What would it be like if a group of crazy people were locked up together and beat each other?

It will be messy!

What if this group of people is replaced by a strong person with good strength?

The answer is complete chaos.

That's right!

You can't even see who the opponent is, you can only fight frantically with your own feelings.

The shining brilliance swirled and disappeared, and the violent air current was stirring endlessly over this square.

The strong are dying all the time.

These may be the existence of a giant on the outside, but here they are fate.

People have already got red eyes.

In comparison, Jane Zaixin and others are much more sober.

This is also due to the fact that they are located at the corner of the square, so they did not receive much attack at the beginning.

At this moment, under the command of Jane Zaixin, everyone formed a circle, and they all gave their backs to their companions, focusing on dealing with the people in front of them.

In this way, both efficiency and strength have been greatly improved.

So after a while, everyone in Jian Zaixin didn't have any attrition, and even suffered few injuries.

At this time, people can't help but increase their confidence.

Especially this brawny man, unexpectedly had free time to look at Xue An in the distance.

In his opinion, without the blessing of the crowd, this kid probably died a long time ago.

But he never expected that when he looked over, Xue An and An Yan were standing in the corner with indifferent faces.

No one ever went to trouble them.

Damn, are these guys blind? No one passed by, this kid is really out of luck!

The brawny man took a sip in his heart.

But at this moment, only a sharp roar came from the court.

Immediately after that, many people were horrified and began to give in.

Someone who could not evade hadn't reacted, when he saw a prickly sword light suddenly waved, this person stood in place.

It was not until a moment later that the blood burst into the sky, and then the dead body fell to the ground.

This kind of power makes everyone feel disgraced.

Especially Jane, his complexion became extremely solemn.

For a while, the entire square actually became quiet.

Then I saw a group of people walking slowly from the crowd.

The leader was a man with an evil face and a sword in his hand.

Behind him is a group of powerful men with different faces, but with layers of evil spirits on the corners of their eyes and eyebrows.

Wherever they went, everyone retreated.

And the goal of this group of people is directed at Jian Zaixin and others.


This group of people came to Jian Zaixin and waited for them to approach.

Then the man with the sword looked at the crowd with unbridled eyes.

No one dared to speak.

Including the brawny man who had a bad temper before, now he bowed his head very obediently.

Only Jane was pale in her heart, but she did not bow her head.

"Hehe! It really is the descendant of the sword palace, no wonder I smell the sour sword aura from a long way away!" The sword-holding man smiled with excitement.

"And I'm still a little girl, it seems my luck this time is really good!"

Hearing the words of the man with the sword, the group of people behind him couldn't help laughing presumptuously.

"The boss is right, he is a little girl! This is really rare!"

Jane's face was cold, she gritted her teeth, and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you in the end?"

"Who am I?" The man with the sword laughed strangely as if howling, and then jerked his clothes on his chest.

With a bang, the clothes on the upper body were torn open, revealing the chest below.

And on this chest, there was a terrifying huge scar.

This scar started on the left shoulder and dragged obliquely to the right lower abdomen, almost cutting the person in half.

Then the man with the sword said with a hateful expression on his face: "Did you see it? This sword was bestowed by your sword palace! You actually asked who I am?"

Jane suddenly moved in her heart, thinking of her senior sister, who was the first to walk under the gate of Jian Gong, something that Yijian Lintian once said.

"You are Fu Lanqing, the bloodthirsty sword? You are not dead?"

"Hahahaha, that's right! It's my uncle! How could I die without revenge for the sword?" Fu Lanqing laughed wildly.

Jane Zaixin's heart gradually sank.

This bloodthirsty sword is an evil sword repairer. It is extremely cruel and kills people at every turn. Therefore, it was wiped out by his senior sister decades ago.

But he didn't expect that he didn't die, but hid in the **** of this abyss.

And looking at his current strength, he is actually more diligent than before.

In contrast, Jane Zaixin's strength seemed a little insufficient.

Fu Lanqing laughed strangely as she felt Jian Zai's thoughts.

"Looking at your strength, you should also be walking under the sword palace gate? Three swords or four swords?"

But before Jian Zaixin could answer, Fu Lanqing shook her head, "But those are not important anymore. The important thing is that you are my person from now on. I want to impose your sword palace on me. Return it to you! I want you to survive and die!"

The viciousness in words is simply chilling.

Jane didn't waver in her heart. Instead, when Fu Lanqing was full of joy, she raised her hand and cut it out with a sword.

The sword light is like snow, and the sword intent is clear.

But this sword just rushed to Fu Lanqing and it was completely gone.

Then Fu Lanqing raised her eyebrows slightly, "Zhizijian? It turned out to be a three-sword walking! But do you want to deal with me with this?"

After that, Fu Lanqing raised her hand and pointed to Jane in her heart, "Whoever of you can catch her, I will spare no one to die!"

As soon as Fu Lanqing's words fell, the brawny man jumped up for the first time, and without hesitation, he slammed a palm in his heart.

Jane roared in her heart, "Asshole, he's instigating discord!"

But this brawny man didn't care about these at all, because he had long seen that Fu Lanqing was far stronger than Jian Zaixin.

If you can't take this opportunity to do it quickly, then your little life may be over.

As for the previous cooperation, the brawny had never thought about it at all.

What could be more important than your own life?

Naturally, Jane Zaixin would not wait for her to die. Before the strong man's palm rushed closer, she slashed out.

But at this moment, a few people behind her brazenly took action.

Under the enemy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jane let out a cry in her heart, "You..."

She didn't expect that the partner who had just been fighting side by side would kill herself in a blink of an eye.

But at this moment, a series of sword lights rushed forward, and instantly penetrated the arms of the brawny and those who worked.


Under the severe pain, these people are all stagnant.

"Who?" Fu Lanqing exclaimed.

Because this sudden Jian Mang is simply too unexpected.

There were no signs at all.

Jane Zai Xin was also taken aback, then turned to look around.

at the same time.

Xue An slowly walked out of the corner holding An Yan's hand, and then smiled at everyone.

"Don't shout so loudly, I can hear it!"

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