"What's the matter?" An Yan separated from the crowd and walked over.

As soon as he saw her, Hu Ye, who was already aggressive, immediately stunned, and hurriedly landed on the ground, bowing respectfully.

"sister in law!"

An Yan was startled, and then he smiled, "So it's Brother Foxye! What were you talking about just now? I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

Although An Yan was laughing, Hu Ye felt a chill for no reason.

Especially after hearing the question later, he swallowed with difficulty, "Sister-in-law, I didn't say anything! You heard it wrong, right!"

"Really didn't say?"

"I really didn't say!" Hu Yeyi said righteously.

But at this moment, I thought about suddenly poking his head out from behind An Yan, "Mom, Uncle Fox Ye is clearly lying, he just clearly said that Dad is a bastard!"

"Yes, I heard it too, and it was so loud!" Nian-nian made another cut.

A cold sweat loomed on Hu Ye's forehead, and then looked at Hu Ying with a look of help.

But at this moment, Hu Ying, all her attention was attracted by A Rou who was standing behind Hu Ye, and she didn't even notice it.

At this moment, An Yan sighed softly, "Brother Foxye, you have worked so hard to come to the earth to help out. I am grateful to you, but you should not misunderstand your brother. Yes, Ying'er has indeed been with us all the time. Yes, but your brother has never done anything to be sorry for a friend. I can testify to this!"

Hearing An Yan’s gentle and firm words, Hu Ye was ashamed, and lowered his head and said, "Sister-in-law, I was just talking about it for a while. Don’t go to your heart. In fact, even without your testimony, I will not I would doubt Xue An, after all I have known each other for so many years, I still know his character!"

"It's fine if you can think like this!" An Yan nodded, just about to say something next.

At this moment, Hu Ying pointed at A Rou with a look of astonishment, "Brother, who is she?"

"Ahem!" Hu Ye coughed slightly, "I almost forgot to introduce you. This is my girlfriend, that is, your sister-in-law, but you can't call her sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law?" Hu Ying's eyes gradually widened, her face full of disbelief.

"Yeah! Is there any problem?"

Hu Ye's face was indifferent, but Arouke was not as thick as his. She was flushed, lowered her head and kneaded the corners of her clothes, obviously she didn't know what to do.

At this moment, An Yan suddenly stepped forward and took her hand.

Feeling the warmth of An Yan's palm, A Rou raised her head in surprise.

Although I can't see it, it can be concluded from the faint fragrance that comes from it and the delicate hand that holds oneself, the other party must be a peerless beauty.

Just when A Rou was shocked.

An Yan smiled slightly, "So you are the girl that Fox Ye has been thinking about! You look so beautiful!"

A warm current suddenly appeared in A Rou's heart, and she opened her mouth, trying to say something, "I..."

An Yan interrupted her directly, "Hu Ye calls my sister-in-law, then you call me sister-in-law too! Go, let's talk over there!"

Speaking of An Yan, he took A Rou's hand and walked inside.

The two little girls followed, and then she lowered her voice and asked Tang Xuan'er aside.

"Aunt Xuan'er, can this aunt's eyes be invisible?"

Tang Xuan'er smiled, "Yes!"

"Wow, this aunt is so pitiful!" Nian Nian said.

Tang Xuan'er said sternly: "If you miss Nian, remember, you can't just say these things casually! Even out of sympathy, because it will hurt others!"

"Oh!" The two little girls nodded seemingly.

But Hu Ying stood there and stared blankly, obviously still a bit unable to turn.

After An Yan and her party walked away, she immediately leaned forward and said in a very low voice: "No, brother, are you going to come for real this time?"

Hu Yebai glanced at his sister, "Nonsense, when have I not been serious?"

Hu Ying sneered and counted with her fingers.

"Last time you said that you were serious, but the princesses of other people's scorpion race have all entered the Qingqiu fox country. You are so good, and hide without a trace!"

"And the last time the White Snake clan princess, the last time Yuhuo Palace Master Sister... I can't even count what I know, what else are you talking about?"

Hearing his sister's words, Huye's eyelids twitched, and then she laughed, "That's different. The vulgar fans were chasing your brother and me backwards. I don't even bother to care about them!"

Hu Ying rolled her eyes, "Can you stop being so narcissistic?"

"What I said is the truth! Of course, it may also be that I said something messy at the beginning, but I promise that I and all of them are innocent!" Hu Ye anxiously touched his forehead. The veins are all visible.

"What about this? What do you say about this?"

"This..." Hu Ye smiled, "I don't know, but I just want to give her the best!"

Ling Huying fell silent suddenly.

Because why is it not like that?

But immediately she sighed faintly: "Brother, have you ever thought that if the elders knew that you had found a mortal woman to be your wife, and she was still a blind woman who could not be seen, how would you say they would react?"

"I care about their reaction! Anyway, I just like her, is it wrong to like someone?" Hu Ye immediately retorted.

Hu Ying's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and then smiled and said, "Yes, is it wrong to like someone? Then I..."

"Come on, your situation is different from mine! That's my good friend!"

"What's wrong with a good friend?" Hu Ying disapproved.

"The key is that they have a family!"

"But I don't mind being a concubine!"

Fox Night: "..."

"The fox door is unfortunate, it's the fox door!" Hu Ye sighed up to the sky.

"Don't give me this set! Be careful, I will tell my future sister-in-law all your details!"

"you dare!"

"Look, I dare not!"

Just as the two brothers and sisters were bickering daily.

Two brilliant lights descended from the sky, and after the figures inside appeared, it was Zhuge Zang and Tianzhe.

The two of them have not been idle recently, running around in outer space all day, arranging various formations to prepare for the next defense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When they appeared on the court, the two first glanced. He saw the Fox Night standing there, and then he was stunned.

Hu Ye smiled slightly, "Old folks, long time no see!"

Tianzhana rubbed his eyes and made sure it was not dazzling, he couldn't help exclaiming: "I wiped it, vixen, where did you come out?"

The nickname of the vixen made Huye's face sinking suddenly, "The surname is Tian, ​​are you the **** tickle again? I want to be beaten!"

"Oh, come out heads-up if you refuse to accept it!" Tianzhe said nonchalantly.

"One-on-one! Who is afraid of whom!"

The two fairy kings were just as amused as a child.

"It's alright, you two are really not ashamed!" Zhuge Zang waved his hand to stop the two of them from fighting, and then smiled and said to Fox Ye.

"I just felt someone invaded the detection circle I left behind, so I guessed it might be you, so I hurried back! I didn't expect it to be you!"

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