Europe, the dark castle.

Several uncle Skeleton guards are playing mahjong enthusiastically.

At this moment, Anastasia the Dark Witch returned with Titan and others.

Despite the exhaustion, each of them was very excited.

We must know that although there are fewer evils on the land of Europe than China, the situation is still very serious because the overall strength of the European monks is too weak.

In this case, the Dark Council became the vanguard, extinguishing fires everywhere in Europe.

Just this is enough to make them exhausted, and naturally they will be flawless to help China deal with the monsters in outer space.

This is also the reason why they have not shown up after Xue An came back.

But they naturally also learned the news, especially after feeling Fan Mengxue's breath, it made them cry of joy.

"Mengxue is finally back, we should go and see her quickly!" Anastasia said impatiently.

"Yes! At the same time, I have to meet Master Xue!"

Several people were discussing, and suddenly they saw the sword light rising into the sky, and then Xue An's words shocked them all.

"The monster army actually bypassed the Battlestar and descended directly into the Kunlun Secret Realm?" Necromancer Karthus said solemnly.

"Don't worry about so much, since the adults have a call, let's go quickly!" The Titan said impatiently.

"it is good!"

With that said, Anastasia shouted at the skeletons who were playing mahjong: "You are optimistic about the castle!"

Uncle Skull didn't even turn his head, and directly made an OK gesture.

Then a few people turned into black light and came straight to China.

at the same time.

On the continents of Europe, America, Africa, etc., among countless treacherous peaks, and within the vast ocean, brilliance soars into the sky, converging into a mighty river in the sky.

There is only one goal, and that is China, Kunlun!

Needless to say, on the land of Shenzhou, in fact, when Xue An's order was just given, a team closest to Kunlun gave up the original mission and went straight to Kunlun.

Sitting in the command car, Commander Hu looked at the Kunlun Secret Realm entrance outside the car window with a sneer on his face.

"Let's keep the notice, as the first team to come here, I must drive all the monsters who dare to invade back!"


With an order, the entire team immediately fanned out, and countless sophisticated weapons were aimed at the secret realm entrance at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Hu Commander only felt excited.

This team was built by him with countless efforts, and those weapons were specially made to deal with the strong.

Now that it can come in handy, how can Hu Commander not be excited about it.

At this moment, a cloud of black mist suddenly spread from the entrance of the secret realm.

Wherever he goes, the vegetation is rotten.

Hu Commander sneered, is it finally here!

Then he shouted, "Fire!"


Missiles flew straight out, rushing to the black mist and attacked.

A great battle began.

at the same time.

The general of Zhen Guo, who had not left Beijiang, learned the news for the first time. He jumped up and took out the map after he had gone to bed at that time to study.

After a while, he looked up solemnly, "What's the situation over there now?"

"Back to the general, I just received the news that Commander Hu's troops happened to be training nearby, so they rushed over immediately!"

"Old Hu..." General Zhen Guo muttered, then shook his head, "Not enough!"

As he said, General Zhen Guo raised his eyebrows, "I will send an order to immediately mobilize all the elite troops and rush to Kunlun Mountain at all costs!"


The secretary led away.

The town generals walked slowly to the window.

At this moment, the sky outside the window has been illuminated by the brilliance of the passing roads, and its power is extremely rare.

General Zhen Guo's eyes flickered, and finally he said in a deep voice, "Prepare a car!"

The other secretary was taken aback, "Where?"



The special shell burst open, and the resulting shock wave swept everything around.

This group of black mist kept shrinking under the continuous blows.

Hu Siling is very energetic, doesn't this demon look particularly powerful!

It seems that even extraordinary beings can't help but have a cannon!

But just when he was full of ambition, a sharp claw suddenly emerged from the black fog, which was cut right on top of a bomb.

The shells split in two silently, and they rotted into sand before they were scattered on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a huge monster walked out of the black fog and appeared in front of everyone.

At first glance, this monster looks like an oversized spider. The only difference is that the spider's body is covered with sharp barbs, which makes it awe-inspiring at first sight.

"Set the fire and extinguish it!" Hu Commander's face sank as water, and immediately ordered.

In a blink of an eye, shells blasted at the monster as if they didn't need money.

But as soon as he got closer, the monster opened its mouth, and a burst of extreme cold gas poured out, freezing all the shells.


After a crisp sound, these shells burst into tiny ice crystals.

Hu Commander's eyelids jumped while watching, and he roared: "I don't believe it is so powerful when attacking with rune bullets!"

Fierce gunfire sounded, these runes were carved by someone, and the expensive bullets began to vent on the monster.

This monster didn't even hide, until the bullets came close to front and back, the barbs on its body suddenly turned into a layer of hard armor, blocking the bullets outside.

Not only that.

After this wave of offensive was over, the monster seemed to be aroused in ferocity, and roared towards Hu Commander.

The speed is so fast that even the computer has no time to aim.

Hu Si Ling was shocked, but at this moment the monster had already rushed to the front, and he closed his eyes in confession.

That's it!

But at this moment, there was a loud shout, and then there was a loud noise.

Commander Hu opened his eyes, but saw a team wearing black armor appeared in front of him and blocked the monster.

Hu Sling was taken aback.

At this moment the leading man turned around, the armor on his face disappeared instantly, and then smiled at him slightly.

"Commander Hu, you can let your people support you behind, and we will leave the rest to us!"

As he said, he turned around and said coldly: "Refining a real soldier, attack!"

With an order, the armor once again covered his face, and then a pair of steel wings suddenly appeared behind him. With a fan, his figure disappeared instantly. When he appeared again, he had already reached the top of the monster's head. on.


The body smashed heavily, and the monster screamed, but the force of the counter shock also shook him out.

But after a circling, he rushed over again.

And his team members began to fight around the monster.

Commander Hu stared at this scene blankly, until after a while he woke up like a dream, and then shouted: "Have you seen all of them? The friendly army has arrived. These monsters are nothing terrible. Give them to me!"

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