Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1677: All you have to do now is go back!

As the person who witnessed the sword just now, Qi Weiyang knew that if he hadn't seen the chance quickly, there might be one among the dead now!

Especially the majestic sword intent that was revealed in this sword made her creeps even more.

So she didn't even dare to rise up a trace of resistance, and at the moment she fell from the void, she ran out directly.

But how could Xue An let her escape.

I saw that he didn't even chase after him, but said indifferently: "Believe it or not, if you run three steps forward, the sword light will pierce your sea of ​​consciousness and destroy your soul?"

This sentence directly crossed a great distance and entered Qie Weiyang's ears.

Qi Weiyang was cold all over, although an idea arose in his heart, is he lying to me?

But the whole person stopped subconsciously.

At this time, it happened to be the third step.

At the moment she just stopped, a nearly transparent sword light appeared in front of her eyebrows.

The distance was so close that she even felt the strong to sharp sword intent from it.

This made her body freeze instantly, and her brain was even blank.

If I took a half step forward at that time, then this sword light would definitely pierce the center of my eyebrows without knowing it, and shatter my soul.

At this point in thought, Qi Weiyang is almost broken.

at the same time.

The sword light shattered silently.

"If you don't want to die, come back obediently! Otherwise I won't remind you so kindly next time!" Xue An said lightly.

Hearing these words, Qie Weiyang didn't hesitate, immediately turned around and flew back to the court, then obediently landed next to Wen Linglong, not even daring to move.

So far.

The Abyssal Alliance forces that had just flaunted their might and even occupied most of the sky, and in a blink of an eye, only the difficult brothers Wen Linglong and Qi Weiyang were left.

Seeing trembling all over, like two people waiting to be slaughtered.

Fan Mengxue's men had a psychedelic look in their eyes.

Because the contrast before and after is too strong.

Strong to the point of illusion.

At the same time, Xue An smiled at Wen Linglong, "You haven't finished answering my words just now! Why? Do you need me to ask you again?"

Wen Linglong trembled all over, then shook his head like a rattle, " need!"

"Then please tell me now, after all, my patience is very limited!"

"Say...what?" Wen Linglong was so scared that he was going crazy, and repeated subconsciously.

"Huh?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you kidding me?"

Although it was only a very simple question, the violent killing intent still swept through, and this Wen Linglong was scared to death.

"No... dare not! Ah! I remember! I really don't know the whereabouts of Tianzhana, the Lord of Lost Joy!"

"Then what about the people in Paradise Lost? Where have they all gone?" Xue An said coldly.

Wen Linglong was shocked, "This...this..."

Guanghua flashed in Xue An's eyes, and a sword light slashed past, instantly cutting off one of Wen Linglong's arms.

And before the arm fell to the ground, a red flame swallowed the arm completely, and then burned into nothingness.

Wen Linglong screamed, and the color of horror in his eyes became more intense.

"I will start counting three numbers now. If you refuse to say it then, you will lose a part at random! And you can rest assured that the parts that were chopped off by my sword light will not be repaired at all! "Xue An said coldly.

"No...sir, I..."


Xue An ignored Wen Linglong's words and stretched out a finger.

There was a dense cold sweat on Wen Linglong's forehead, partly because of pain, but more because of entanglement in panic.

He knew very well that if he really revealed the news, then waiting for his fate might be even more miserable.

Don't say you will die now!

When he was in a dilemma, Xue An extended a second finger.


The killing intent became bitter again, and despair appeared in Wen Linglong's eyes.

If he had known that this would be the situation, he would have never left the abyss if he was killed.

But now it's too late to say anything.


Before Xue An's three was finished, Qie Weiyang, who was standing next to Wen Linglong, suddenly stepped forward and said respectfully: "My lord, I know where they are!"

"Oh? You know?" Xue An glanced at this Qi Weiyang.

"Yes!" Qie Weiyang bowed his head in response.

Wen Linglong was startled at first, and then even hissed and roared: "Xi Weiyang, you bitch, if you dare to disclose the news, you and your Qiantianyuan will die without a place to be buried!"

Qie Weiyang didn't even look at him, but said coldly: "That's not what you can say!"

As she said, she raised her head and looked at Xue An with a solemn face.

"My lord, the exact whereabouts of Tianzhana is indeed still unknown, but the powerhouses of Paradise Lost have all gone to one place!"

"A place named Earth!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xue An, who was already calm, changed his expression.

And not only him, An Yan, Fan Mengxue, and even Hu Ying were all shocked.

"Earth? Are you sure this group of people are going to the earth?" Fan Mengxue stepped forward and shouted anxiously.

"How dare I say nonsense about news like this! They seemed to have given some order, and then they all left Paradise Lost and went to the earth!" Qi Weiyang said with some trembling.

Because she clearly felt that with her own voice, the power of the human teenager on the side was skyrocketing wildly.

In an instant it has reached a frightening point.

After getting the affirmative answer from Qie Weiyang, Fan Mengxue's complexion became extremely ugly and turned to look at Xue An.

"Brother what should I do now? People who can live on the thirteenth level are extremely powerful! If they really go to the earth, then the earth..."

Fan Mengxue did not finish the following words, but the meaning was self-evident.

With the strength of the earth, how could it be possible to resist the attacks of these half-step fairy kings or even higher-strength powerhouses at every turn?

An Yan was even more anxious, tears almost falling, "Husband, what should I do now?"

At this moment, Xue An slowly took a deep breath.

The breath was so long that it was like a dragon's breath, causing a gust of wind to blow across the world.

Then Xue An's face gradually became calm.

"Don't be afraid! When I left, I had arranged enough back-hands on the earth. Even if these strong men attacked collectively, it would not be easy to succeed! And what we have to do now is!"

"go back!"

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