At this time, the old man continued: "Why did you appear here? Actually, I don't know. I only know that you are the chosen ones!"

"Choose? What are you doing? Lao Tzu's second master of the Shenwu Hall, the strong one, do you need someone else to choose?" the strong man said furiously.

The smile on the old man's face gradually became cold, "Don't mention your identity to me, because people who can appear here have no lower identity than you. As for what you choose to do..."

At this moment, a slight trembling sound suddenly came from under the floor, as if the whole room was running on a sliding rail.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and before they figured out what was going on, all four diamond-shaped holes on the wall were opened.

At the moment it opened, something rushed in.

And the things that rushed into the room from the four holes were different.

For example, from the hole on the left hand side of Xue An rushing in is a man with a monster tattoo on his face and holding a strange sword.

On the right hand side, a steel python rushed in, but in the hole behind him was a cloud of black mist.

As soon as these things rushed in, there was a chaos in the whole room.

Many people were caught off guard and were directly injured.

For example, the strongest man who just clamored was pierced in the chest by the man with a strange weapon.

Blood and screams resounded throughout the room.

The old man laughed loudly, "This is the reason for choosing you, welcome to the **** of killing, I wish you all a good time!"

The horrible situation in front of her made An Yan tremble. Xue An sensed this and couldn't help but gently squeezed her hand.

"Don't be afraid! I am here!"


But at this moment, the steel python suddenly rushed over.

Although the strength of this giant python is not very good, as a woman, it is this reptile that is most afraid of.

An Yan is no exception, closing his eyes in fright, the giant python spit out the snake letter and rushed over.

But in the next second, its huge body suddenly disintegrated in the air.

The few people close by gave a faint hum.

Because they didn't see what was going on, in the end the giant python became a piece of debris.

This can't help but make them curious about Xue An and An Yan.

Although it was a little flustered at first.

But these things that rushed in were not too strong.

Even the brawny man who was pierced by a blow through his chest was fine, but he roared and tore the strange man to pieces.


The room was calm again.

Only blood filled the room.

Everyone was a little out of breath, and their eyes were full of unconcealed consternation.

"Old guy, what's going on with all this?" The strong man was going crazy, and he rushed forward to question the old man.

The old man said indifferently: "I just said that you are all selected, and the place where you are now is the **** of killing in the abyss!"

"I don't believe it, it must be your old fellow!" The strong man raised his fist and wanted to hit.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the crowd.

"Don't do it yet, what he said should be true!"

The brawny man was startled, and turned his head to take a look, and found that he was talking about a delicate and fragile teenager who looked like a woman.

So he couldn't help laughing grinningly, "What? Are you teaching me to do things?"

The young man's eyes flashed, no nonsense, raising his hand was a sword light.

This sword light appeared in front of the strong man in an instant, piercing his face.

The brawny man was shocked and disregarded, and he drew back abruptly, which was worthy of avoiding the sword.

Then his complexion became very pale, and his voice tremblingly said: "You...Jizi sword? Are you... under the sword palace?"

The boy nodded.

The brawny man immediately closed his mouth, and dared not show any arrogance, he obediently stepped aside.

Other people in the field were also taken aback, and some of them were even more solemn.

Because of the sword palace, it is a large sect with a reputation among the heavens!

This young man is actually a disciple of the Sword Palace, which is simply incredible!

An Yan approached Xue An's ear, lowered her voice and said, "Husband, this boy seems to be a girl!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Oh? How do you know?"

"Look at her hair, you can see that she often pulls it in a bun!" An Yan said confidently.

Xue An smiled, did not speak, but a daze appeared in his eyes.

Because of the name Sword Palace, he hadn't heard it for a long time.

Xue An is very familiar with this sword palace.

Because he had practiced in this sword palace before.

But he is not a disciple of the sword palace.

In fact, none of Xue An’s disciples were from any school.

With perseverance and talent, he made his own way out of the box.

But his feelings for Jian Gong are very complicated.

I don't know what happened to the person who built the Buried Sword Mountain and guarded the Throne of Ten Thousand Swords alone?

Enmity, kindness, these things are entangled together, so Xue An's heart also has a moment of confusion.

At this moment, the young man stepped forward and bowed his hand at the old man, "Walking with three swords under the gate of the sword palace, Jane is at heart, I have seen seniors!"

Three swords walking!

This position is considered very high even in the sword palace.

We must know that there are eight great walks under the gate of the sword palace. Except for one who doesn't understand the meaning of the evil-seeking walk, the other seven walks are distinguished by sword power.

From the lowest Seven Sword Apostle, to the highest One Sword Lintian.

And this Jane Zaixin is actually walking with three swords, and his strength is absolutely extraordinary.

The old man chuckled, "The descendants of the sword palace were also involved. It seems that this game has become more and more interesting!"

"Predecessors have been talking about games, so who is the master behind all this?" Jane asked in a deep voice.

"Do you think I will know this?"

"What about the people who were caught before?"

The old man said lazily: "Dead!"


"Yes! It's all dead! Because this is the **** of If you are the hell, you have to die!" The old man quacked and said.

"Then how to get out?" Jane asked again.

"I don't know! Maybe you can get out of this ghost place after you win this game, or you may never get out from the moment you enter!" The old man said indifferently.

"Impossible! I don't want to stay in this ghost place. My father is the master of the Coriander Garden. How could I die in such a ghost place! Let me go! You bastards! Don't you be afraid of my father? Do you tidy up?"

A woman in the crowd suddenly collapsed and shouted, constantly bombarding the surrounding walls and floor.

Her strength is also quite impressive, but no matter how strong her palm is, when she hits these walls, she didn't even arouse any waves.

Jane frowned slightly in her heart and just thought of stopping her.

The woman didn't know what she had encountered, the diamond-shaped hole in the wall suddenly opened, a huge suction force sucked her in, and disappeared.

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