Hearing these words, Qin Yuan let out a sigh of relief, and felt that a big rock that had been hanging in his heart fell to the ground.

Because what he was most afraid of was that the existence of Xue An was also contaminated with the arrogance of human beings, which blinded his eyes.

In that case, if something happens, the possibility of waiting in front of humans will be a disaster.

But now it seems that Xue An does not have the slightest arrogance, on the contrary, he is very sober.

This is the best result for Qin Yuan.

"It's just a bit of a fallacy. If it can help Mr. Xue, that would be great!"

At this moment, Xue An suddenly raised his head and looked out the door, then smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Tonight is really lively!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a respectful shout from outside.

"The sixty-seventh generation descendant of the Heavenly Master Mansion, the current celestial master Zhang Chu, pay homage to your lord!"


Many people looked blank.

Qin Yuan and Qin Yu were surprised.

Because today's Tianshi Mansion can be said to be a Taoist court in China.

Zhang Chu is even known as the immortal of the world.

Why is he here too?

At this moment, Xue An smiled lightly: "Come in! The door is unlocked again!"

After all, the door of the restaurant was gently opened, and then a man wearing a tao suit and extraordinary man came in.

It is Zhang Chu.

And behind him were several disciples, among them the brothers and sisters Zhang Fengwu and Zhang Jingping that Xue An just met when he returned.

Zhang Chu's aura is a bit disturbed now, because he rushed all the way.

From Jiangyou Tianshifu to Beijiang, he only spent less than a stick of incense in total, and he also took a few disciples, which also caused a lot of pressure on him.

But he was still very excited.

Because just now, he was meditating with his eyes closed in the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

Although he did not participate in the outer space resistance war, his burden is not light.

Nowadays, the land of China is full of evil and evil spirits.

As a Taoist court, Tianshi Mansion has the duty to take on the heavy task of demons and demons.

Wherever there are demons, the disciples of the Heavenly Master's Mansion will appear, which can be called the vanguard of fire fighting.

Today Zhang Chu has just eliminated a few powerful evil spirits, but his own losses are also considerable, so he took advantage of this rare leisure time to hurry up and recuperate.

Then Zhang Fengwu and Zhang Jingping returned.

As disciples sent out abroad, they naturally had to go to work when they came back, but this time Zhang Fengwu went directly into the back mountain and told his master that he had very important things to see.

In the end, he met Zhang Chu smoothly, and then took out the pill that Xue An had bestowed on him.

Zhang Chu saw this thing as if it had been struck by lightning, because even though it was only something that Xue An appreciated casually, to Zhang Chu, this pill was simply unheard of, and it was extremely valuable.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fengwu recounted what he had said after seeing Xue An, and finally said hesitantly.

"Master, he said that if you ask who he is, let me tell you, can the real soldiers of Daofu be used smoothly?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Chuhuo stood up, his eyes were full of glory, and he muttered blankly: "It's him! Sure enough, the lord has returned!"

As he said, he asked eagerly: "Then this lord can say where he went?"

"No!" Zhang Fengwu shook his head.

Zhang Chu was a little sad. Of course he guessed that the person who gave the medicine was Xue An, but since Xue An didn't reveal his whereabouts, he obviously didn't intend to see him.

But at this moment, a news came that Xue An was probably in Beijiang. Mengsheng Novel

So he led Zhang Fengwu and others to rush over overnight.

At this moment, after seeing Xue An, Zhang Chu was so excited that he couldn't express himself, and respectfully hit the Jishou for questioning.

"My lord! I take the liberty to visit, and please forgive me!"

With that, he turned his head and glanced at Zhang Fengwu who was already stunned.

Zhang Fengwu woke up like a dream, and hurriedly stepped forward, bowing and saluting, "Thank you...thank you for giving me medicine!"

The voice trembled a little.

Because he can be so respected by his master, then the identity of this man is ready to emerge.

It is really a blessing to be cultivated to be able to get his appreciation!

Xue An chuckled when he saw it, "Okay, so what are you polite to do! I just saw your disciple with a good temperament, so I just rewarded him with a pill, it's not worthy of such an excitement!"

Zhang Chu was taken aback, then showed a wry smile.

"My lord, it may not be worth mentioning to you, but it is enough for this child to change his life, so I will naturally take him to thank you!"

Xue An waved his hand, and when he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, and then he stood up and walked outside the hotel.

Not only him, Zhuge Zang's face also sank, and he walked outside after him.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, but seeing the atmosphere in the scene, they couldn't help getting up and coming to the door.

At this moment Xue An stood outside the door and looked up at the sky, his eyes gradually becoming cold.

"Old man Zhuge, do you feel it?"

Zhuge Zang nodded and said solemnly: "Very strong!"

Xue An sneered and said, "I'm really going to be in a hurry. They attacked when I came back!"

An Yan was a little dazed, and whispered: "Husband, what are you talking about? There is nothing in the sky!"

As soon as the voice fell, a bright spot suddenly appeared in the sky. This spot looked like a bright moon, and the sky illuminated like daylight.

Immediately afterwards, this spot of light exploded, and countless radiances rushed towards the earth like meteors.

This scene stunned everyone.

Even Qin Yu and others were shocked.

Because in the past, although there would be visions in the sky, there has never been such a power.

Upon seeing this, Xue An said lightly: "Old man Zhuge, you are here to wait for everyone, I will meet these guys for a while!"

"Good!" Zhuge Zang nodded in response.

As soon as the voice fell, but seeing Xue An shake his sleeves, the whole person rose up into the sky and turned into a bright light and went straight to the sky.

at the same time.

The whole world felt the strangeness this time, and various media quickly pointed the satellite camera at the fortress of outer space and started live broadcasting the whole process.

The Internet quickly began to boil.

"Haha, how dare these demons come? This time I'll pay ten yuan to bet the goddess Xuaner wins!"

"I bet on Jingjing Goddess!"

"General Ann races high!"

"Girl Chen Rushi is king!"

For a time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the eyes of the world were all affected by this incident.

But different from the relaxed mentality of ordinary people, the hearts of many strong people are all sinking.

Because they can all feel that the situation this time is a little different from before!

In this much-anticipated situation, Xue An's figure flashed by in the detection of numerous satellites, did not attract anyone's attention, and quietly appeared outside the Battlestar.

At the same time, a great war also began.


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