Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1779: Cut the fairy king like a pig

Seeing this, Xue An's mouth gradually raised, revealing a slight smile, and then stretched out his hand to pat Shang Liang's head.

"Yes, what a good boy, let me listen to grandpa a few more calls!"

"Master! Ancestor!"

At this moment, Shang Liang had completely lost his mind, and his face was worth a few dollars, which was nothing compared to fate.

And as long as you can escape this catastrophe, you are waiting for me!

Shang Liang was secretly ruthless.

Xue An laughed, arrogantly and wildly, and then patted Shang Liang's cheek with his hand.

"Yes, Shang Liang! You can be regarded as an appreciative person!"

Shang Liang smiled flatly, "Yes, yes! This is what you taught Grandpa!"

This flattery is simply disgusting.

Xue An's smile became colder, and then slowly leaned down and whispered in his ear: "But do you think I will let you go?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shang Liang suddenly changed his expression, urging the residual cultivation base to resist.

But at this moment, the sword in Xue An's hand didn't know when it had touched his chest, and then pierced in with a pop.

With blood splashing, Shang Liang roared in agony.

"Xue An, you bastard, you just said clearly that you want to let me go!"

Xue An was expressionless, and said coldly: "I said I would give you a chance, but did I say I would let you go? Everything is just your wishful thinking!"

Shang Liang felt that the sword in his body seemed to be alive, absorbing his vitality crazily.

In a blink of an eye, Shang Liang felt cold throughout his body, and he couldn't even lift a finger. His extreme fear and anger made him look at Xue An very resentfully.

"Then you are teasing me by making me kneel?"

Xue An nodded, "Yes! I was teasing you!"

"You bastard, I won't let you go as a ghost!" Shang Liang was mad.

Xue An shook his head, "I'm sorry, you have no chance! But you still have to thank this kneeling, because I originally wanted to refine you, now..."

Xue An drew his sword abruptly, and then pierced Shang Liang's throat with a sword.


Shang Liang's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Xue An with a stern face, the hatred in his eyes could hardly be removed.

But Xue An didn't have any expressions, just said indifferently: "Being able to die by the sword is already your best destination! After all...everyone has to pay for their actions!"

The brilliance in Shang Liang's eyes gradually faded and eventually turned into a dead body without any vitality.

But the brilliance on this Mo Wangan's body became more and more dazzling, as if a long-thirsty traveler finally drank the sweet spring water, absorbing all the blood crazily.

Therefore, even though three fairy kings were killed in a row, the sword body was still as clear as a puddle of autumn water, without the slightest blood taint.

After killing Shang Liang, Xue An raised his head and looked at the three evil emperors hiding in the distance.

These three had different expressions, but without exception, they stood still, and even sat watching Xue An kill Shang Liang the whole time, without saying a word.

This weird situation also aroused everyone's curiosity.

And not only these three evil emperors, but the evil cultivators who followed are also restless at this moment, seeming to be searching for something.

At this moment, Xue An said calmly: "Okay, don't bother! This world has been blocked by me. If you want to cross out, you can only defeat me!"

These words calmed the audience.

Whether it was the three evil emperors or the evil cultivators of various factions, their expressions changed drastically.

" do you know us..." Beishui Evil Emperor trembled.

That's right!

The reason why the three of them were motionless just now was because they were trying to penetrate the space and escape through.

Xue An smiled coldly, "Of course I know that you are going to run away, because I know the nature of you guys too much! Seeing the weak will show off your power, and seeing the strong will run away. This is the usual style of your group of guys. The moment I woke up, I completely sealed off this world! As for now..."

Xue An held a sword flower in his hand, smiled coldly, eyes full of killing intent, "You all stay and die!"

After speaking, Xue An walked along, and every step forward, the sword intent on his body became strong.

In an instant, the majestic sword intent enveloped the whole world.

Immediately afterwards, in the red lotus technique above Xue An's head, a condensed sword technique appeared in the hand of the young man in white.

The moment the two merged into one, a huge power that surpassed the world suddenly appeared, causing countless people to become disillusioned.

At the same time, Xue An crossed his eyebrows, raised his eyes, and cut out with a sword.

"This sword is named Acacia!"


The sword light traverses the world, cuts off the ancient and modern, and rushes towards the three evil emperors with the supreme might.

The three of them were so frightened that they turned around and fled, regardless of the decent of the fairy king.

But this sword, as its name suggests, is the most difficult one.

No matter how the three of them dodge, the sword light follows closely like a tarsal maggot.

"Acacia..." Jian Qi on the ground murmured innocently, her eyes shining brightly, and she wanted to rush to ask what happened now.

At the same time, I heard a muffled sound.

The evil emperor Middle-earth stagnated, and then he was cut in half from the middle.

The evil emperor of Middle-earth died!

Following him was the Evil Emperor Beishui. After seeing the evil emperor Middle-earth died on the spot, he seemed to be irritated, roaring hysterically, and then turned around to meet the sword light coming straight in.


Another flash of blood flashed, and a blood stain appeared on the center of Beishui Evil Emperor's forehead, and then he fell to the ground and died absolutely.

Everyone looked at it dumbfounded.

Especially Hu Ye and others, even more dazed.

When did the strong immortal king become like a little chicken, so slaughtered?

At this moment, Xue An walked with sword and walked towards the only remaining Evil Emperor Dongmu.

Evil Emperor Dongmu was so scared that his voice changed, and he screamed like a little girl.

"No! Don't come over! I give up, I am willing to be your servant, serving you forever, please don't kill me!"

But Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, was not moved at all, and then cut out with a sword.

"This sword is called Meet!"

The bright sword light blasted towards the Evil Emperor Dongmu like mercury.

The evil emperor Dongmu frantically urged his cultivation base, and countless vines emerged out of thin air The green wood magic image above his head grew wildly, trying to resist this sword.

But everything is in vain.

Nothing can stop the power of this sword.


Amid the loud noise of the trees breaking and breaking, all the obstructions were swept away, and then the sword light entered without body, and then transmitted from the back, bringing out a blood line.

All the trees withered instantly, and the Evil Emperor Dongmu fell!

At this point, all the six immortal kings who had just been rampant and arrogant fell under Xue An's sword.

Xue An's sword is in the air, white clothing is hunting, his eyes are deep like the sea, the red lotus on the top of his head, the sword intent is lingering around his body, it is like a nine-day banished immortal coming here, which makes people afraid to look directly.

What is invincible?

Cut the fairy king like a pig and a dog!


It's called invincible!

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