, looking condescendingly at the people of the Ming family below.

   Ming Canghai looked up at Xue An with a solemn expression.

   "Dare to ask sir, what does this mean?"

   Xue An's expression was indifferent, and instead of answering Ming Canghai's words, he asked, "How many years have your Ming family been in Xiangjiang?"

   "One hundred and twelve years!" Ming Canghai said proudly.

   Xue An showed two tiger teeth and smiled sensibly, "Then today is the day when your Ming family is destroyed!"

   Ming Canghai was irritated by Xue An's words, and said coldly: "Mr. Cultivation, but you have to know that our Ming family has been in Xiangjiang for so many years, so we can't be bullied casually!"

   Xue An nodded and smiled slightly, "I didn't say to bully you! I mean...kill you all!"

   The voice fell, Xue An stepped out and shouted coldly.

   "Move the world!"

   With an order, the earth shook the mountains.

   The entire Ming family mansion was shaking violently as if it had experienced a major earthquake.

   Many people fell to the ground.

   and Ming Canghai shouted angrily, "Feng Shui mystery, Xuanwu... rise!"


  The Ming family worked diligently for 112 years, and the atmosphere accumulated by incorporating the entire Xiangjiang River into the Feng Shui array burst out, turned into a giant turtle Xuanwu, and went straight to Xue An in the air.

   Where Xuanwu passes, the momentum is shaking, and all spirits bow their heads.

   But Xue An stood in the air with a look of sadness or joy, facing the violent Xuanwu, he shook his head gently.

   "It's just a phantom image of Xuanwu that has been transformed by a century of earth energy. Even if the true spirit of Xuanwu is here, what can I do?"

   After saying this, Xue An stretched out a finger, just point it on the head of Xuanwu who rushed forward.

   The earth-yellow basalt giant tortoise was fixed in the air, and then it broke apart.

  The earth exploded with a blast, making the whole Xiangjiang tremble.

   Ming Canghai almost stared out his eyes.

   This is the last killer move of the Ming family.

   Even the master of Sanxiantian is not an opponent of this trick.

   Unexpectedly, Xue An easily defeated with one finger.

   When everyone in the Ming family was shocked.

   Xue An stepped out in two steps.

   "Separate Yin and Yang!"

   "After life and death!"

   Now that Xue An’s cultivation base is no longer necessary, he can perform the six modes of killing God with only words.

   This is how you speak up!

Under the two types of killing gods, the entire Ming family mansion was completely crushed as if it had been crushed by a nuclear bomb.

   Waiting for the dust to dissipate, only Ming Canghai was barely standing.

   The others are dead.

   Xue An fell on the ground.

   Ming Canghai's face was full of blood, and he looked at Xue An with horrified eyes.

   Xue An said lightly: "Do you know why I saved your life?"

   Ming Canghai trembled all over.

   "Because I have to tell you that your son is already gone!"

   Ming Canghai looked dull, and the flame in his eyes seemed to go out.

   Xue An waved his hand lightly, Ming Canghai's head flew up, and the soul came out and flew into Xue An's palm.

   Xue An pinched, his soul shattered.

   That's it.

  Ming family is completely destroyed!

   Xue An closed his eyes, and after a while, he whispered: "Dying is not a pity for what your Ming family has done!"

   After that, Xue An disappeared in place.

   In the dungeon.

   An Qing and others heard the noise outside, and were surprised.

   Suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the dungeon.

   Then the light spilled in.

   Xue An walked in slowly, looked at An Qing with a look of surprise, smiled slightly, "Xiao Qing, I'll pick you up!"

   An Qing's nose was sour, tears almost came out, and she trembled: "Brother-in-law!"

   Xue An waved his hand, "Let's go, your sister is still waiting for you in the hotel!"

   "Sister? My sister is back?" An Qing was shocked.

   Xue An smiled, "You will know when you go back!"

   Anqing took the survivors of the Phoenix and walked out of the dungeon.

   The sight outside made all these people pale.

When    was locked in the dungeon, how brilliant this Ming family mansion was.

   But now it has become a piece of scorched earth.

   is like being plowed by countless shells.

   Xue An took everyone back to the Ming Hotel.

   An Yan saw her crying and hugged her.

   Anqing also burst into tears.

   "Sister, where have you been these days?" An Qing asked.

   An Yan shook his head, "The story is long when you say it, but it's you, why were you caught by the Ming family?"

   An Qing sighed, "We were sent by General Fenglin to search for the remains of the immortals. As a result, this Ming family was attacked secretly and this was captured."

   "General Lin?" An Yan was surprised.

   "Yes! There is one thing in this immortal's remains that is very important to General Lin, but unfortunately it has been acquired by the Ming family now!" An Qing said.

   Xue An took out the streamer at this time and said lightly: "Is this what you said?"

   Anqing and the many phoenix people couldn't help being stunned when they saw this sword.

   "This..." An Qing still doesn't know what happened.

   Song Yi smiled and said: "The immortal remains have been destroyed by Mr. Xue! The Ming family was also destroyed by Mr. Xue!"

   An Qing and others were shocked.

   At the same time, Huabaizhe was running away in sweat.

   Just now, she saw the scene where Xue An killed the Ming family.

   Xue An's methods like gods and demons scared her crazy.

   She no longer dared to have the slightest thoughts against Xue An.

   Now she just wants to escape, the farther away from Xue An the better.

   There is also Cai Xukun, who is hurt all over, holding the same thought.

   But just when these people killed in the fingertips all fled.

   Xue An stood in front of the window of the hotel, and said calmly, "Do you want to run now? have no chance!"

   After that, Xue An shook his empty palm, with the palm facing up, and whispered, "I borrow the flowers and plants from the city!"

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