Xue An smiled indifferently and nodded, "I guessed you would come, sit down! Have a potluck together!"

Qin Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she was very nervous before entering the door, because she didn't know what Xue An thought.

Whether you will be unhappy because of your sudden arrival.

After all, Xue An didn't notify him after he came back. If it weren't for Du Fan, he might not have known that Xue An was back.

Seeing that Xue An didn't seem to be annoyed by it now, Qin Yu's heart was only half relieved.

At this moment An Yan stood up and greeted with a smile: "Come on, Director Qin sit here!"

"Thank you Sister Yan, you can just call me Yuer, but don't call me that!" Qin Yu said hurriedly.

At the same time, the two little girls leaned out from behind An Yan with a smile, "Aunt Qin, do you remember us?"

Qin Yu's heart warmed, and smiled and nodded: "Of course I remember! How can I forget the two little beauties?"

"Hehe!" The two little girls smiled happily.

Both of them had impressions of Qin Yu when she often bought snacks for both of them.

Then Qin Yu sat beside the two little girls, only then did she find that there were more faces on the dinner table that she didn't recognize.

Such as Hu Ying, such as Luo Lanting.

Especially Hu Ying, when she saw this beautiful girl, even Qin Yu couldn't help but lose consciousness, and then a look of horror appeared in her eyes.

Why is there no human breath on this girl?

You must know that now Qin Yu is not only the chairman of Longtai Group, but also has a good cultivation base. Although not comparable to Tang Xuan'er and others, he is still a strong man of longevity.

But she couldn't perceive this girl's aura at all, how could this not make her horrified.

As if noticing Qin Yu's surprise, Hu Ying raised her head and smiled at her.

This smile was almost like a thousand flowers blooming, and Qin Yu was immediately lost in confusion.

"Ying'er, don't be fooling around, get out of Mei Shu!" Xue An shouted helplessly.

Hu Ying chuckled a few times, "Who made her look at me with that look? It's just a little lesson for her!"

With that, Hu Ying snapped his fingers lightly.

Qin Yu just woke up like a dream, and then said in shock: "You are a fox..."

Hu Ying's expression sank, "Fox what?"

Qin Yu is so smart that he immediately noticed the temper of Hu Ying's child, so he immediately changed his words: "It turned out to be sister Fox fairy! It's amazing!"

Hu Ying just snorted triumphantly.

Qin Yu was amused, but she also faintly guessed that the identity of this girl is definitely not simple, otherwise there would be no such powerful charm technique.

Then she looked at Fan Mengxue, who was sitting opposite, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

Of course she recognizes Fan Mengxue, and naturally she knows that the once big star, the commander of the European Dark Council, has disappeared for a long time.

Unexpectedly, she also came back with the adults this time.

And the momentum is deep, obviously the cultivation base is extremely high.

Thinking of this, she smiled at Fan Mengxue, "Unexpectedly, Ms. Mengxue will also be back. If the people in the Dark Council knew, they would be very happy!"

Fan Mengxue didn't talk much from beginning to end, but when she heard what Qin Yu said, a smile appeared on her face, and then nodded.

At this moment, I heard a hearty laugh outside the door.

"Mr. Xue, I'll also beg for a drink, you won't dislike it!"

Following the voice, I saw Qin Yuan stepping in.

Qin Yuan nowadays, because of the deepening of his cultivation, has not shown the slightest old state, and even looks younger than before.

But other than that, you can’t see the slightest surprise in him. He is dressed in simple and casual clothes, gray hair, and a kind smile. All of these are just like an ordinary old man. You can’t see that he is the Longtai Group. Former chairman of the board.

Xue An owed his body slightly this time, and then said with a smile: "Of course I won't dislike it, please sit down, Mr. Qin!"

Qin Yuan was not polite, and took a seat directly, and then said with a smile: "I heard Yu'er say that Mr. is back, so I rushed over without stopping, hoping to not disturb him!"

Xue An smiled and shook his head, and then raised his cup, "Master Qin is polite, he is all a friend, why so much courtesy? Come, let's have a drink together!"

Hearing these words from Xue An, Qin Yu's other half also let go.

In fact, she was a little worried.

Because Xue An had been away for a few years and suddenly returned without any notice!

Although Qin Yu thought that he had never done anything to apologize to his conscience, he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

It wasn't until Xue An said that, she was completely relieved.

The banquet continued, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

But Qin Yu and others didn't know that the entire Beijiang also began to boil at this time.

Because of the sudden movement of the Qin family, others would naturally not know it.

Especially when Qin Yuan, who had not shown up for a long time, traveled overnight, it attracted the attention of many caring people.

What important thing can make Qin Yuan, a big man who has been in hiding for a long time, travel late at night?

Then Du Fan's actions also attracted the attention of many people.

Because of Du Fan's order, the originally calm underground rivers and lakes began to surge.

The younger brothers from all sides were yelled from under the covers, and then appeared near the Lao Xie Hotel, and began a close inspection.

Du Fan personally sits in the middle, looking at everything around him sternly.

Such a big move will naturally arouse countless suspicions.

Especially when Qin Yu and Qin Yuan entered the Lao Xie Hotel, this suspicion reached its peak.

The senior executives of countless companies or families were awakened late at night.

Because they didn't know what was going on in this seemingly humble Old Xie Hotel, which could actually attract such a big battle.

In a few years, many newcomers have forgotten what happened.

There are even some young people who don't even know the existence of Xue An~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But those senior powerhouses who have been in Beijiang for many years all have a faint hunch in their hearts.

Could it be... that Mr. Xue is back?

Otherwise, who can have such a big face for Qin Yuan to visit in person?

As soon as this suspicion came out, many people's hearts became uneasy.

Although it has been many years, Xue An’s impressive power at the time is something that no one dares to forget.

Those who haven't committed a crime are okay. Some people who are gradually arrogant relying on their own strength are so scared that their faces are pale, and they can't help but begin to tremble.

And this storm is spreading outward at a terrifying speed.

Many powerful people in the provincial capital, southern provinces, and even the Central Capital learned of this news through various channels.

The entire country of China also gradually boiled over.

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