It's like a place left behind in time.

Although the low shantytowns surrounding them have long been demolished, they have been replaced by tall and tidy buildings.

However, the Lao Xie Hotel has not changed at all. It is still the three houses facing the street, and even the signboard has not changed.

On the signboard, the two characters “Restaurant” had been blackened by the oily smoke, and only the two characters “Lao Xie” remained clear, which looked very eye-catching in the night.

Such a dilapidated hotel, standing quietly in the bustling city center, looks so out of place.

But no one thought about moving it.

Even the pedestrians in the past have become accustomed to its existence.

Not only that, every time it's time to eat, the door of this restaurant will be full of luxury cars from all over the country.

But no matter how big the boss is, how powerful he is, he will get off the car obediently when he arrives in front of this small hotel, and he dare not make any trouble.

Because of this restaurant, Xie Jingjing, the home of Goddess Xie, has been well-known at home and abroad and is respected by countless people!

If that's all, that's all, the key is that the owner of this restaurant stepped forward during the last catastrophe, smashing a kitchen knife with those demons, and now he still has serious injuries.

In addition, there are vague rumors that the man who turned the tide and saved the earth from fire and water, and created this flourishing age, Mr. Xue Anxue, is also very close to the owner of this restaurant, and even calls him respectfully. Aunt and uncle.

Who dares to disrespect such a background?

Therefore, the Lao Xie Hotel has become a legend in Beijiang City, and it is listed as a must-see attraction after coming to Beijiang along with Villa No.1 on the Day.

But no matter how hot the restaurant’s business is and how honorable the diners are, Lao Xie’s restaurant adheres to a principle, that is, not to increase prices.

Today, in this Lao Xie restaurant, the price of food still stays at the level of five years or even ten years ago.

Such cheap and delicious meals naturally attract many low-income workers.

In this regard, Lao Xie Hotel is always willing to come, and will not look at it in the slightest.

Whether you are a rich man worth tens of billions or a poor man with nothing, you are treated the same here without any difference.

So this kind of wonder appeared in this old Xie Hotel.

When putting together a table, this may be the boss of a listed company, and there may be a street cleaner sitting next to him.

The point is that no one feels that there is anything wrong with this. Even when the drink is happy, two people who have never met and have a huge difference in identity will drink together.

Such a fantasy scene can only be seen in the Lao Xie Hotel.

Today is no exception.

From the moment the sun went down, Lao Xie Hotel began to get busy.

Diners from all quarters gathered together, but few people urged the dishes.

Despite this, Aunt Fatty was still very busy, running between the front hall and the back kitchen.

"Old Xie, a plate of spicy tofu!"

"Old Xie, let's fry another three fresh vegetables!"

"Chop pepper fish head!"

Whenever he heard the voice of the food, the old Xie standing in front of the kitchen stove would turn his head and rushed to the fat aunt who came in and smiled.

But because half of his face is mechanical, his smile will look strange.

But Aunt Fatty always laughed and cursed at this moment, "What to see, work hard!"

The old Xie who was scolded would turn around with joy and continue cooking.

And this kind of speechless little warmth often makes Fat Aunty wet her eyes without knowing it.

Because she knew that this was Lao Xie expressing his love for herself.

Although the smile on the outside would look weird, it was already the most humane expression that Lao Xie could make to himself.

At the beginning, he was holding a kitchen knife to confront the evil demons in the sky, and half of his body was wiped out by a single blow. He, who was bound to die, was abruptly resurrected by Xue An by defying the sky.

But since then, half of his body has been replaced by alchemy machines, and he can no longer speak, and even his IQ has regressed to look like a seven or eight-year-old kid.

But Aunt Fatty was very happy, because she didn't care whether Lao Xie could speak or not, let alone what he became.

As long as he is still alive and can stay by his side, that is the best!

As the moon sinks to the west, diners have dispersed, and the busiest period of the day has also come to an end.

In fact, in terms of the price of the food and the quality of the food provided in the Lao Xie Restaurant today, it is impossible to make money.

Sometimes the busier you are, the more you lose money.

But Aunt Fatty persisted.

Because she firmly believes that one day Lao Xie will return to normal.

That's why she rejected all the arguments and reopened this small restaurant.

It doesn't matter whether he makes money or not, the key is that only in this way can Lao Xie continue to be his cook, and the fat aunt will feel at ease in her heart.

Taking advantage of this free time, Aunt Fatty began to tidy up the table, while Lao Xie slapped silently on the side.

The tacit understanding between the two is as if they were one person.

At this moment, a crisp copper bell suddenly rang outside the hotel door.

Hearing this ringtone, the fat aunt knew who was coming without even raising her head. She couldn't help but smiled: "Old guy, you are late today!"

"Ahem! I happened to meet a man who was about to suffer a catastrophe today. The old man was compassionate and he couldn't bear to see him suffer, so he called him a few words, so he was late!"

With the voice, the door of the hotel was pushed open from the outside.

An old man wearing a shabby robes with a shaggy beard and thin hair pulled a small bun behind his head, then pinned it with a disposable chopsticks, and walked in as an old man who was right as a hairpin.

He was still holding a pole in his A tattered guise floated on the pole, embroidered with four characters.

Zhuge is fortune!

It's just that this golden word has faded because of the wind and sun, and it looks very bleak.

There is also a string of copper bells hanging from the top of the pole, which jingle and sway as soon as you walk away. This is where the bell just came from.

Aunt Fatty said, "Bah! I don't know you yet, I ran the train with my mouth full, and I didn't have a word of truth all day long! I guess you haven't eaten yet!"

The old Dao smiled awkwardly, "I walked in a hurry, and I haven't had time to eat!"

"I really don't understand, you are so old, and you still pretend to be a ghost all day. Now your aura is resurrected, and there are practitioners everywhere. You are a bad old man who is going to make fortunes everywhere. Isn't this looking for sin?

Aunt Fatty grumbled a few words with hatred for iron and steel, and then said angrily: "Okay, hurry up and sit down, there is just some leftover ingredients for today, let Xie stir fry for you!"

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