Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1672: The sound of wind and thunder

A bright moon hangs high.

The castle is very lively, because a grand celebration is being held.

The battle report on the front line had been sent back at this moment. When it was heard that Xue An had wiped out all the soldiers in the coalition camp, all of Fan Mengxue's men were crazy.

So there is this celebration.

Because these people have been suppressed for too long.

Since the disappearance of their ancestors, they have been in a state of high tension all the time.

Especially when facing the aggressive and powerful pressure of the coalition forces, it was even more awake at night.

Even many people fell into despair.

But now the situation has suddenly changed.

His Royal Highness actually invited reinforcements, and the reinforcements won a victory as soon as they arrived.

How can this not make them crazy.

Xue An just smiled faintly at this, but did not stop.

Because he knew that these people really needed a victory to vent.

At this moment, Xue An was sitting on the highest platform of the old castle, taking the wine into the wind, silently.

The sound of laughter coming from afar further brought out the silence here.

An Yan was sitting quietly beside Xue An.

After a long time, she said softly: "Husband, are you very unhappy?"

Xue An turned his head and glanced at An Yan, then smiled slightly, "Why do you say that?"

"Because I can feel it!" As he said, An Yan lightly leaned his head on Xue An's shoulder, "Husband, do you feel uncomfortable in your heart?"

Xue An gently stroked An Yan's hair, and after a moment of silence, he sighed softly, "Yes! I am really unhappy, because I feel very sorry for Xiao Rui!"

"Husband..." An Yan yelled softly.

Xue An waved his hand. "At the time Xiao Rui's mother asked me to rescue Xiao Rui before she died, I promised her, but when I found Xiao Rui again, she became what she is now! So I felt very deep in my heart. Sad!"

An Yan didn't speak, but gently hugged Xue An's arm tightly, until after a while, she whispered.

"Husband, in fact, you don't have to blame yourself so much. The one who really deserves to be punished is to turn Xiaorui into such a person, not a ghost, not you!"

Xue An turned his head and looked at An Yan quietly.

An Yan was staring flushed, "Husband, am I wrong?"

Xue An chuckled, then raised his hand to mess An Yan's hair, "Of course it is! I just think that my Yan'er has grown up suddenly!"

An Yan gave a cry and gave Xue An a soft punch, "I hate it, it sounds like I'm a child!"

Xue An laughed, then put An Yan in his arms.

An Yan lay down on Xue An's lap.

Xue An looked up at the moonlight in the distance, and said lightly: "Actually, I didn't blame myself, I just felt a little sad! Because, as you said, the person who really deserves to be punished is to turn Xiao Rui into the person he is now. !"

An Yan looked at Xue An's calm face when she was talking, and there was a look of obsession in her eyes.

She likes Xue An now.

Quiet and powerful!

At this moment, footsteps came from the steps of the rooftop.

An Yan hurriedly sat up.

At the same time, Fan Mengxue came up with a few glasses of wine.

"Sister Yan, this is for you!"

With that, Fan Mengxue handed An Yan a glass of wine.

An Yan took it with a smile, but did not drink, but stood up and said, "Where are the two little girls?"

"Think and Nian Nianzheng is playing with that little octopus down there!"

"I'll go see them! You guys talk first!"

Having said that, An Yan turned and wanted to do it.

Fan Mengxue couldn't help being a little surprised, "Sister Yan, you..."

But before she could finish her words, An Yanye had already walked down the stairs and left.

Xue An and Fan Mengxue were left in the field for a time.

Fan Mengxue was holding the plate, standing there a little embarrassed, with a thousand words in her heart, but she didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Xue An smiled faintly, "Sit down! Yan'er has indeed gone to see the two little girls, otherwise Zhang Xiaoyu alone can't hold them both!"

Fan Mengxue was silent for a moment, and finally put the wine glass on the coffee table, and then sat a little far away from Xue An.

When Xue An saw this, Guanghua flashed in his eyes, but didn't say anything. He just smiled, and then said indifferently: "Let's talk about it, these days after leaving the earth...what have you experienced!"

Fan Mengxue did have countless things to say to Xue An, but she swallowed them all when they came to her lips.

In the end, she lowered her head, squeezed the corners of her clothes with both hands, and whispered about the passing after parting.

Xue listened quietly, until Fan Mengxue had finished speaking, he picked up the cup and took a sip.

Only the wind blows on the roof.

Fan Mengxue's heart gradually tightened, but she didn't even dare to look up at Xue An.

It was not until a long time later that Xue An chuckled lightly, "Anyway, let you worship him as a teacher, this guy will really take advantage!"

Fan Mengxue knew who Xue An was talking about, and she couldn't help raising her head in surprise to look at Xue An.

"Do you... know my master?"

"It's not just about knowing it, but speaking of it... the old guy still owes me three favors!"

Fan Mengxue's brain was in a state of downtime, and his master actually knew Xue An?

Xue An saw Fan Mengxue's surprised look, and couldn't help but chuckle: "Are you surprised? It seems that the old guy didn't tell you these things! But I am really puzzled, the Dark Saint Emperor Jue you practiced. His rank is so high that he can't match it, so when he is your teacher, what can he teach you?"

Fan Mengxue replied honestly: "Master did not teach me the exercises, he just told me, let me practice this exercise, and then..."

"Then taught you some application methods, right?"

Fan Mengxue nodded.

Xue An scolded with a smile: "This old thing is really cunning! Do you really think he wants to be your master? You are wrong! When he sees the Holy Emperor Judgment you are practicing, he should understand you and me. It's a relationship, so he did it just to let me come over!"

Fan Mengxue listened in dismay.

She really doesn't know these things!

Xue An said calmly: "Where is that old guy now, do you know?"

Fan Mengxue's face turned dark when she heard the words, and shook her head, "I don't know! Because the master has disappeared for a long time!"

"Are there many powerhouses in the thirteen layers of who disappeared together?" Xue An suddenly asked.

Fan Mengxue was taken aback, then nodded immediately, "Yes! That's true!"

"Sure enough..." Xue An sneered, then stood up and wandered to the edge of the platform.

"I don't hesitate to trap that old guy with the power of so many powerful people. What are you trying to do? Is it just this lost paradise under your feet?" Xue An said softly.

Fan Mengxue didn't speak, but looked at Xue An's back with a silver rim covered by moonlight.

At this moment, a rumbling thunder suddenly ran across the distant sky, and the wind became violent.

Xue An stood facing the wind, his clothes wafting like an immortal.

In his eyes, it was cold.

"Very well, I took the initiative to deliver it to the door!"

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