Then I saw this sword light flashing.


The symbol of country M, the landmark of the city, the statue of the lighthouse goddess, which has stood for a hundred years without falling, cracked a huge crack from the middle, and then slowly fell to both sides.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and there was a loud noise.

In an instant.

The goddess statue fell to the ground and shattered into **** all over the floor.

Everyone looked at it dumbfounded.

After the smoke dissipated, I saw a...chopsticks stuck in the base of the goddess statue!

That's right!

It is the disposable bamboo chopsticks found everywhere in the hotel.

But it appeared here at the moment, but like a heavy slap, it slapped the faces of all the senior officials in Country M.

Deathly quiet in the CIA headquarters.

It was not until a moment later that the president began to tremble, and his eyes were full of panic.

Immediately afterwards, he was like a little girl whose underwear had been stolen, screaming loudly, "Ahhhhhhh! Damn bastard! How dare to destroy the symbol of our country M!"

No one dared to speak, and even many people subconsciously moved away from the hysterical president.

At this moment, the president seemed to have thought of something, the insults from behind stopped abruptly, and then he roared.

"You **** tell me! Why did the defense system that we spent hundreds of billions of dollars build when this sword of light came, but there was no response at all?"

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing.

The president was so angry that he was about to eat people, "Edward, you come to tell me what is going on?"

Edward looked out the window with a confused look.


He remembered something, Feigen ran to the computer, and then called up the video just recorded.

"Edward, you **** bastard, what are you doing?" The president's roar still echoed.

Cute Dehua didn't hear it, shaking and pressing the Enter key.

The supercomputer started to run wildly, and after a while, a sword light image appeared on the big screen, and above the image was a line of bold red text.

Out of the scope of evaluation, evaluation failed!

The president no longer screamed, replaced by a pale face.

Because this system was developed by country M at a great expense, and was specifically used to score and rank the strong today.

And in order to adapt to the current environment, the evaluation range was deliberately adjusted to a high level.

But I never expected that even with such a high evaluation standard, it would still be impossible to evaluate Xue An's sword.

This iron-clad fact easily shattered the confidence of everyone present.

If there were still many people who were hostile to China just now, they have quietly retreated their hostility.

Because this is the way things are, two people who are close in strength will feel jealous.

If the difference in strength is too great, then you may not even be jealous.

Especially in the end, Xue An's act of smashing the lighthouse goddess with a sword was a silent demonstration.

Unless you can find a way to check and balance him, you will have to hold your nose obediently and bear it.

After all...compared to profit, life is the most precious!

at the same time.

Beijiang, in front of the Lao Xie Hotel, there was no sound.

People stared blankly and looked at Xue An, who was sitting on the chair steady like a mountain, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Just now, many people have even made plans to fight to the end, but they didn't expect that the crisis would be resolved just in the blink of an eye.

During the whole process, Xue An didn't even leave the chair, and all he spent was a chopstick.

This level of strength is really incredible.

So many people are stupid in place.

General Zhen Guo also looked at Xue An with horror.

Although he has tried his best to imagine Xue An's strength extremely high.

But now it seems that my imagination is still a bit lacking!

At this moment, the two little girls clapped first.

"Wow! Dad is amazing!"

"Yeah, Dad, the fireworks just now are so beautiful!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's pretty good! After that, Dad will often set off fireworks for you, okay?"


Then Xue An raised his head and smiled at everyone present, "Okay, the matter is resolved, continue drinking!"

"Yes, since the sir has solved this monster attack, let's not get drunk today!" Qin Yuan was the first to raise his cup to respond.

Everyone suddenly agreed, and the atmosphere of the banquet was a bit warmer than before.

And what is more enthusiastic than this banquet is the public opinion on the Internet.

That shocking sword just now was seen all over the world, so soon, the Internet exploded.

"My goodness, Mr. Xue's sword is powerful enough to shake the stars!"

"Hahahaha, others say I still don't believe me, but Mr. Xue... you say that he is the reincarnation of a god, I believe it!"

"Hey, have you heard? The lighthouse goddess statue on the side of Country M was crushed by Mr. Xue with a sword!"

"Huh? What a pity, I hope... the local animals are okay!"

"Damn, upstairs, my forty-meter sword has been pulled out, so you should bury it!"

For a while, the entire Chinese network boiled over, while the Internet public opinion in M ​​country was calm and stagnant.

Those guys who used to clamor for Hua Guo to apologize at every turn did not dare to show their heads at this moment, for fear that they would die because of this.

Even the TV station, which has always liked to instigate right and wrong, obediently remained silent at this time.

Except for the rubble in front of the port, the people of Country M seem to have forgotten this matter deliberately.

The banquet finally dissipated.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright.

Most of them were properly placed by Qin Yu in Longtai Group’s hotels, for which she emptied two hotels overnight,

And Xue An took An Yan and Xuan'er back to Villa No. 1 Tianzi.

After so long of hard fighting and drinking for so long, so after returning home, Tang Xuan'er and others all rested.

The two little girls played wildly all night, and now they yawned and returned to their room.

Therefore, despite the rising sun, there was silence in Villa No.1 Tianzi.

Xue An smiled slightly, then waved his hand, the surrounding sky suddenly dimmed, creating a comfortable sleeping environment.

After doing all this Xue An walked gently to the top of the rooftop, and then sat beside An Yan.

"Why don't you go to bed?"

An Yan shook his head, "I'm not sleepy!"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xue An asked softly, touching An Yan's hair.

"It's nothing, but I always feel scared, as if something bad is about to happen!"

Xue An smiled, "Silly girl, what can be wrong with me? Good, don't think about it, do you hear it?"

"Yeah!" An Yan nodded lightly, "Then I'll go back to sleep!"

"Go! You are tired too!"

An Yan got up and left, but until she lay down on the bed, the ominous premonition in her heart still lingered, and even became clearer.

An Yan was shocked.

Could it be... your husband?

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