This sword came extremely fast, and wherever it passed, even the space was cut in half.

Such terrifying power shocked Tianzhuna, but at this time he was unable to retreat. In anxious situation, Tianzhuna had to reluctantly urge his own Immortal King Faxiang to resist this sword.


Cut with one sword.

The dark king above the head of the sky was in pain, and his arm burst open.

But this was just the beginning, the sword that had been slashed went back and forth, and went straight to the back of Tianzhuna.

Tianzhe was so scared that the souls were mad, desperately rushing forward, trying to avoid the sword.

But how can he be the opponent of this sword, who has not recovered his residual blood?

Seeing that the sword light was about to enter the body, at this moment, a space-time vortex suddenly appeared behind him, dragging the sword light into it.

Although this sword light burst out after only a moment, completely smashing the vortex, but it was a bit of time.

At the same time, a furry tail protruded from the void, directly blocking the sword light.

The two slammed together, and the tail was slowly bent backwards under the pressure of the sword.

Hu Ye snorted, "Reflection!"

Layers of ripples appeared on this tail, like a mirror, shooting out the sword.

When the sword reached mid-air, Chu Wuxiang jumped up and blasted the sword light with a punch.


Jian Guang trembled, as if struggling unwillingly, only then did it completely break apart.

But after such a delay, Jian Qi had already passed through the blockade of everyone, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the earth.

Tianzhe was undecided, and shouted out of breath: "Fuck, what the **** is this girl, why is it so cruel?"

Zhuge Zang looked solemn, and said solemnly: "She has achieved her sword power, and she can't stop him with her power alone, Old Chu, you are here to deal with this group of people, and the rest will come with me!"

After that, he turned into streamer and chased after him.

Tianzha, Huye and Ye Hanshang followed closely behind.

At the same time, through the live broadcast of TV cameras, the world has seen everything that just happened, especially when they saw Jianqi flying to the earth, countless people exclaimed.

"My God, why is this woman so powerful?" Someone was shocked.

"It's over, even the fairy king can't stop her. Who else can be her opponent?" someone screamed.

In the Earth Allied Forces Command, the atmosphere is equally depressing and terrifying.

Seeing the streamer coming straight to the earth in the monitor, everyone's faces turned pale.

Only the general of the town country was stunned and shouted in a deep voice: "Is it locked?"

The soldiers operating the radar were sweating profusely, and tremblingly said, "General, her speed is too fast to be locked at all!"

When they spoke, the streamer had already flown into the atmosphere.

The General Zhen Guo immediately shouted: "If you can't lock it, then the artillery will cover it! Give me missiles in all the directions that she may advance and avoid!"


It may be that the calmness of the general of the town and country infected these staff, and people immediately started to get busy.

The computer calculated frantically and quickly listed all the points,

Immediately afterwards, among the nearest missile bases, countless missiles rose into the air, dragging white flames to meet the streamer.

But before these missiles rushed to the front, a sword light swung in the air like a dragon.

Boom boom boom!

All the missiles were directly detonated, and Jian Qi's figure had passed through the blockades to reach Xue An.

The surveillance cameras all over here record everything faithfully.

Everyone's hearts chilled in an instant.

Because no one thought that Jian Qi could come so fast, and it was going straight to Xue An's direction.

at the same time.

An Yan who noticed the strangeness slowly opened her eyes.

Not far in front of her, Jian Qi was suspended in the air, looking at her with interest.

"Alchemy armor? Isn't this skill long lost?"

Seeing Jian Qi with a curious look, An Yan's heart tightened for no reason, because she noticed the sword intent above Jian Qi's head.

The strength of this sword intent made her hair stand up.

Not only her, but Tang Xuan'er, Fan Mengxue and others behind her felt the horror of this ethereal woman.

Is this the enemy who is going to attack my husband?

This thought flashed in An Yan's mind, and then slowly stood up.

The armor stretched, and behind it, a pair of golden wings gradually bloomed.

Then An Yan raised the pan in his hand and pointed at Jian Qi obliquely, "I don't care who you are, now get out of me!"

Jian Qi was not angry, but looked at it with interest, "Lei Zun with the aura of an immortal king? It's a pity that his strength is too weak to control it at all!"

At the end, the curiosity in Jian Qi's eyes gradually faded, and then he waved casually.

A sword light appeared in front of An Yan in an instant.

An Yan didn't react at all, and the golden wings behind him snapped together, which was able to block the sword.


An extremely crisp sound of gold and iron humming, An Yan was shocked. Although he was not injured because of the armor protection, he was directly blasted out by the huge force contained in this sword.

At the same time, Tang Xuan'er and others' attacks had already blasted before Jian Qi.

But Jian Qi didn't even glance at them, just stared at the defensive light curtain in front, and stepped out one step at a time.


At this step, the sword was as powerful as a mountain, directly smashing all the attacks of Tang Xuan'er and the others, and shook them out.

From the appearance of Jian Qi to the present, in just a few breaths, An Yan and the others who guarded it were all shaken out.

And looking at Jian Qi's appearance, it seemed that she didn't use much power at all, which also shows how terrifying her strength is.

Jian Qi took another step and was about to come before the light curtain.

But at this moment, an invisible figure suddenly appeared beside her, and then blasted a blow.

But in the next second, this figure was shaken out like a kite with a broken line, and a mouthful of blood was spit out in Zou Sui, who was so dizzy by Jianwei to see this The scene could not help but screamed, "Xiao Rui!"

Then he rushed up and caught Xiao Rui.

But at this time, Xiao Rui had passed out, with a trace of red blood still remaining at the corner of her mouth.

When Zou Sui saw this, his eyes were red.

"Damn girl, I'm fighting with you!"

Saying that he put down Xiao Rui, he wanted to step forward, but just took a step, a powerful sword power directly crushed him to the ground.

Immediately after hearing a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, a sword light slashed straight down, blasting the defensive light curtain that was as solid as a golden soup.

In the shattered light and shadow, Xue An's figure gradually appeared.

"Not good!" Zhuge Zang, who had already arrived in the middle, exclaimed when he saw this.

Fox Ye's eyes were about to split, and with a flick of his figure, the fox tail attacked Jian Qi's back with a swift speed.

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