
The capital of China.

A thousand-year-old city with a profound heritage.

And to the west of Zhongdu, there is an endless stretch of villas.

This is where the Zhongdu wealthy family lives.

When Xue An and An Yan got out of the car, An Yan looked up at the majestic door, and his complexion gradually turned pale.

This is the place where she once lived and the place that brought her endless pain.

"Husband...are we really going in?" An Yan trembled.

Xue An nodded with a smile, and said softly: "Of course you have to go in, don't be afraid, everything is mine!"

While Xue Xiang and Xue Nian licked the ice cream while discussing in a low voice.

"Sister, is this mother's home? It's so big!"

"Yeah, but I heard from my father that many of my mother's family are bad guys!"

Xue Xiang asked like a little adult: "Go in in a while, don't be greedy, you can't shame your parents, understand?"

Xue Nian nodded heavily, and a look of determination appeared on his little bun-like face.

A family of four is about to go in.

A bright red Lamborghini flew in front of the door, and the roar of the huge engine shook the leaves on the roadside.

The car door opened, and a well-dressed, proud young woman got out of the car.

An Yan was stunned when he saw this girl.

At the same time, the woman also noticed An Yan standing on the roadside, her mouth gradually widened, and then she shouted in surprise: "Are you... An Yan?"

An Yan paled and nodded gently, "An Meng!"

This woman is An Meng, An Yan's cousin.

An family is a wealthy family, and the family is naturally very prosperous.

Among them, there are a total of three direct descendants.

Anyan's father is the eldest, and his name is Anyang, but Anyan died when he was young.

The second child is An Xue, who is An Meng's father.

The third child is An Chang, who is also the de facto power of An Jia.

After An Meng saw An Yan, the expression on her face changed, especially when she saw Xue An and the two little girls on the side, she was slightly startled.

Then An Meng's mouth showed a high sneer, "Sister An Yan is back. This is really a happy event. If grandma knows it, I don't know how happy it is!"

When the word grandma was mentioned, An Yan's eyes flashed a complex look.

Then An Meng glanced at Xue An contemptuously, "This... must be the brother-in-law, right?"

It's just that when she talked about the word brother-in-law, her face was joking.

An Yan looked at Xue An with some worry, for fear that Xue An would be violent again.

Xue An just smiled faintly.

He can't be guilty of quarreling with such a mindless woman.

And... it's not the time yet!

When the news of An Yan's return reached An's home.

The peaceful Anjia couldn't help but boil.

An Chang, who was practicing calligraphy in his study, heard the report from the subordinate, and looked down on Gu Jing. It took a while before he calmly said: "I know, go and notify the old lady!"

When An Xue, who was riding a horse in the backyard, heard the news, his expression sank, his eyes flashed with a terrifying cold light, and he didn't even change his horse clothes, and went straight to the front yard hall.


There were a lot of people around the hall.

People are whispering.

"Is that man Xue An who made An Yan elope?"

"Tsk tusk! It looks pretty good, but you see how shabby it is to dress up."

"The two little girls are really cute!"

"Hush, don't let the old lady hear this for a while, but she once said that she would never recognize An Yan's child forever."

When it comes to the old lady, all these people are silent and afraid to speak.

When Anxue stepped forward, these subordinates hurriedly separated.

"Second Lord!"

An Xue's face was sinking, and he walked directly into the hall.

His appearance made An Yan look like a frightened bird, her expression tightened and she wanted to stand up.

However, Xue An pressed it lightly, and then smiled faintly: "You are weak, don't move around."

An Yan looked pale, but sat down obediently.

After seeing An Yan, An Xue gave a cold snort, and then stared at Xue An with a cold look.

The tyrannical aura gradually filled the entire hall.

The people whispered in the distance, "There is a lot of fun now, the second master is angry!"

"Hehe, look at this guy with thin arms and legs, how many times do you think you can resist the second master?"

"I guess three times at most!"

"Too little, let me bet five times!"

And in front of this momentum, Xue An seemed to have not seen it, and was still drinking tea slowly.

After a long time.

An Xue said in a deep voice: "Are you Xue An?"

Xue An said calmly: "Yes, I am Xue An."

"Haha!" An Xue smiled.

When he laughed, a vertical line appeared on his forehead, which was very scary.

Many people trembled slightly.

Who didn't know that the second master would slaughter someone with a smile!

"Very well, I didn't expect that you were so courageous, you would dare to come back even if you abducted the daughter of my hometown?"

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of An Xue's mouth, "I heard that you came to Anjia once and you were very upright and arrogant at the time. Why? Now I figured it out? Are you ready to beg us to settle down?"

Xue An slowly raised his eyes and looked at An Xue with an indifferent expression.

The words behind An Xue were stuck in his throat, unable to speak.

Because Xue An's eyes were calm and terrifying, An Xue's heart trembled slightly.


An Xue was angry.

Was he scared in front of Xue An just now?

Just waiting to speak.

Xue An shook his head lightly, and said lightly: "You made a mistake!"

"I'm here because of Anyan, and I won't beg you to settle down, but you, don't kneel down and beg me!"

This sentence made everyone present in an uproar.

An Meng's face showed contempt, and the evaluation of Xue An in his heart became more and more unbearable.

In her opinion, in addition to being handsome, this man can only brag, it is useless!

It is ridiculous that my cousin seems to have picked up a baby!

An Xue was even more angry and grinned, "Okay! Okay! Sure enough, my face is thick enough to make my Anjia kneel down and beg you, how old do you think you are?"

"I am not an old man, I am Xue An!" Xue An said slowly.

A vicious look flashed in An Xue's eyes.

"Boy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ do you have the courage to compare with me?"

Xue An put down his tea cup and smiled slightly, "Compared to what?"

"Anything is okay, but based on your stature, Bibi can be regarded as bullying you. How about... Bibi equestrianism?"


Many people have knowing smiles on their faces.

No one in the whole school knows that the second master An Xue An loves horses like crazy, and is also a top equestrian master.

Even the British royal equestrian coaches are not Anxue's opponents.

Looking at Xue An's appearance, it is estimated that he has never rode a horse!

People are secretly laughing.

Xue An nodded, showing two tiger teeth, and smiled sensibly: "This is what you said!" Invincible, starting from Dad Xianzun


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