The General Zhen Guo laughed bitterly when he heard the words, "The Taoist leader really has good eyesight! I do have important things to ask Mr. Xue!"

With that, General Zhen Guo looked at Xue An with bright eyes.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Oh? Why is the general looking for me?"

General Zhen Guo took a deep breath, "Dare to ask Mr., in your opinion, what is the strength of these monsters?"

Xue An was startled slightly, and then shook his head, "In my's vulnerable!"

Xue An’s answer seemed crazy to others, but everyone present was deeply impressed.

Because Xue An's previous performance has proved that he is qualified to say this.

But the dignified look on General Zhen Guo's face was not relieved by this. He said solemnly, "Sir, what if the strength of these monsters is increased several times or even dozens of times? You can deal with them so easily. ?"

These words of General Zhen Guo changed the expressions of many people.

Xue An looked at General Zhen Guo with a smile, "Can I ask the general why you ask?"

General Zhen Guo showed a bitter smile, "It's true that we are moving from the sky to the earth. When the monsters first attacked the earth, we set up a headquarters and input all the data into the supercomputer for deduction. As a result, we found..."

A dignified look appeared on the general of the town country, "The strength of these demons is growing at a terrifying speed!"

Hearing these words, everyone was silent.

Because as frontline fighters, they all have personal experience of this.

At the beginning, the strength of these demons was ridiculously weak, and any ordinary monk could easily deal with them, but as time went on, not only did the number of these demons increase, but their strength gradually increased.

This change is subtle, so many ordinary people are not aware of it.

At this time, General Zhen Guo went on and said: "The sudden explosion of the strength of the monster has changed our deduction results! In other words, in the future, it is likely to be stronger than this number of times or even dozens of times. s attack!"

"By then, I don't know if my husband can handle it so easily!"


The eyes of the audience focused on Xue An.

Xue An just smiled, then picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "Don't worry, since I'm back, then I will take care of this matter!"

"I still said that, no matter how strong the opponent is, don't even want to step into the earth for half a step!"

This statement made the atmosphere of the audience instantly become enthusiastic.

Although there was still a trace of worry in the eyes of General Zhen Guo, the result was the best he could think of, so he also brought up the wine glass.

"In that case, I will offer Mr. a glass, thank you for your contribution to China and the whole world!"

After all, the town general drank all the wine in one cup.

Xue An smiled and had a drink with him.

After the glass was put down again, the wine shop became noisy again.

But at this time, General Zhen Guo sighed slightly, "In fact, if the major countries in the world work together, even if you do not return, you may not be afraid of these monsters!"

There is something in this remark.

So Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? Why do you say that?"

The town general said angrily: "It's not because of country M, a shit-cutter!"

If he was able to speak such vulgar remarks as a high-ranking authority, it can be seen how much the town general's opinion is about this country M.

"You don't know anything, since the great turmoil of the world and the invasion of demons, this country M will not only look at the overall situation, and work together with us to fend off the enemy! On the contrary, it actually hides behind to fan the flames and tell the truth!"

"Even saying that the demons invaded because of China, and that China should apologize to the world!"

Speaking of this, the town general's face was already full of anger.

Xue An said indifferently: "Apologize to them?"


"Hehe, don't these idiots understand who Hua Guo is fighting for?" Qin Yuan, who had been with the Prime Minister, suddenly sneered.

General Zhen Guo shook his head, "It's useless! Once your **** is crooked, you will be confused even if you understand it! What's more, in this great turmoil, evil spirits are rampant on the land of China, but they appear in the mainland of Country M. There are relatively few people, and that's why they will point their finger at us, thinking that these evils provoked by China!"

Xue An's eyes flashed Guanghua, and then nodded, "Okay, I know! I have my own conclusion on this matter!"

General Zhen Guo wanted to say something, but seeing Xue An's expression, he swallowed the rest of the words again.

This time, his most important thing is to tell Xue An about the results of the command’s performance, and to inquire about his tone.

Now that the goal has been achieved, the General Zhen Guo will no longer talk about work matters very interestingly, but start a conversation with Zhuge Zang with great interest.

at the same time.

In the CIA headquarters in country M, an ultra-high-profile meeting is being held.

When they saw that Xue An wiped out the huge monster with three fists and two kicks in the video, the high-level people who attended the meeting issued a low exclamation.

And when the video was finished, the eyes were swollen and the disheveled-haired President of Country M looked extremely ugly and said, "Edward, have the analysis results come out?"

CIA director Edward nodded, "Yes, your Excellency, the analysis results have just been released!"

With that, Edward picked up the papers on the desk and began to read.

"Through video analysis, it can be known that Xue An, a Chinese powerhouse, has a punch of about 10,000 tons, which means that he can be worthy of an aircraft carrier alone!"

There was another exclamation in the The president's complexion was already gloomy and almost dripping with water, "What then?"

"Then we calculated based on the observation data at the time that this Xue An did not use any extraordinary powers, that is to say..." Edward paused, and then said in a trembling voice.

"When he killed this terrifying monster, he didn't use real strength at all, but pure physical strength!"

"Impossible!" The chief scientist, who is also the most authoritative expert in the field of extraordinary power in country M, took the lead in opposing it.

"Oh?" The president looked at the scientist.

"Dear President, I seriously doubt the authenticity of this report. If a person wants to make a 10,000-ton punch with his own strength alone, his muscle strength is even stronger than that of the hardest titanium alloy. To be higher! And this is simply impossible! So I think this Xue An must have used some methods we don't know!"

"You mean to say..." A gloomy look flashed across the president's eyes.

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