
There was a wave of ripples in the void, and then Xue An abruptly cut out a gate of time and space.

The pale Tianzha was slightly startled when he saw it, "Have you already controlled the authority of the abyss?"

Xue An responded with a low voice, "Hmm!"

Then he glanced at Tianzhe, "Is there any strength?"

Tianzhe laughed, "You too underestimated me, I'm also a powerful immortal king, and I can't stop me from this loss!"

Xue An laughed, "Well, come with me!"

After all, Xue An stepped into the gate of time and space.

Tianzhe smiled slightly, and then followed.

But he didn't know that at the moment he crossed the gate of time and space, Xue An's complexion became paler than paper, his eyes were also dull and dull, and the tiredness in it could not be hidden.

And just as Xue An and Tian Zona stepped into the gate of time and space, on the earth, a war was in full swing.


Pieces of chess pieces emerged out of thin air, forming a strange lore array, blocking the attacking mechanical evil soldiers.

But only a moment later, these alchemy lives tempered by various forbidden sorceries shattered all obstacles.

Wei Rulan snorted, and took a few steps back with a pale face. There was a gap in the originally stable front formation.

An alchemy bird soaring in the sky saw this opportunity, and saw it dive down, and wanted to grab Wei Rulan.

Wei Rulan's face turned pale, because now she has consumed all her cultivation base, and she has no time to react.

And the teammate closest to her was also fighting forgotten his life, without any scruples about her.

There was a look of despair in Wei Rulan's eyes.

But at this moment, a virtual image of shaking hexagrams suddenly appeared, shattering the alchemy bird.

Wei Rulan looked up.

But seeing Zhuge Zang who was fighting endlessly with a few abyss evil gods in the sky, smiled at her slightly during the battle.

A warm current surged in Wei Rulan's heart.

Because this is not the first time Zhuge Zang rescued her.

At this moment, the war has been going on for three full days, during these three days, all the strong on earth have fought.

Zhuge Zang is no exception, especially because he is the existence with the highest cultivation level on earth today, so he is also under the greatest pressure.

For example, the top evil gods in the sky have to be dealt with.

But even in this situation, Zhuge Zang took extra care of Wei Rulan.

Wei Rulan was flattered at first, but she didn't know the reason until later.

It turned out that Zhuge Zang saw Wei Rulan's talent at a glance, and believed that both her fate and spirituality were extremely suitable for practicing his divination.

Therefore Zhuge Zang will help her out of trouble at any cost.

at last!

This wave of attacks was repelled.

When these bizarre alchemy monsters retreated, all the strong men present immediately collapsed to the ground, and some even fainted.

And taking advantage of this gap, a back-up army composed of human forces rushed up, some cleaning the battlefield, while others were in charge of treating the wounded.

Everyone is racing against time and busy with their own affairs, and it is precisely because of their existence that many powerful people can survive until now.

These three days of war, through the broadcast of major media, have spread throughout the earth.

After seeing the almost endless creatures of the evil god, all the countries that had been intriguing were silent.

Because they all know that if the line of defense is lost, the entire earth will instantly become a paradise for these evil gods.

At that time, the civilization of mankind for thousands of years will no longer exist, and it is still unknown whether the human race will survive.

At this critical moment of life and death, various countries finally abandoned all their prejudices and united closely, and then burst out unimaginable forces.

Like now.

Countless large machines dragged all these alchemy creatures away, and handed them over to the scientists behind for almost crazy reverse manufacturing.

On the vacated ground, elite troops from various countries are frantically laying anti-alchemy mines.

This is the weapon that has been made by studying these alchemy creatures in reverse in the past few days.

This kind of mine has no other function, the only function is to have extremely strong lethality against alchemy creatures.

Because of this, the defensive front on the ground has been able to persist until now.

But the ground is only a less important part of it, and the more important thing is the control of the airspace.

Countless radars and monitoring equipment are aimed at the airspace above this space-time channel.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even a bird flying by will be instantly turned into slag.

Zhuge Zang fell to the ground, and before he could stand firm, a powerful medical support team surged up.

The blood-returning medicine made by the super-enhanced Tianyuan potion mixed with the Chinese medicine pill is stuffed into Zhuge Zang's mouth like no money.

Hua Tingting and other doctors with cultivation bases are constantly treating Zhuge Zang's wounds.

Zhuge Zang was a bit unaccustomed to this kind of super luxurious treatment at the beginning, but General Zhen Guo made it clear.

Now that Mr. Xue is absent, you are the backbone of the earth, so your safety and health are the first.

Compared with this, a medical team standing by at any time is almost nothing.

When Zhuge Zang walked into the temporarily built underground fortress, Fan Mengxue and Tang Xuan'er, who looked tired, were also receiving various methods of treatment and recovery.

The atmosphere in the underground fortress is a bit solemn, but everyone is busy with their own affairs in an orderly manner.

The entire underground fortress is cluttered and uncluttered, and there are even Chinese music masters who have come on the initiative to play music that can help people relax.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Zang couldn't help but admire secretly.

What a terrible race!

Even an ordinary person is doing his best at this kind of moment.

This spirit is simply moving.

"Mr. Zhuge!"

As soon as he saw him coming in, the rest of the powerhouses stood up.

Zhuge Zang hurriedly waved his hand, "Don't worry about me! Rest!"

The people just sat back.

Someone moved a lounge Zhuge Zang sat on it, and before he could speak, someone brought a nutritious and specially-designed meal.

"Mr. Zhuge, this has been fine-tuned according to your taste. It has just been cooked by a few special chefs. Eat it now!"

"Thank you!" Zhuge Zang was not polite, and ate with a smile.

At this moment, Zou Sui of the Fire Phoenix Army sneaked over.

Zhuge Zang didn't even lift his head, "You monkey boy, what are you doing?"

"Hey, Lord Zhuge, I have seen all of your sassy and heroic posture on the battlefield today. That's really handsome and nothing to say!"

"Fart, let go!" Zhuge Zang said with a smile.

After these days of fighting, people's relationships have become much closer.

Zou Sui smiled, then wandered at Xiao Rui who was standing in the far corner.

"Master Zhuge, why does this girl Xiaorui keep silent?"

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