At the same time, the sword power that enveloped the audience suddenly disappeared without a trace.

An Yan rushed forward first, firmly guarding Xue An behind him.

at the same time.

Zou Sui, who was already red eyes, roared and charged up.

"Dare to hurt Xiaorui and die for me!"

As he said, he raised the dagger in his hand and pierced it.

"No!" Zhuge Zang yelled hurriedly.

It may be too late.

Before Zou Sui's dagger touched Jian Qi's body, a ray of sword light suddenly appeared, and then he smashed the dagger, pierced into Zou Sui's palm, and penetrated through his shoulder.

With blood flowing out, Zou Sui almost passed out in pain.

Zhou Daniu quickly stepped forward to support him.

At this time, Zhuge Zang rushed forward and looked at Xue An first, and he was relieved to see that he was safe.

Then he looked at Jian Qi who had entered Ding with a deep face, and said in a deep voice.

"No one should approach her at will! Because she is...more dangerous than when she is awake!"

No one thought that this battle would end in such a dramatic way.

Seeing Jianqi sitting cross-legged on the ground into concentration, many people have a very funny feeling in their hearts.

What is this called?

I suddenly stopped hitting, and then stayed?

Just when everyone didn't know what to say, Chu Wuxiang returned, and behind him was a group of men and women with apathetic expressions.

"Where is Shang Liang?" Zhuge Zang asked.

Chu Wuxiang smiled embarrassedly, "He ran away, I didn't catch up! But none of these guys ran away, I caught them all!"

"Let's run away! A fairy king wants to run, we really can't keep him! Now the key is how to deal with this crazy female and these guys!" Hu Ye asked.

Everyone nodded silently when they heard the words.

"What else do I need to say? This woman acted recklessly and almost killed Xue An, so naturally she killed it!" Tianzhe said angrily.

Zhuge Zang shook his head with a wry smile, "It's not that simple. This woman is addicted to swords and has an unfathomable kendo practice. Don't look at her now in Dharma, but ordinary means can't help her at all!"

"What should I do? Do you just watch her stay here like this?"

Zhuge Zang glanced at Jian Qi meaningfully, "Actually... it's not necessarily a bad thing for her to be here now!"

"What do you mean?" Tianzhe asked in confusion.

"Nothing..." Zhuge Zang smiled and shook his head, "Maybe I think too much! Anyway, it's better to leave her alone for now!"

Then he glanced at the group of guys that Chu Wuxiang had brought back. Everywhere he looked at, these people trembled.

Zhuge Zang frowned slightly.

These people are basically bad guys full of wickedness, and there are even a few Jiang Yang thieves who have committed heinous crimes.

Therefore, his expression became cold, and he said solemnly: "Old Chu, since these people dare to come, there is nothing to say, kill them all!"

As soon as these words came out, these guys started crying.

"My lord, please spare your life! All this is caused by that fellow Shang Liang, it has nothing to do with us!"

"Yes, sir, we are all blinded by Shang Liang to do such wrong things, please forgive me!"

Amidst the begging for mercy, a trembling female voice suddenly came.

"My lord, I have an important message. Can you spare my life if I say it?"

"Oh? Important information?" Zhuge Zang was taken aback.

"That's right!" It was the seductive woman who was talking, and she said with a pale face: "It's about this Lord Immortal!"

Zhuge Zang nodded, "Okay! If what you say is true, then I can consider letting you go!"

The seductive woman was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Thank you, my lord, I am a hollow person in the fairy star field. When I was invited by Shang Liang to leave, I heard a news by chance that it was the five elements of evil back then. The emperor has also received the news that the Red Lotus Immortal respects life, and has returned to the mountain, ready to come to retaliate!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhuge Zangtianzhana, Ye Hanshang and others all changed in color.

Only An Yan, Hu Ying and others are unknown.

Hu Ying asked her brother in a low voice, "Brother, who is the evil emperor of the five elements?"

At this moment, the face of Fox Night became very ugly, he explained in a deep voice.

"The Five Elements Evil Emperor is the five evil sect masters who swayed the heavens back then. They are the five evil sects of Dongmu, Nanhuo, Xijin, North Water and Soil! And the five of them are in charge of the Five Elements Rule, proving the Taoist Immortal King's status, and they are extremely powerful!"

"Not only that!" Ye Hanshang said in a deep voice, "These five people are narrow, and they must be reported, and they cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding. Once they do it, the five people will be dispatched together, and the five elements will come out, even if it is the immortal emperor. Zun also had to retreat, so it was so rampant that no one dared to provoke it!"

Hu Ying's face paled when she heard it, "Then... Then what are they looking for Brother Xue for?"

Zhuge Zang sighed, "Back when Xue An was first ascended to the Immortal Emperor, the Five Elements Evil Emperor provoked various kinds of provocations, so Xue An fought against them single-handedly, and the final result was that the Five Elements Sect was forced to disband, and the Five Elements Evil Emperor did not know that In the end, they didn’t expect them to be alive! And after knowing Xue An’s current situation, they would definitely not let it go!"

Zhuge Zang's tone was full of worry.

After all, the evil emperor of the five elements is different from Shang Liang!

That was one of the best evil sect masters.

Once they come, even if they join forces, the outcome will be hard to predict!

At this moment, Hu Ye said solemnly: "Why don't I go back to Qingqiu Fox Country to rescue soldiers! As long as the Great Elder and the others come here, the evil emperor of the five elements will die!"

Zhuge Zang shook his head, "It's too late! Since they are coming, it must be in the past few days. How long will it take for you to go back and forth to Qingqiu Fox Country?"

Everyone fell into silence.

After a while, Zhuge Zang whispered: "Don't disclose this in advance, otherwise it will easily cause panic. Let's prepare privately!"


An Yan held his hands tightly and looked at Xue An obsessively.

Husband, when will you wake up?

Everyone is busy for you If you can't wake up in time, can all the people on earth escape this catastrophe?

at the same time.

In that endless emptiness, Shang Liang panicked like a dog in the mourning family, fleeing frantically.

While running, his eyes flashed with spiteful light.

"Everything blames Jian Qi, a bitch, the situation that would have been won is actually disturbed by her!"

"There are Zhuge Zanghuye and others. As the fairy king, you are willing to be the watchdog for Xue An. Sooner or later I will let you pay the price!"

Just as he cursed with resentment, suddenly, the void in front became like a copper wall and an iron wall, blocking Shang Liang's path.

Shang Liang was taken aback.

Immediately after hearing a strange yin and yang, a voice full of evil spirits came over.

"Hey, isn't this the master of the Chamber of Commerce? Why are you so embarrassed?"

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