Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1741: Karma burns and the soul is destroyed!

After the sword light flashed, blood splashed out from the neck of the Lord of the Abyss like a fountain, and then a huge crack appeared in the throat and spread and expanded quickly.


The eyes of the Lord of the Abyss that were like magic lamps gradually went out, and then the huge head slowly fell down, and finally exploded into pieces in the air.

What collapsed immediately was the body of the Lord of the Abyss.

I saw criss-crossing cracks appearing on this billion-meter-high giant, and then they burst open.

In the boundless blood mist, this blood sea **** tree also began to collapse amidst the loud rumbling noise.

That's right!

The body of the Lord of the Abyss is exactly this blood sea **** tree.

To put it bluntly, he is a tree monster who can practice Tao.

When the body also burst, the Lord of the Abyss finally felt unparalleled fear.

For him, an old monster who has survived for tens of thousands of years, nothing is more terrifying than losing his life!

I thought that Xue An would break his own way at best, but he would continue to be the Blood Sea Dryad.

Unexpectedly, what Xue An wanted was to destroy himself!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help letting out a terrifying roar.

The sound shook the void and spread across the entire abyss.

"Xue An, are you really going to kill them all?"

Xue An, who also lost his head and was covered with scars, did not respond, but in front of his stump, a red and white lotus slowly emerged.

"Do not!"

The void was shattered by this huge roar.

But in the next moment, this lotus flower bloomed vigorously.

The moment it bloomed, the fire of karma spread up, covering Xue An's remnant body.

Karma burns and the soul is destroyed!

In contrast, the body of the Lord of the Abyss was also enveloped in the raging fire.

"Ah ah ah ah! Xue An, I will be waiting for you in hell!"

The sound stopped abruptly, because at this moment, under the burning of karma, his body had already turned into fly ash and disappeared.

What disappeared together was the huge divine mind of the Lord of the Abyss.

The starry sky gradually became quiet, the karmic fire had long since receded, and the shattered space was renewed.

Everything is quiet and terrible.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly.


Tianzhuna was the first to react and exclaimed, "Xue An!"

After all, he jumped up and came before the stars.

But at this moment, there is nothing here except for the powerful energy fluctuations just left behind.

Tianzhana's heart gradually sank to the bottom, and his whole body trembled.

Could it be said that Xue An died with the Lord of the Abyss?

Otherwise, why didn't he even have a trace of his existence?

At this moment.

A faint ripple suddenly appeared in the space not far in front, followed by fires gushing out from it, condensing in the air without dispersing.

In the flames, there was a figure slowly emerging.

The sky covered the startled, Xuan even showed ecstasy.

at the same time.

The flame gradually converges and condenses.

These fire lights are like the colors filled in the outline, making this figure gradually clear.

at last.

The flame disappeared, and there was a young man in white clothes Shengxue with sword-like eyes.

It is Xue An.

Tianzhe was overjoyed, and laughed loudly: "Old Xue, I know you will be fine!"

At this moment, Xue An's eyes were full of exhaustion, and the aura of the whole person also fell to the bottom, but he still smiled slightly.

However, he did not speak, but lowered his head and looked at the ancient mirror inside.

The shape of this ancient mirror is very simple, and it does not look surprising, and there is a huge crack on the mirror surface, which is obviously broken.

But Xue An gently rubbed the mirror, her eyes twinkling, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Tianzhuna naturally saw this scene, especially when he noticed the broken mirror in Xue An's hand, his complexion couldn't help but change.

"Old Xue, this is..."

Xue An nodded, "That's right! This is why the Lord of the Abyss can be immune and rebound all damage!"

A look of shock appeared in Tianzhana's eyes.

As he has personally experienced the power of the Lord of the Abyss, he naturally understands the horror of this ability.

But I never expected that such a sky-defying ability was only due to this small mirror.

This is really incredible.

"Then now this ancient mirror..." Tianzhe said hesitantly.

Xue An shook his head, "It's gone!"

Xue An did not lie.

This ancient mirror is indeed the reason why the Lord of the Abyss can possess such a heaven-defying ability.

But it is now obsolete.

But Xue An is very clear that this is by no means for his own sake.

Because this ancient mirror was taken out of the fire of karma.

At that time, even though this ancient mirror was burned by the raging fire, the whole body of the mirror did not even change at all, and it was even cold after touching it.

This is the first time Xue An has seen an existence that can completely exempt from the Red Lotus White Fire attack.

And Xue An could feel that this ancient mirror was not gold or wood, and its nature was completely different from any artifact he had seen.

So where did it come from?

Xue An was lost in thought.

At this time, Tianzhe sighed slightly regretfully, trying to say something, but seeing Xue An's appearance, he couldn't help closing his mouth again.

at the same time.

The entire abyss also boiled.

"Mine, the Lord of the Abyss was actually destroyed by this young man! Who is he?" An Abyss Demon God said shiveringly.

"The abyss will have no peace from now on!" the "people of insight" worried.

In the Demon Clan, the Taifeng Demon Venerable who just returned here, as well as the abyssal demons such as Kang Shuaifu and Zhan Qianchen watched this scene even more incredible.

Until a moment later, everyone trembled together, and then looked at each other, and they all saw the shock on each other's faces.

Because even Taifeng Demon Venerable who had the most confidence in Xue An's strength did not expect that Xue An could actually destroy the Lord of the Abyss.

But now the facts are in front of them, and they can't help but believe it!

"I... what shall we do now?" Zhan Qianchen whispered.

At this moment, he only felt afraid for a while.

I dared to be dissatisfied with such an existence before...

how to say!

It means you are lucky if you can survive!

Tai Feng looked at and suddenly shouted: "Call the group demon, and leave now!"

"What are you doing?" Duan Wanfa asked.

Taifeng took a deep breath, "Go and meet...the new master of the abyss!"

At the same time, not only them, but also the quick-reaction ones among the various forces began to set off.

Because they all understood that no matter who the white-clothed boy was, since the Lord of the Abyss was destroyed, he was the new master.

And if you were the first to visit the new king, wouldn't you be able to make a good impression in the first place?

With this thought, the abyss completely boiled.

At this time, Xue An had already woken up from his doubts.

Tianzhe stepped forward with some worry, "What's the matter?"

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