
Tianzhuna's expression became extremely painful, and his whole body's cultivation base burned violently, and his power more than doubled.

Hu Ye gritted his teeth abruptly, and a fox tail behind him exploded directly, and the extremely pure blood poured down his body, making his eyes become blood red.

In contrast, Chu Wuxiang didn't have so many bells and whistles. He saw his muscles twist like a dragon, and then heard a loud noise coming from his body.

It seemed that some restraints were breaking one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Wuxiang's body swelled again, turning into a giant ten meters high, and his muscles were exuding explosive power, and any tremor could squeeze the air out.

Chu Wuxiang smiled, "It's great to let go of all the restraints!"

Hu Ye, who was trembling with the evil emperor of Nanhuo, slapped his tongue when he heard the words, "I wipe, Lao Chu, do you usually carry the restraints on your back?"

Chu Wuxiang nodded, "I'm afraid I won't be able to control my strength, so I imposed ten restrictions on myself!"

Fox night: "..."

This war unfolded like a raging fire.

The eleven fairy kings fought together, and the power was so powerful that the space was constantly shattering.

The whole world is watching this scene in the sky very worried.

Because the outcome of this battle will directly affect the survival of all people.

But no monk can step forward to help out, because the monks below Daluo can't even stand wherever the power of the fairy king passes.

So they can only clenched their fists and watched very nervously.

The Man Tian Xie Xiu who followed the Five Elements Evil Emperor didn't do anything. On the contrary, they all hugged their arms in time, looked at it with interest, and even exchanged opinions with each other.

"Tsk tusk, how long hasn't seen so many immortal kings fighting together?" You Xie Xiu said with a smile.

"I really didn't expect that such a humble little planet actually gave birth to an existence like the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!" Someone sighed.

"It seems that the planet is not big, but the luck seems to be good! When these ants are killed, we can use this as an evil faction stronghold!" Someone has already begun to plan how to occupy the earth.

In their eyes, the earth is already in their hands.

Because they felt that even if the defensive Fox Ye and others were the immortal king, how could they be the opponent of the Five Elements Evil Emperor?

At the same time, the battlefield situation gradually became stalemate.

Although the Five Elements Evil Emperor had to surpass Zhuge Zang and others in strength, and also had an advantage in number, but because of the desperate struggle of Hu Ye and others, he barely stood up.

But that's all, as time goes by, Huye and others are falling into the wind bit by bit.

At this moment, the evil emperor of Middle-earth caught a chance and winked at Shang Liang.

Shang Liang understood his mind and directly took the position of the evil emperor of the Middle Earth.

The Evil Emperor Middle-earth took this opportunity to separate an incarnation and stay here. As for the body, it dived into the void and ran away.

In an instant, he came outside Kunlun.

Looking at the light curtain in the distance, a cold smile appeared on the face of the Evil Emperor Zhongtu.

That should be the sleeping place of Red Lotus Immortal Venerable.

Then he flashed, dived underground and ran towards it.

At this moment, An Yan and others who are waiting around are waiting.

But because of the cultivation base of the Evil Emperor in the Earth, how could they be aware of whereabouts.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the Evil Emperor Middle-earth sneaked into the light curtain silently.


Under the curtain of light, Xue An sat cross-legged, his head drooping, and there was no breath on his body.

And beside him, there is a woman who has entered into concentration.

However, all the attention of the Evil Emperor Zhongtu at the moment was focused on Xue An.

When it was determined that Xue An did not have the slightest aura and had fallen between life and death, the evil emperor of Middle-earth showed excitement, and then quietly came to Xue An.

All the past flashed through his mind.

When Xue An first ascended to the position of the Immortal Emperor, he killed five of his brothers with his own power, and fled to the edge of the heavens before barely saving his life.

At that time they also thought about revenge, but Xue An broke through one after another, and eventually became the red lotus immortal.

Under these powers, the five of them were so scared that they didn't even dare to show their heads, and dared not mention revenge anymore.

But who would have thought that Xue An actually fell. After learning the news, the five of them were crying with joy, but they were afraid that Xue An had deliberately released false news, so they did not dare to be too arrogant.

It was not until later that it was determined that Xue An was really dead, and the five of them let go of their hearts and reopened the gate with great fanfare.

I thought that Xue An died just like that, but they never expected that they received a message from the Lord of the Abyss some time ago.

Xue An was actually reborn, and once again cultivated half a step into the realm of the fairy king.

Upon hearing the news, they rushed here immediately.

One is for revenge, but more importantly, they want to cut the roots. After all, Xue An is not dead, and they can't even sleep well.

All the humiliation at that time passed in front of his eyes, and the Evil Emperor of Middle-earth couldn't help but grinned, then slowly raised his hand.

"The surname is Xue, it's all your retribution, so...go to death!"

With that said, his palm was about to fall.

At this moment, a slender hand was gently resting on his shoulder, and then he heard a cold female voice coming from behind.

"what are you doing?"

The Evil Emperor Middle-earth became so scared that his muscles stiffened instantly, and he flew to the front. When he turned around, he saw a woman with an extremely ethereal face and a vertical line between her brows.

She tilted her head and looked at Evil Emperor Tuxing, "Did you just want to kill him?"

The evil emperor of Middle-earth felt cold for no reason, and Xuan even said angrily: "So what? Who the **** are you?"

"My name is Jian Qi!"

Jian Qi took a step forward, guarding Xue An behind him, and said lightly: "I don't care who you can't kill him now! Because he is mine now!"

Emperor Tu Xing Xie's eyes flashed, and he said in shock: "Sword Seven? Are you that sword lunatic?"

Jian Qi was silent, but looked at him coldly.

The Evil Emperor Tu Xing pondered for a moment, and then said: "Sword Seven Girl, as far as I know, you have nothing to do with Xue An. Why do you protect him like this?"

"Because no one can touch his vellus hair before competing with him, even you!" Jian Qi said coldly.

The evil emperor Tuxing was furious, but as the top powerhouse of the evil faction, he quickly returned to normal, and then laughed grinningly: "A sword repair in a small area is really a big tone. Since you refuse to let it go, let's go together. go to hell!"

As he said, he patted it off.

The great earthquake trembled endlessly, and countless earth travel forces surged out, making the power of this palm extremely powerful.

But just under the cover of this earth-yellow giant force, a sword light rushed out, and directly nailed to the chest of the Evil Emperor Tuxing, and took it away.

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