Xue An in the previous life not only cultivated as a peerless immortal, but also gained a group of like-minded friends.

Among them, the best relationship is Hu Ye, Ye Hanshang, Zhuge Zang and others.

However, Zhuge Zang and Hu Ye met earlier.

In fact, not only with Fox Ye, Zhuge Zang and the elders of Qingqiu Fox Country are very good.

In the words of Fox Ye, this old man came to Qingqiu Fox Country to eat and drink when he was fine.

But because of this, Hu Ying already knew Zhuge Zang when she was very young.

At that time, it was just that Hu Ying, who had just opened his mind, rarely saw outsiders in Qingqiu Fox Country, so every time Zhuge came to Tibet, she would pester him and listen to him telling interesting things about the outside world.

Zhuge Zang is also quite fond of this little fox who often follows his ass, and often brings some outside gadgets to her.

But later, as Huying grew up, his temperament became more and more eccentric. Especially after getting to know Xue An, Huying would often use some naughty methods to trick Zhuge Zang.

Of course Zhuge Zang would not take this to heart, thinking that it was just a child's innocence.

Until one time Zhuge Zang drank with the great elder of the Qingqiu Fox Country, and the result was drunk.

This is a normal thing.

But Hu Ying didn't know where she got a razor made of fine gold.

This thing is generally used in Buddhism to shave those big demons who have taken refuge, and it is extremely sharp.

No matter how hard the hair is, it can be shaved cleanly.

Hu Ying has always been very interested in the little bun behind Zhuge Zang's head, but Zhuge Zang did not allow her to touch it.

Therefore, Hu Ying generally shaved Zhuge Zang's hair clean this time.

Not even the beard he had been proud of was left.

During the whole process, Zhuge Zang was unconscious in drinking, so he didn't notice the slightest.

It was not until the next morning that Zhuge Zang noticed something strange after he woke up.

Why is the top of your head suddenly chilly?

After touching it with his hand, Zhuge Zang realized that his head was extremely smooth.

At that time, Zhuge Zang was awakened, jumped up from the bed, leaned in front of the mirror to take a photo, and was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Because the hair and beard he has always been proud of are all "missing" at this moment.

Only one big round, shiny egg was left, and the room illuminated by it was a bit brighter than before.

I have to say that Hu Ying's craftsmanship is still good, and after shaving her hair, for fear that Zhuge Zang's head is not bright enough, she also bought him a bottle of walnut oil for a plate, so it showed the current effect.

At that time, Zhuge Zang was so angry that he screamed and rushed out to find someone from Qingqiu Fox Country to settle accounts.

Several elders from Qingqiu Fox Country rushed over after hearing the news, and then... all laughed on the spot.

Because Zhuge Zang was very indifferent to monks on weekdays, and he mocked and mocked all day long, thinking that the bald head of the monk was simply too ugly.

Unexpectedly, he became a bald head in an instant.

Looking at the people who couldn't afford to laugh, Zhuge Zang was so angry that he almost died on the spot. He roared and asked Qingqiu Fox Country to explain why he lost all his hair after sleeping.

These elders of the Qingqiu Fox Country naturally know that it is very disrespectful to laugh like this, but there is no way, I can't help it!

Especially when Zhuge Zang roared, his shiny head was filled with smoke, like an angry tea egg.

Just when Zhuge Zang was so angry that he would break off friendship with Qingqiu Fox Country on the spot, Hu Ying, who knew that she had done something wrong, stood up timidly and admitted that she did it herself.

At this time, Zhuge Zang could only swallow all the harsh words that followed.

No way, he is the first fortune in the heavens, can he still care about a little fox?

Therefore, he could only give Hu Ying a depressed look, and finally stomped and sighed.

"You kid is really...oh! You said you shave your hair when you shave it, even if my eyebrows are shaved off, what's the matter? How can I see people?"

At that time, Hu Ying smiled and took out a wig from behind.

"Grandpa Niubi, I have already thought about it for you, can I wear a wig if my hair is gone! As for the eyebrows, should I draw two for you?"

Zhuge Zang was almost crying with anger at the time, but couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and then hurriedly left Qingqiu Fox Country.

no way!

At that time, there were more and more fox monsters who came to watch the excitement after hearing the news, and all of them couldn't help laughing.

Zhuge Zang could only leave the Qingqiu Fox Country in shame and anger, and then found a desolate world for more than a year, until his hair grew back to daring to come out to see people.

However, since then, Zhuge Zang has kept away from this quirky Fox Ying.

As long as he heard her appear, Zhuge Zang would hide away.

But I didn't expect to encounter it here again this time.

This is why Zhuge Zang had such a big reaction after seeing Hu Ying.

No way, there is already a shadow in his heart.

I saw Fox Ying smiling and saying: "Grandpa Niubi, I think your hair seems to be a lot less, but I have heard a recipe saying that as long as you shave your hair clean, you will have more hair when it grows out again! How about... Try again?"

Zhuge Zang shook his head like a fan, "Forget it, let them fall off naturally!"

Hu Ying was amused, but at the same time apologetic.

She was really naughty when she was a child, so she has done a lot of ridiculous things.

But now that she has grown up, she certainly won't do that again.

Now it's just to tease Zhuge Zang.

I didn’t expect that Zhuge Zang would have such a big reaction. It seems that what I did was a bit too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue An was also a little bit jealous at this time, but looking at Zhuge Zang’s constipation expression, it was Can't help but say: "Okay, Ying'er, stop making trouble! No matter how much he is your predecessor, how can he keep playing tricks!"

This is very nice, but Zhuge Zang didn't have the slightest gratitude, because at this time the happiest smile in the audience was his Xue An.

At this time, the two little girls thinking and Niannian approached Zhuge Zang, then tilted their heads and asked curiously: "Grandpa, what's the matter with you? What's wrong?"

"Yeah! Why is your face so ugly? Are you going to die?" Nian Nian Shen made up the knife.

Zhuge Zang: "..."

But in the face of this pair of pink jade carvings, who seemed to come out of the painting, Zhuge Zang couldn't get angry at all.

Even if he is the first fortune in the heavens, when he is his age, when he sees these lovely children, his heart will be full of pampering unconsciously.

What's more, these two little girls are the daughters of their best friends.

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